GrannyMoon’s Weekly Feast 23-39 June 2019


Solstice Blessings!!!

Blessed be my little witch. To those who came before and those who will come after, know that the Goddess is with you always. Thank you all my dear readers…be blessed.
The NEW MOON always rises at sunrise
And the FIRST QUARTER at noon.
The FULL MOON always rises at sunset
And the LAST QUARTER at midnight.
~The New Orleans Mistic


Dark Moon — Time to Rest
New Moon — Time to Begin New Projects; Birth; Attraction
Waxing Moon — Time to Grow; Increase
Full Moon — Time to be Fulfilled; Abundance
Waning Moon — Time to Banish; Decrease
Last Sliver of Moon — Time to Die; Letting Go
Dark Moon — Time to Rest Again

Light A Candle Today!
In many different traditions lighting a candle is a sacred action. It expresses more than words can express. It has to do with gratefulness. From time immemorial, people have lit candles in sacred places. You may want to begin or end your day by the sacred ritual of lighting a candle on this gratefulness. Or you may want to light a birthday candle for a friend. One single guideline is all you need: Slow down and do it with full attention.


Goddess Month of Month of Rosea begins 6/13 – 7/10
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) June 10 to July 7

Current Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous

From three-and-a-half to ten-and-a-half days after the full moon. From the Full Moon to the New is a time for study, meditation and magic designed to banish harmful energies and habits, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity.

Waning Moon: Symbolic of letting go, surrender, release, quiet time, contemplation, and a time of incubation. The Moon is less than fully but more than one-half illuminated by direct sunlight while the illuminated part is decreasing.

Honoring the Goddess Every Day at
So mote it be!!


Each And Every Day A Feast Day!
Embrace It!!!


The GoddessSchool
High Priestess Certification and Ancient Mystery Teachings
Now Taking Students!
High Priestess Mystery School Training
E-mail me ASAP for an application!


The Goddess School Grimoire
Hardcover: $39.45
Softback: $26.95
eBook (PDF): $6.25

The Goddess School Grimoire is a collection of recipes, artwork, poetry, prose, prayers, rituals, spells, and practical Goddess wisdom put together by the teachers, students, alumni, and friends of The Sisters of the Burning Branch Goddess School. The sisterhood is dedicated to restoring spiritual balance by returning the Divine Feminine to her rightful place and by assisting women in their personal and spiritual development. Since being founded by Head and High Mother Priestess Grandmother Moon in 2000, The Goddess School ( has grown into a large and beautiful global community of women


GrannyMoon is Founder and Mother High Priestess of GoddessSchool, Sisters of the Burning Branch, dedicated to the Feminine Divine. Living in the Washington, DC suburbs, she attended LDS Seminary, Former staff member and student of the Esoteric Theological Seminary, is an ordained Metaphysical Interfaith minister with doctoral degrees in Theology and Divinity, since 1999. She is a current board member of the Northern Virginia Pagan Pride Day, charter member and former counsel and board member of The Order of the White Moon. A scholar of ancient mysteries, Doula, Reiki Master, Herbalist and Lifetime Member of Herbal Healer Academy, Inc. and former VA State Representative A.R.E.N. Alternative Religions Educational Network. She has dedicated her life to the study and teaching of the Esoteric.

Join me! Saturday’s with GrannyMoon!

Face to Face classes at Sticks and Stones – 11037 Lee Highway · Fairfax, VA

On the last Saturday of the month I host the Most Excellent Order of the Black Hat – open to all – a group of solitaires who celebrate the Wheel of the Year. 7:00 – 9:00PM

GrannyMoon’s Herbal Witches Cauldron – Every last Saturday of each month. Explore a new herb or two and work on a hands-on project with us. 4-6PM

Sticks and Stones ~ Westfair Center
11037 Lee Highway Fairfax, VA 22030 (703)352-2343

Teach a witch a spell and she can do that spell. Teach a witch the craft and she can do magick!

GrannyMoon, Teaching the Craft for over 20 years!


GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Moon Day Hail Luna! Hail Mani! Energy: Female Ruler: The Moon Magicks involving the subconscious, healing, emotions, love, spirituality, healing wounds, children, small animals, women’s mysteries,mothers, sisters, female partners, wives, instincts
Today’s Magickal Influences: Agriculture, Domestic, Long Life, Medicine,
Travels, Visions, Theft
Today’s Goddesses: Luna, Selene, Diana, Re, Gaeleach, Ida, Artemis [Whom The
Greeks Associated With Bast], The Witches, Yemaya, Erzulie, Bast
Incense: Myrtle
Perfumes: White Poppy, White Rose, Wallflower
Monday – Wear pearl, moonstone, or crystal. Use an emerald for amulets.
Color of The Day: Silver, Grey, White
Colors for Tomorrow: Red
Candle: White
Cooking on Monday will improve magics for creativity, insight, maternal
nature, and Goddess-related efforts. ~Quote from Magickal Martha

Hail Tyr! GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Tyr’s or Tiu’s Day! Day of Mars, Ares, Tiwaz, Tiw (from whom it is named), Tuisco,. Magickal influences are: Passion, courage, aggression and protection, vitality, passion, ambition and raw, unabashed power. Mars energy makes the mind acute.It is lucky to meet a left-handed person on any day except Tuesday – then it’s an ill omen. A superstition from areas of England that were ruled by the Danelaw, because the day is named for Norse God Týr who sacrificed his right hand to bind the Fenris Wolf. #FolkloreThursday

Tuesday – Wear a ruby, star sapphire, or emerald. Use topaz for amulets.
Today’s Magickal Influences ~ Destination, War, Courage, Surgery, Physical Strength
Be cautious-especially while traveling.
Today’s Goddesses: Aset [Isis], Soorejnaree, Pingalla, Anna, Aine, Danu,
Yngona, Bellona, Aida Wedo, Sun Woman
Perfumes: Hellebore, Carnation, Patchouli
Incense: Lignum Aloes, Plantain
Color of The Day: Red
Colors for Tomorrow: Yellow
Lucky Sign: Tuesday Is The Lucky Day For Aries
Candle: Red
On Tuesday, cooking up a hearty meal featuring carrots, peppers, and garlic (all Mars foods and spices) to empower yourself for victory and success!
Hail Odin! GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Woden’s or Odin’s Day
Energy: Male Ruler: Mercury – Rules healings, the mind – Use for magick
involving mental issues, learning, higher education, addictions,
communications, travel, young people, messages, perception, self-expression,
artists, poets, and writers
Wednesday – Wear amethyst, star ruby, or lodestone. Use turquoise in amulets.
Today’s Magickal Influences: Conjurations, Predictions, Knowledge, Writing,Eloquence
Incense: Cinnamon, Cinquefoil
Perfumes: Sweetpea, Lavender, Mastic, Frankincense, Cloves
Color of The Day: Yellow, Grey
Colors for Tomorrow: Purple, Indigo, Blue
Candle: Yellow
Lucky Sign: Wednesday Is The Lucky Day For Gemini And Virgo
Today’s Goddesses: Aset [Isis], Demeter, Ceres, Spider Woman, Bona Dea, Oya,
Devi-Kali, Hella, Rhiannon, Coatlique, Maman Brigette, Sekhmet, Hathor
GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Thor’s Day Hail Thor!
Energy: Male
Ruler: Jupiter
Today’s Magickal Influences ~ Luck, Religion, Healing, Trade And Employment,Treasure, Honors, Riches, Legal Matters,
Use Growth, Expansion, Prosperity, Money, Business, Attracting attracting more of what you have.
Thor’s Day – Wear sapphire, cat’s eye, or carnelian. Use sapphire in rituals.
Today’s Goddesses: Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Mlaba Mwana Waresa, Ishtar, Nuit
Color of The Day: Purple, Indigo, Blue
Candle: Purple, Blue
Colors for Tomorrow: Green, Light Blue
Perfumes: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes
Incense: Nutmeg, Henbane
Lucky Sign: Thursday Is The Lucky Day For Sagittarius And Pisces
Hail Freya! GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Freya’s Day
Energy: Female Ruler: Venus – Rules lovers and pleasure, affairs of the
heart – Use for magick involving love, peace, beauty, gentleness, women’s
problems, healing, protection, lovers, ease, pleasure, affairs. Resolve
quarrels today!
Friday – Cast love spells on Fridays. Wear blue robes and use turquoise, ruby, emerald or cat’s eye.
Today’s Magickal Influences: All Love Matters, Friendships, Affection,
Partnerships, Money, Sex
Today’s Goddesses: Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus,
Freya, Frigg, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique
Incense: Saffron, Verbena
Perfumes: Stephanotis, Apple Blossom, Musk, Ambergris
Color of The Day: Light Blue, Pale Green
Candle: Green
Colors for Tomorrow: Black
Lucky Sign: Friday Is The Lucky Day For Taurus And Libra
Saint Jegudiel represents Friday
Hail Loki! GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Saturn and Loki’s Day
Day of Seatere, Seater, and Saturn and of Loki, the Norse god of tricks and
revelry. Saturday is ruled by Saturn, whose Magickal influences are:
longevity, endings, and homes. Saturday comes under the influence of Saturn.
Saturn’s influence directs our attention toward routine chores, customs, and
conventional traditions. Saturday is a good day for furthering our ambitions
through perseverance, patience, responsible action, and a sense of purpose .
Saturday – Wear turquoise, labradorite, or diamond. Use amethyst.
Saturday is a good day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving
spirit communication, meditation, psychic self-defense, binding, and
locating lost things or missing persons.
Today’s Goddesses: Ops, Rhea, Tellus Mater, Gaia, Eartha, Ge, Tonantzin,
Asherah, Anath, The Shekinah, The Matronit, Mary, Gula, Herodias, Oddudua,
Today’s Magickal Influences: Duties, Responsibilities, Finding Families,
Works Of Magic, Buildings, Meditation, Life, Doctrines
Today’s Energies: Female – Rules obstacles, overcoming blockages – Use for
magick involving overcoming limitations, the elderly, endings, deaths,
blocks, constrictions, and those restricting you.
Incense: Pepperwort, Assodilious, Black Poppy Seeds, Henbane, Lodestone,
Perfumes: Hyacinth, Pansy
Color of The Day: Black
Colors for Tomorrow: Orange, Gold and Yellow
Lucky Sign: Saturday Is The Lucky Day For Capricorn And Aquarius
Candle: Black
Hail Sunna and Sol! GrannyMoon Says Today is: Sun Day
Energy: Male
Ruler: The Sun
Rule health, prosperity, leadership, joy, and protection – Use for magick involving happiness, prosperity, joy, healing, protection, power,
leadership, ego, authority figures, fathers, husbands
Today’s Goddesses: Sunne, Frau Sonne, Aditi, Igaehindvo, Amaterasu, Arinna,
Izanami, Ochumare
Sunday’s Magickal Influences: Health, Healing, Confidence And Hope, Prosperity
Incense: Dragons Blood
Perfumes: Heliotrope, Orange Blossom, Cloves, Frankincense, Ambergris, Musk, Myrrh
Sunday – wear topaz, sunstone, or diamond. Use pearl in crafting talismans.
Color of The Day: Orange, Gold
Colors for Tomorrow: Silver, Gray, White
Lucky Sign: Sunday Is The Lucky Day For Leo
Candle: Yellow


Llewellyn’s Spell A Day

Tarot Contemplation
June 17, 2019 by Blake Octavian Blair

Today is a Full Moon. The Moon card in the tarot often appears to ask us to look where we may be encountering illusions in our lives. Perhaps things aren’t exactly as they seem. Maybe there are fears that need to be confronted.

Tonight, take the image of the Moon card that you’d like to meditate on from a tarot deck and head outside with it in hand. Find a spot to sit comfortably for a short while you gaze at the moon. Looking at the moon and your card, glancing between them as needed for direction, energy, and inspiration, contemplate and meditate on areas in your life where you feel you’re confused or unclear. Ask Grandmother Moon for guidance. When you feel strongly inspired, you probably have at least the beginning of your answers. Head inside and journal your thoughts. Review your notes as you work through these areas in your life.
National Splurge Day
June 18, 2019 by Emyme

Splurge, spend, spree! Taking into consideration your financial circumstances, today is the day to splurge on yourself. Is there some tool or instrument for your practice that you have been craving? Perhaps a particular spice or herb you have put off buying due to the price? (Quality saffron can really set you back.) What about that cape you saw and covet? Or perhaps there is a purchase you have been putting off, something as simple as new chime candles. The internet is the perfect place to research prices, as there are so many options. Treat yourself and enhance your practice. As you surf websites, cast this spell of intention:

“World wide web, offerings abound,
I seek a delight, consider it found.”
Altar Cleansing Ritual
June 19, 2019 by Ember Grant

Care of sacred space is important. When we neglect these areas, they no longer properly reflect our intent and the care we put into our magic. First, remove any dust, dirt, spilled wax, etc. Then use lemon water to wipe the area and ritually cleanse it. Simply add fresh lemon juice to the amount of water you need and, if possible, allow it to sit in the sun for an hour. Add a quartz crystal to the water as well. Use this water to clean your altar, tools, etc. Visualize the space being renewed and cleared of accumulated energy from previous magical workings.

“This sacred space is clean and pure,
So the magic will endure.”
Midsummer’s Eve
June 20, 2019 by Deborah Blake

Most witches and Pagans celebrate the summer solstice, but for some, the night before, known as Midsummer’s Eve, is just as important. In certain European countries, like Sweden and Finland, it is actually a national holiday. It is said to be a time of magic, mischief, and mystery.

Tonight, as the sun goes down, light a bonfire or sit with a candle in the growing darkness, and embrace the magic of the night. Open yourself up to the elemental powers of nature and, if you like, dance with the fairies under the moonlight. Drink a cup of mead or sparkling water and lift it to the sky, saying:

“I am the cusp of the solstice.
I am the mystery on the wind.
I am the magic in the night.
I am power made manifest
On this Midsummer’s Eve.”
Jara Charm Summer Harvest
June 21, 2019 by Estha McNevin

Celebrate the day by carving your own runic charm to draw the harvest to you. While walking in a park or wildwood today, take a look around for any fallen piece of branch or bark. When you find a tree that calls to you, give it a blessing of milk and/or honey. Say your thanks as you rub a bit of soil from the base of the tree into the woody bark and onto your head as a show of respect. Do your best to identify the type of tree gifting you its earthen wisdom. Eavesdrop…

Using a black-handled crafting knife, carve two right angles, open toward each other, forming the Jara rune (8). As you work, think about the cycle of the seed and the labor of the harvest. Imagine baskets full of grain and fresh fruits. Envision a pantry and fridge full of produce. When you are done, thank the tree again and bless your charm by rubbing soil into the grooves of your symbol.
Lavender Dream Spell
June 22, 2019 by Dallas Jennifer Cobb

This is a time of great abundance, and the herb lavender is in bloom now. Harvest some to make tea to promote sweet dreams, and save some for magical use later on.

Lavender can be used fresh or dried. Known for protection and cleansing, lavender promotes love and has a soothing effect on the nervous system. Taken before bed, lavender tea calms the mind and promotes peaceful dreams.

Place two stems of lavender flowers in a cup, and pour boiling water over them. Steep and serve with honey as desired. Mindfully sip your lavender tea, allowing the sweet aroma and taste to infuse you with a positive, loving energy. Feel your heart chakra opening. As your heart rate and breathing slow, feel yourself relaxing. Feel peaceful and know that sweet dreams await you. Place a sprig of fresh lavender or a drop of lavender oil on your pillow to promote lucid dreaming.
Sweetgrass Braid and Blessing
June 23, 2019 by Stephanie Rose Bird

As sweetgrass rite is an evocative way to welcome the spirits of summer. Cultures across North America burn braided aromatic grasses and rushes, not only sweetgrass but also whatever is available locally. Create a sweetgrass braid and then perform this cleansing and blessing.

Cut wild aromatic grasses or sweetgrass (if available in your area) to about forty inches in length. Braid loosely in three strands, like a hair braid.

Stroke the grass braid gently, and whisper your wishes.

Light the braid at dusk. Implore the earth to open the way for you and your family to have an enlightened and abundant summer.

Tamp the flame and travel through your home, clockwise, in the four cardinal directions (east, south, west, and finally north). Spread the delightful vanilla scent and inherent wisdom of the sweetgrass braid along the way.

Focus on encouraging the positive vibrations from the smoke to bless your home. Wet the braid with spring water to put it out. Hang it up to let it dry naturally, until the next usage.


Heartwings Love Notes 885 Small Blessings

Heartwings says: “Kittens grow up and snowmen melt, yet the memory of the joy they bring remains.”

When spring comes and the first bluebells and crocuses poke up through the thawed ground, how wonderful it is. We say, “Spring is here.” And it is. Yet spring turns to summer. Then we rejoice in the longer days and firefly strewn nights, until the hours of daylight begin to shorten again. Fall’s bounty of color comes and then goes. It is good to appreciate what we have while we have it because as a wise teacher of mine used to say, the only constant is change.

It’s easy to take for granted small blessings that pass quickly. We do it all the time without thinking. We’re actually more likely to take notice of what is wrong than what is right. I’ve read that our brains are wired that way for self-preservation. It’s important to make note of the danger lurking nearby-is that a wild beast? Or see the car coming a little too fast as we are about to cross the street. However, our built in warning system can override our joy.

Just recently the wild roses bloomed. Their sweet smell permeated the air by my back porch. I made sure to take time to enjoy their scent. Now the petals have turned brown and I have to wait until next year to enjoy them again. Still, I do have the memory, and although it does not have an actual scent, it can still bring back the pleasure of what I enjoyed when the petals were fresh.

If I am focused on regret because the roses have passed, it is more difficult for me to remember the joy they brought me. As well, I might not be able to take advantage of some new and pleasant experience that could await my notice. Small blessings do not announce their presence with a shout but rather with a whisper. The bright dandelion by the side of a building might go unseen and unappreciated if I am not aware of its gift. If I am only looking at the trash around it, I might not see it all. Small blessings bring joy.

May you find small blessings to rejoice over, and remember them when they have passed.

Blessings and Best Regards, Tasha Halpert

PS If you have small blessings to share, please write and share them with me. I am so happy to hear from readers, and I will always write back as soon as I can. Tasha Halpert <>


The Card Drawn For This Week Is The The Sun
Brigit | Biddy Tarot <>

It’s going to be a great week! The Sun represents success, radiance and abundance. The Sun gives you strength and tells you that no matter where you go or what you do, your positive and radiant energy will follow you and bring you happiness and joy. People are drawn to you because you can always see the bright side and bring such warmth into other people’s lives. This beautiful, warm energy is what will get you through the tough times and help you succeed. Radiate who you are and what you stand for; shine your love on those you care about.

If you are going through a difficult time, the Sun is here to let you know that things will get better, a lot better! Everything will work out, and through your challenges you will discover who you really are and radiate your energy and gifts into the world.

Ask the Tarot: “What do I feel really good about right now?”


Packing Your Porta-Witch Basket
by Barbara Ardinger

Who knows where or when you’ll want to do some magical work. Be prepared. Pack your Porta-Witch basket.
Buy a picnic basket with handles and a lid. What do you need for magical work? Make a checklist. It may not be what everyone else would use, but this is your unique toolkit. Some suggestions:

– A goddess or god you’re dedicated to, such as an all purpose deity like the Statue of Liberty (America’s Goddess), a mother-creatrix, or a powerful and generous father god. Find an unbreakable figure.

– An altar cloth that will stand up to prepeated use and in a color that can be used for any ritual.

– Directional symbols (unbreakable and in the proper colors).

– Candle holders (unbreakable and in the proper colors).

– Incense holders.

– Sand and charcoal briquettes in plastic bags.

– Matches.

– Oils and other important supplies.

– Ritual jewelry.

Keep your Porta-Witch basket in the trunk of your car. You’ll always be ready to work.


Herbs for Travel
Tea pouches from article laid out on a table next to sleep mask and passport

The lure of a getaway seems so appealing, doesn’t it? Travel is always a novelty until the first realization that you are without your normal creature comforts. A headache, indigestion, motion sickness, situational sleeplessness or a compromised immune system can have you feeling homesick in no time. That’s when it’s smart to prepare before the problems occur. During the busy travel times of the year, we never leave home without our favorite herbs. There are a lot of great tinctures and salves out there, but teabags are the ultimate in lightweight travel. With hot water available on airplanes, in coffee shops, restaurants, rest stops, and cafeterias, herbal tea couldn’t be easier or more soothing for maintaining balance while away from home.

What you choose to bring should be based solely on your individual needs. Do you have a hard time sleeping in a hotel? Maybe you want to bring some Nighty Night® tea. Do you get queasy on road trips or get occasional indigestion? Consider Ginger Aid®—the ultimate two-in-one herbal medicine. Stopped up by another food that’s not part of your regular diet? An evening cup of Smooth Move® can get your system moving again. Feeling overstimulated by another family holiday? Invite a cup of Stress Ease® Cinnamon to come to the rescue! And that’s just scratching the surface of all the possible scenarios that you might encounter.

As any herbalist will tell you, the key is to maintain balance. But when you’re away from home, so much is out of your control: diet, transportation, and bedding—not to mention the emotional stimuli of being with new people or challenging social situations. Below are a few of our favorite to-go teas to keep your body on track with its normal routine. We also recommend taking daily doses of a probiotic, to help support your regular digestion, while doubling as immune support.*

Digestive Support

Ginger Aid: Supports healthy digestion and relieves nausea associated with motion.* If taken for motion, we recommend consuming a cup a half an hour before take-off.
Smooth Move: Relieves occasional constipation.*
Peppermint: Supports healthy digestion and freshens breath.*
Weightless® Cranberry: Relieves temporary water weight gain when you’re feeling bloated or waterlogged.*

Immune Support

Echinacea Plus®: Fires up with immune system to help prepare you for airplane cooties.* It’s best to start drinking this before you go.
Echinacea Plus® Elderberry: Immune support with the added bonus of elderberries.*

Mood & Stress Management

Stress Ease Cinnamon: Relieves stress and irritability, while promoting relaxation.*
Cup of Sunshine®: Promotes good mood.*
Chamomile with Lavender: Settles your nervous system and relaxes your digestive system; especially good when stressed or tense.*

Situational Sleeplessness

Nighty Night: Helps you relax and get a good night’s sleep.*
Nighty Night Valerian: Helps you mellow out and get a good night’s sleep, with the added bonus of valerian.*

Once you pick your favorite teas, it’s easy to store them in a make-up bag or envelope and include them in your carry-on luggage. Once you start traveling with a few herbal allies in tow, you’ll make your getaways the respite you’ve been waiting for, without missing a beat!


What to Do If Your House Is Haunted
by Anna

Readers, please enjoy this guest blog post by Robin Strom, author of the new On the Hunt for the Haunted.

I did an investigation for a client, and we’d turned up ample evidence that something paranormal was indeed occurring at their residence. And now the homeowner turned to me and asked what could be done about it. I think I had a “deer in the headlights” moment. I’d spent a decade studying what these things were, and neglected the essential step of how to rid a property of unwanted beings. I was like the medical student that studied the onslaught of disease, but neglected studying the cure. The majority of my clients, once they understand what is going on, are happy with the results. Often I hear, “I’m just glad I’m not crazy.” And our group looks for natural explanations first, before assuming paranormal activity. But I have had investigations where a spirit is of an angrier disposition, and the residents just want it out. Our team tries to employ scientific methods to determine if a property has paranormal activity or not. Such cures tend to be of a more touchy-feely in nature, based on ancient rituals and substances. I didn’t want to tell clients I use scientific methods and then tell them to rattle chicken bones. You see my dilemma. Then I realized the old analogy of chicken soup when you had a cold. Would chicken soup actually cure a cold? It might, it might not, but either way it wouldn’t hurt.

First, however, I would try to determine whether the property actually has paranormal activity. Once someone suggests that a property is haunted, then everything immediately unexplained gets blamed on the ghost, and tensions start to mount. But if you can take a proactive versus a reactive approach, you’ll often find that you begin to feel far less afraid. Definitely keep a log of events when they occur. Write down the date, time, witnesses, and the weather pattern. And always, try to rule out natural explanations first before jumping to the conclusion that you have paranormal phenomena. Know that even in cases where a haunting is occurring it’s extremely rare for anyone to be physically hurt. You can also play amateur ghost hunter. Put out a recording device for a few hours and see what you find upon review. If all else fails, call in a reputable investigative group.

Haunted objects may be the easiest to excise. In my book, On the Hunt for the Haunted, I wrote in particular about one house we investigated. The previous owner had died in the house. When the house finally went for auction the unlucky lady who purchased it found the house still full of the previous owner’s belongings, including a ratty, old recliner. This recliner had been where the gentleman had spent most of his final days. The new owner’s boyfriend reported odd things happening to him when he sat in the chair. I tentatively suggested removing the chair from the premises. He did so with gusto, burning the chair in a bonfire. The negative activity ceased thereafter. So, if you bring home that precious antique or thrift store find and suddenly start experiencing strange things, it may be a good idea to take it back where you found it.

Performing house cleansings are popular, as well. Certainly, smudging with white sage is common. Holy water can also be used. Frankincense is also an effective agent, and smells divine. A smell bell can also be used in lieu of these other substances, by ringing it in the corners of the room. The most powerful agent, however, may be asafoetida. When burned as an incense, however, it gives off a foul odor of onions and sulphur, so it’s best kept as a last resort. There are multiple articles on the web that describe how to perform such cleansings in more detail. It’s usually suggested that you start at the top story of the structure, enter every room, hit every corner working from high to low and ending at the front door. You can also say a short prayer as you do this. This may not work the first time, so be prepared to do it more than once. You can also put out a shallow dish of vinegar. This weak acid is thought to dissolve etheric energies, as does salt. Put the salt in the corners of each room or just spread it on the floor, and leave it there for a couple of weeks before removing it.

You can also have a conversation with the spirit. Be firm but not aggressive. Set the parameters with the ghost. I met one woman who felt she had spirits in the house. She told them they could stay, but were to stay out of her bedroom. It worked. You can also tell them to leave completely, if you feel that strongly. I think, truly, the strength of any of these methods is two-fold. First, if there is a spirit or spirits it reminds them to watch their manners. But even more powerful, it allows you to feel once again that you’re in control of the situation.

Our thanks to Robin for her guest post! For more from Robin Strom, read her article, “Conducting an EVP Session.”


Being Aware is the First Step
By Madisyn Taylor

There is freedom that comes with awareness, because with it comes the opportunity to make a choice.

Life is a journey comprised of many steps on our personal path that takes us down a winding road of constant evolution. And each day, we are provided with a myriad of opportunities that can allow us to transform into our next best selves. One moment we are presented with an opportunity to react differently when yet another someone in our life rubs us the wrong way; on another day we may find ourselves wanting to walk away from a particular circumstance but are not sure if we can. Eventually, we may find ourselves stuck in a rut that we can never seem to get out of. We may even make the same choices over and over again because we don’t know how to choose otherwise. Rather than moving us forward, our personal paths may take us in a seemingly never-ending circle where our actions and choices lead us nowhere but to where we’ve already been. It is during these moments that awareness can be the first step to change.

Awareness is when we are able to realize what we are doing. We observe ourselves, noticing our reactions, actions, and choices as if we were a detached viewer. Awareness is the first step to change because we can’t make a change unless we are aware that one needs to be made in the first place. We can then begin understanding why we are doing what we are doing. Afterward, it becomes difficult not to change because we are no longer asleep to the truth behind our behaviors. We also begin to realize that, just as much as we are the root source behind the causes for our behaviors, we are also the originator for any changes that we want to happen.

There is a freedom that comes with awareness. Rather than thinking that we are stuck in a repetitive cycle where there is no escape, we begin to see that we very much play a hand in creating our lives. Whether we are aware of them or not, our behaviors and choices are always ours to make. Our past and our present no longer have to dictate our future when we choose to be aware. We are then free to move beyond our old limits, make new choices, and take new actions. With awareness, our paths can’t help but wind us forward in our lives while paving the way for new experiences and new ways of being. It is through awareness that we can continue to consciously evolve.


Natural Cycles of Sleep
By Madisyn Taylor

Our bodies are naturally encoded to respond to light and dark – sleeping with the rhythms of Mother Nature.

The human body evolved to fall asleep soon after the descent of night’s curtain and to wake with the appearance of the dawn. Sleep cycles were governed by patterns of light and darkness for thousands of years, meaning that for much of history, humanity has enjoyed nine of more hours of sleep each night. Our bodies are naturally encoded to respond to light and dark and sleeping with the rhythms of Mother Nature. In the present, artificial light has changed the way we schedule our day-to-day lives, and most of us slumber for less than seven hours at a stretch. It is possible, however, to come back to natural sleeping cycles by making a few small changes. When our bodies and minds are attuned to the world’s natural rhythms, we feel calmer, more centered, and more energetic while awake. Sleep is more satisfying because we afford ourselves more than enough time for restoration and rejuvenation.

Our reliance on indoor lighting further compounds our disassociation from the natural cycles of light and darkness that would otherwise preside over our sleep. You can mimic the passage of the day by changing the quality of the light. Sleeping without heavy drapery or shades is best so you can wake up with the sun. If sleeping by a window without a curtain is not an option, a dawn simulator lamp imitates the sun by growing steadily brighter with the coming of the height of morning.

You will likely discover that changing your sleep patterns to be in sync with the daily cycle of light and darkness is easy and that you feel more alive when your sleeping and waking rhythms are in alignment to those of the earth. Nature’s own phases will be your guide to wellness, granting you more waking hours in the summertime when you will benefit greatly from spending time outside and ensuring you get plenty of sleep in the winter when you likely need it most.


Stephen Halpert
The Poet in America

Sarah’s new boyfriend was coming to dinner and to meet her parents. She hadn’t mentioned James to them beyond telling them he was a poet.
The doorbell to her family’s mansion, Grandemore , chimed. The butler ushered James into the library where Sarah and her parents had gathered for cocktails.
She rushed over and greeted him. Then she turned and introduced him. “Mom, Dad, this is James Franklin,” she said. “He’s the poet I’ve told you about.”
Her dad, stout, red cheeked and balding, nodded, cleared his throat, and retreated into the dregs of his whisky sour.
Her mom looked him over. She thought the boy was much too thin. He resembled the usual sort of young man Sarah brought home to meet them. She sighed. As she shook his thin hand she wished that Sarah would stop feeling sorry for the woebegones of the world.
Offered a drink, James shook his head and smiled. “Never touch the stuff. It interferes with my ability to be in contact with my muse.”
Sarah’s parents looked at each other and frowned. Her mom rang a little bell and the butler came in to announce dinner.
Amidst crystal and sterling the four sat across from one another at same great oak table where Washington had once lunched with Lafayette.
Dad peered at James. The boy’s hair was longer than his wife’s. His jeans were tattered and what once may have passed for a stylish flannel shirt clung to his body like a faded blanket.
“Out of school?” Dad asked.
James smiled with a dreamy, “Oh yes.”
The man leaned forward. “Employed?” he asked.
“Oh yes,” James said. “I’m an adjunct professor at Pinetree University.”
“James is a poet,” Sarah said. “And he’s been voted one of the fifty most significant poets of the last two years.”
Mom smiled. Dad wrinkled his nose and signaled to a uniformed servant who scurried to the kitchen and returned with a fresh whisky sour.
“Never really took to poetry,” Randolph Foxmeyer said. “What’s it about?”
James nodded “Good question,” he said. “Making wise the perfect.” He paused and stroked his beardless chin. “No, that’s not exactly it,” he said. “More like being sure to take seriously the ridiculous.”
Randolph Foxmeyer raised his eyebrows. “I’m not quite sure what you mean.”
“He has books,” Sarah prompted.
“You’re published?” Her mother sounded surprised but ever so graciously.
“Yes,” James said. “Sardine Rhapsody is doing well and thanks to Oprah a number of book clubs are featuring it.”
“You know Oprah?” Mrs. Foxmeyer came to life. Maybe the boy wasn’t emaciated after all, but trim and fit instead. “Your parents must be so proud of you.”
James smiled. “Yes. I used the advances on foreign rights to send them on one of those senior tours around the world. This week they’re in Florence. Next week they’ll fly to Japan by way of the Holy Land.”
“That’s so sweet,” she cooed.
“Well they were kind and left me alone, especially when they had company. I’d stay in my room and read.”
“Don’t suppose you’d like to recite one of your poems.” Mr. Foxmeyer’s tongue slid over the dregs of his fruit. He waved for a refill.]
James nodded, stood and cleared his throat. “It’s called Youth.”
“We are youth,” he began, “innocent still of foibles and insistent wealth over false charity. Soon now a new breed of Americans will take back the culture of their ancestors. They will seize it from those vultures perched upon marble doors. They will man the barricades, foment revolution, repeal those laws not of the land but of those who have taken what they deserved not. We will deny greed, stand against the fear mongers sinking in the mire of long overdue dreams.”
He took a breath and sipped some water.
Randolph cleared his throat and frowned. “Sounds like those anarchists from the 30’s who burned buildings: that old revolutionary claptrap you used to hear on street corners.”
“Randolph,” His wife gently chided. “After all James knows Oprah. He’s been on television. Why James here is a celebrity.” She looked at him and all James could see was an enormous velvet glove ready to swat down on him.
“So you’ve made a pile of dough,” dad said. “Who manages your portfolio?”
“I have none, no bank. I mean I know banks are necessary for cashing checks but beyond that …”
“So what do you do with your money?” Dad asked bluntly.
James smiled. “I try to give as much of it as I can away. And last year I succeed in giving away close to three hundred thousand dollars.”
Randolph’s red cheeks got redder and he cleared his throat again.
The servants cleared away the first course and served the second.
“How do you get by?” Mom’s admiration curled around him.
“In my truck,” he grinned. “I’ve got it fixed up really nice so I can be on the road going to different open mikes and readings.”
“But you just said you gave away three hundred k.” Randolph interjected.
“Yes,” James looked sad. “That’s all they’d let me give away. So I had to create an endowment and scholarship programs for people thrown out of school.”
“I suppose when you’re single you can live that way.” Dad’s voice resembled a drill attacking a piece of wood.
“Oh daddy,” Sarah interjected. “Please try to understand that James and I are in love. That’s why he’s here to meet you and mother. But please don’t worry, Sardine Rhapsody has sold over three million copies and rising. Plus there’s the dvd and the cd and the sardine belt buckles and tee shirts, plus the illustrated comic book, posters and the cosmetic line plus other products I can’t even remember.”
James smiled modestly. “It all just fell together. I never really did anything. I’d take my poems to open mics and read them and share coffee and pretzels and look for a flop for the night. Now I have my truck.”
“But then,” Sarah interrupted. “You got that phone call…”
James nodded. “I guess some people really believed in Sardine Rhapsody. And after that there was always way more money than I needed.
Sarah beamed. “A true poet of the people.”
James took her hand and beamed back. “Sarah and I will make a good team, and perhaps when we are between appearances and readings, you can visit us on my country estate she helped me pick out. You will always be welcome in our home.”.”


Daisy – Medicinal Uses and Benefits
Botanical Name: Bellis perennis.

Other related plants are also known by the name daisy, but Bellis perennis is mostly regarded as the archetypal species.

Other Common Names: Common daisy, garden daisy, English daisy, meadow daisy, bruisewort, tusindfryd (Danish), chiribita (Spanish), paquerette vivace (French), Gänseblümchen (German).

Habitat: Daisy is native to Europe and western Asia, but has now been naturalized in many parts of the globe.

Daisy prefers moist and nutritious soil. It can be found growing in lawns, parks, and pastures, as well as in meadows, roadsides, and cemeteries. Daisy is often regarded as invasive as well as a problematic weed.

Plant Description: Daisy is a perennial plant that belongs to the aster family (Asteraceae). It can grow up to 20 cm in height and forms new shoots from the creeping root.

The leaves are basal, short-haired and sit in a dense rosette that is pressed against the ground. The stems are straight and produce radiate white flower heads.

The flowers have both male and female organs and are pollinated by bees, flies, and beetles. The plant is self-fertile. Daisy can bloom from May to November, but the peak blooming is in the spring.

Plant Parts Used: It is primarily the fresh or dried flower heads that are used as a medicine, but the leaves can also be used.

Health Benefits and Uses of Daisy

Daisies contain essential oil, tannins, mucous substances, flavonoids, bitter substances, organic acids, resins, and inulin. The active ingredients are found in all parts of the plant.

Daisy has anti-inflammatory and mild astringent properties and has been used internally, in tea form, as an herbal remedy for the common cold, bronchitis and other inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

The herb may be used for loss of appetite as it has a stimulating effect on the digestion system and it has been used as a treatment for many ailments of the digestive tract, such as gastritis, diarrhea, liver and gallbladder complaints and mild constipation.

Daisies have been used traditionally for painful menstruation, cystitis and other inflammations of the urinary tract. Additionally, it may have its uses as a natural treatment for atopic dermatitis, gout, and chronic rheumatic conditions.

The plant is known for its healing properties and can be used topically on small wounds, sores, and scratches to speed up the healing process.

In addition, it has been used externally for dermatitis, rash, eczema, bruises, and boils.

A tincture made from the herb can be used for acne, and as a mouthwash or a gargle, it may be used as a remedy for mouth inflammation and sore throat. Also, chewing on the fresh leaves might be helpful as a relief for mouth ulcers.

In folk medicine, it was often recommended to eat the fresh leaves to stimulate nutrition uptake, due to the bitter substances found in the herb.

The fresh leaves, flowers, buds, and petals have a pleasant taste and can be used in salads or added to soups. Furthermore, the flower heads can be used in vinegar and as a substitute for capers.

Dosage and Administration

Herbal tea can be made by using two teaspoons of dried flower heads to one cup of boiling water and then allowing it to soak for 10 minutes before it is strained. The recommended dose is 3 small cups daily.

Side Effects and Possible Interactions of Daisy

There are no reports of contraindications or side effects when the herb is used properly.

People with known allergic reactions to plants belonging to the Asteraceae family should handle daisies with care.

Other Resources on Daisy

Bellis perennis “If Arnica Fails”

Supporting References
Barker, Julian: The Medicinal Flora of Britain & Northwestern Europe. Kent, Winter Press 2001.
Bown, Deni: The Royal Horticultural Society New Encyclopedia of Herbs & Their Uses. London, Dorling Kindersley 2002.
Al-Snafi, Ali. (2015). The Pharmacological importance of Bellis perennis – A review. International Journal of Phytotherapy. 5. 63-69.
Hensel, Wolfgang: Medicinal Plants of Britain and Europe. London, A&C Black Publishers Ltd. 2008.
Potterton, David (ed.): Culpeper’s Colour Herbal. Berkshire, Foulsham. 2007.
Kavalcioglu, Neslihan & Açik, Leyla & Demirci, Fatih & Demirci, Betül & Demir, Hülya & Baser, K. Husnu Can. (2010). Biological Activities of Bellis perennis Volatiles and Extracts. Natural product communications. 5. 147-50.
Príhoda, Antonín, Ladislav Urban & Vera Nicová: The Healing Powers of Nature. Leicester, Blitz Editions. 1998.
Skenderi, Gazmend: Herbal Vade Mecum. 800 Herbs, Spices, Essential Oils, Lipids Etc. Constituents, Properties, Uses, and Caution. Rutherford, New Jersey, Herbacy Press. 2003.
Volák, Jan & Jiri Stodola: The Illustrated Book of Herbs. London, Caxton Editions. 1998.

Weekly Horoscopes Beginning Sunday, 23 June 2019

If you`re born within cusp period (16 to 26 of any month); you`re advised to read horoscopes of both signs covered by that period. You`re in the border; you may have influences from houses within those signs.

Outlines are longer versions; consists of every possible detail of everyday and based on three parts of each sign: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Decan; that is, any of three divisions of 10° within a sign of the zodiac. Even if you know or don`t know your Decan; I recommend, please read all three Decan.

Personal theme: I am!!
Fire & cardinal sign: March 21 — April 19

Your horoscope for this week:

While some say you should seek the source of recent problems, once you`ve gathered those facts, you`ll realise they aren`t actually that important. Besides, with recent efforts having proved unexpectedly successful, you`re upbeat about the future. Still, for now focus on disentangling yourself from unprofitable arrangements. That way, when unexpected yet thrilling options surface, early next week, you`ll be free to discuss and explore them.

You might feel a new neighbour or colleague is being overly defensive. Almost everything you say; they tend to take the wrong way. If you think this relationship has got off on the wrong foot, you may have to explain your feelings. A disappointment you recently experienced has caused you to readjust your priorities. After giving this situation a lot of thought, you`re ready to make a big change. What you decide will have a big impact on your family life.

In just over a week`s time there is a solar eclipse accenting the base of your solar chart. As you probably know, an eclipse marks the beginning of a new chapter. That doesn`t have to happen on the day itself. You may have been aware since at least the beginning of this year, that a new domestic or environmental pace needs to be set. The need and the urgency to get on with this will likely be strong at the Last Quarter Moon in your sign on Tuesday. It`s recognised that those of your sign do particularly well when you are slightly angered. It`s as though you need challenge to fuel you. Anticipate that you might be on the warpath at least at the start of this week. Once you have clear opposition and as the Moon then moves through your sign midweek you show others both your determination and creativity in moving to this next phase of your life journey.

Personal theme: I have!!
Earth & fixed sign: April 20 — May 20

Your horoscope for this week:

You didn`t intend to be secretive. However, with plans shifting frequently, and often dramatically, it seemed that discussing long term arrangements with others was pointless. Increasingly, plans are more stable, yet still, few remain unsettled, some changing nearly every day. While irritating, each version is an improvement on the previous one. For now, therefore, you need only relax and enjoy what`s coming your way.

Your main aims are your top priority. You need to have a practical plan to achieve the success you desire. If learning specialised skills will help you get on in the world, that`s what you will intend to do. Even if this means cutting your social life to a minimum. Curb your impatience when buying or selling. If you`re looking for a new place to live, you may have to take some time off work to view properties or meet an estate agent.

This week concludes with the Moon in your sign and the Sun having made major aspect to Uranus also moving through your sign.. That these events coincide with Mercury`s arrival at the very base of your solar chart and within days of the solar Eclipse, suggests that the end of this week will be dynamic, action packed and at some level highly unusual.. If you are an entrepreneur, this could be one of your special moments. For all those born under Taurus the issue of buying, selling and evaluating will likely be much discussed. A twist on this would be a swap with a neighbour or work colleague. In the rundown into the eclipse, many people will be clearing their desks preparing for the new. You are likely not an exception. What is different for you, is that as of Friday, (Venus day of the week and very much your day), it should be clear to others exactly where you are headed.

Personal theme: I think!!
Air sign: May 21 — June 20

Your horoscope for this week:

Nobody would blame you for complaining about the seemingly endless practical or financial issues you`ve been wrestling with. While seriously challenging, now that you`re looking back on what you did and dealt with, you`re aware how much you`ve learnt. True, because changes are ongoing, even simple arrangements must be regarded as tentative. Actually, judging by what`s coming your way, the more flexible your arrangements, the better.

Taking over an absent colleague`s duties could be a good thing. You have many hidden talents and as you expand your skill set, you will discover you are capable of far more than you realised. Sometimes you don`t know what you can do until you are forced to try it. Don`t be reluctant to give some thought to home improvement ideas. This is your chance to show off your creative gifts. Something valuable might be found once you start on this project.

It may be helpful to be aware that there is a solar Eclipse at the beginning of July. What this means is that during the course of this week, we`re at the end of a major lunar phase. Many people will be driven to tidy things up – even if they`re unaware that in fact they are preparing to turn the page into a new chapter. It would be completely understandable if at the start of this week you felt overwhelmed. There may be much tidying up for you to do – especially with projects that have begun within the last two years. You may need both assistance and understanding. Step forward them someone born under one of the Fire signs of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. Though they may not be aware of just how important certain items have been to you, the energy and enthusiasm to move you forward should be obvious. You might then need a couple of days to recoup and regroup. Amidst all this don`t underestimate the impact this could have on your nervous system. It might be valuable to arrange a health check and/or to ensure you have sufficient vitamins and minerals to sustain you.

Personal theme: I feel!!
Water & cardinal sign: June 21 — July 22

Your horoscope for this week:

Recently you`ve untangled confusion regarding your priorities and faced seemingly insurmountable obstacles. While irritating, the resulting delays have led to meeting people and considering unfamiliar options. This process continues, with you exploring ideas you`d once have ignored, if not dismissed without a thought. What you learn as a result will equip you for the fast-paced cycle triggered by Mars`s move into Leo on 1 July.

You prefer to avoid contentious situations, but this isn`t always possible. Competitive energy in the workplace makes you anxious about losing your position to a rival who seems more capable. Don`t panic, take your time and you`ll easily outperform the competition. A friend or neighbour will decide not to go ahead with joint plans. This will make you angry, but you could discover that what was planned wasn`t right for you anyway. So, you have something to thank them for, after all.

There`s just one more week to go before we reach an important solar eclipse in your sign. There is a rhythm to these events. Though there are at least two and sometimes as many as five solar Eclipse is in any year, they don`t always happen in your sign. When they do, it`s not that the spotlight falls on you, but that there is an awareness that the magnetic field is changing and that you need to make – quite often dramatic – changes. You may already be incubating these. By the time Mercury leaves your sign on Thursday you will likely be ready for the next stage. There is presumably no need to rush into this. True, over Thursday and Friday rallying the troops and ensuring that you have necessary support will likely take time. That though could be a pleasurable exercise. In short, the net seven days may be all about networking ahead of altering course next month.

Personal theme: I will!!
Fire & fixed sign: July 23 — August 22

Your horoscope for this week:

Recently you`ve untangled confusion regarding your priorities and faced seemingly insurmountable obstacles. While irritating, the resulting delays have led to meeting people and considering unfamiliar options. This process continues, with you exploring ideas you`d once have ignored, if not dismissed without a thought. What you learn as a result will equip you for the fast-paced cycle triggered by Mars`s move into Leo on 1 July.

It`s not a good idea to reveal all your thoughts to anyone who asks. Someone will try to pick your brains, only to use what you tell them to their advantage later in the week. For this reason, be careful about how much of yourself you reveal to others. Nothing routine appeals to your current state of mind. You have a strong yearning for excitement and adventure, and this could prompt you to apply for an impressive job or book a holiday overseas.

Though you might not have much evidence of a change of season, the fact is that this is the first week after the summer solstice. The vibration should be different. With Jupiter presently transiting through another of the Fire signs your response system could be turned right up; and yes, as of Monday you may be eager to get on with things – even if you`re not quite sure exactly what they are. Confusion is likely at least through until Tuesday. From then, and over the better part of three days as the Moon passes through another of the Fire signs, you could be spectacularly responsive to ideas. Property issues may once again be on the agenda. It might be as well however not to react too quickly to ideas and events and instead give this time to incubate through the eclipse period next month.

Personal theme: I analyse!!
Earth sign: August 23 — September 22

Your horoscope for this week:

Frustrating as the challenges you`ve faced seemed at the time, in retrospect you`re recognising how much you learnt from each. Remember this when yet more seemingly simple matters suddenly become complicated. Many are prompting you to review once-prized arrangements, your focus being to substantially change, if not completely eliminate them. While this appears to be a loss now, you`re clearing the way for far better options.

You`re tired of being blamed for something you didn`t do. Someone is too embarrassed by their mistakes to own up to them, but that`s no reason to make you the scapegoat. Look for evidence to prove to bystanders that you are the one who is telling the truth. If you don`t get a change from routine, you will become restless and irritable. Sometimes it does you good to act on impulse as this stops you from getting bogged down in boring tasks.

As is likely to be the case for all signs, at the start of this week you might want to make great change. The emphasis is on `great`. Fact is that Jupiter is close to the backbone of your solar chart, and so in prominent position. Jupiter is, as far as is known, the biggest of the planets and yet spins on its axis every eight earth hours. It`s a stormy place; and yes, you could be really stirred up as at the start of the week. It might not take much though for the wind to come out of your sails entirely. Indeed, – and again as is likely to be the case for many signs, – you could feel quite overwhelmed. All that said, it`s probable that your plans have an element of genius about them. By the time that the Sun makes excellent aspect to Uranus (presently travelling through another of the Earth signs), on Friday, you could be engaged on an exciting if demanding pursuit. To deal with this, will likely require that you learn more about advanced and new technology.

Personal theme: I balance!!
Air & cardinal sign: September 23 — October 22

Your horoscope for this week:

Because you think even the simplest of plans through carefully, events usually proceed as anticipated. However, that hasn`t been the case recently and won`t be over the coming weeks. Worrying as that sounds, adopt a relaxed attitude about the unexpected, and you`ll learn from even seemingly disruptive developments. They`ll broaden your horizons and, although you won`t pursue everything, you`ll benefit from every twist and turn.

Even though you know your ideas have potential, you`re too shy to assert yourself. Someone who has faith in your talents will encourage you to bring them out into the open. They may even offer to do the talking on your behalf. In legal and money matters, proceed with caution. You don`t want to approve an idea without considering all that may be involved. An impulsive move could cost you a fortune so think carefully before you take the plunge..

It`s highly likely that you are now embarked – or soon will be – embarked on a very different career journey. All this is signalled by the two eclipses in July but whose effect may well be in operation already. All this will likely leave you with much to do. Indeed, and not dissimilar in any way to any of the other signs of the zodiac, you could be quite overwhelmed by the number of tasks requiring attention. It`s likely that before the weekend, that you will require assistance – most likely from someone born under one of the Fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius to help you focus and complete a task in time. Distractions though could come for someone born of the Fire signs of Aries; Leo Sagittarius who might think it fun to play with your ideas. Be careful that you are not distracted from your objectives. Instead, hold firm on the vision of the career path you want to develop before your birthday.

Scorpio & Ophiuchus
Personal theme: I desire!!
Water & fixed signs: October 23 — November 21

Your horoscope for this week:

For weeks vital if tedious issues involving close alliances and practical or financial matters have been your focus. Obviously, as a persistent Scorpio, you`d never give up. While issues are nearly resolved, tricky details will need ongoing attention. That way, once things are finally settled, and your focus shifts to matters of a lighter nature, next week, you`ll enjoy life`s pleasures – worry-free.

Once you have decided, you don`t have to justify this to others. If someone disapproves of your choice, that`s up to them but don`t go into great detail about why you have made it. Trust in your own judgement and don`t let anyone talk you out of it. A job you have taken on is proving more difficult than expected. Cast around and see if there is support available. If not, accept your limitations.

It`s highly likely that others will need your expertise. Though this is likely true at any time, never more so perhaps than during this week. There is high probability that at least one person has taken on more than can handle and now requires assistance. What they may not be articulating, but which you could recognise easily, is that emotionally they are also all over the place. It`s perhaps hardly surprising that before next weekend your star will be in the ascendancy. It may be that you are now seen something of a genius and that your input to a project or event scheduled to take place in late August or early September, is now seen as not just vital but crucial. It is arguably not the case that you can name your terms, but you could do much to ensure that your involvement is as pleasurable and as rewarding as possible.

Personal theme: I see!!
Fire sign: November 22 — December 21

Your horoscope for this week:

Facing dull practicalities requires discipline but, acknowledging they`ll take weeks, if not a month or so, to deal with could seem discouraging. Yet, tempting as appealing shortcuts may be, they`d only complicate matters. The issues in question may need to be dealt with slowly, and in painstaking detail but, as you`ll soon discover, the resulting insights will benefit you now and in the future.

At times you don`t know whether you are coming or going. A combination of increased job responsibilities, social commitments and doing errands between jobs is keeping you on the go. A lot seems to happen in the space of just a few days. Arrangements being made with the family will pan out over the months ahead. You aren`t in a rush but the more flexible you are, the easier it will be to accept new challenges.

Venus opposes your ruling planet, Jupiter, at the start of this week. That this coincides with the Moon`s passage through another of the Mutable signs, Pisces, suggest you might take on too much, be unclear as to what it is that you want to achieve or that you`ll be distracted and unfocused – which could be detrimental if your plan is to complete certain tasks before the end of the month. It might be as well to factor in the unexpected too and to leave room for essential crisis management before the weekend. Though you might know exactly what that disturbance might be, the impact of events on future planning could be under-estimated – likely requiring you to rethink plans for late August.

Personal theme: I use!!
Earth & cardinal sign: December 22 — January 19

Your horoscope for this week:

Ordinarily, when undertaking a task, familiar or entirely new, you`ll consider your overall goals first, focus on individual details, then finally organise plans. However, between sudden changes in circumstances and frequent revelations, you`ll need to rethink the nature of the tasks you`re facing, then reorganise those plans regularly. Knowing that, forget about details that are bound to change and, instead, concentrate on the big picture.

You`re spending a lot of time wondering why people said or did things in the past. Old emotional wounds have resurfaced, and this can be quite painful. It isn`t doing you any good harking back to matters that should be consigned to history. Concentrate instead on your relationships in the present. Once everyday bills are paid, there`s little left for luxuries. You`re dreaming of all the wonderful things you could do with your money, if only you could save it.

With both Saturn and Pluto moving through your sign not only are you likely to be coping with extra responsibility, but you may feel you`re re-inventing yourself at near daily level. Yours is not a sign noted for multi-tasking but that`s something you likely need to develop. You may find you`re needed in more than one place, that you`re rushing from A to B and that both siblings and work colleagues have high expectations of your ability to deliver. Clearly all this is likely to put strain on your nervous system. Health matters could be top priority too. The good news here is that you could contact an expert familiar with recent advances. There`s also the high probability of encouragement from those who live far away.

Personal theme: I know!!
Air & fixed sign: January 20 — February 18

Your horoscope for this week:

Reorganising elements of your way of living, working or both has been challenging but, in truth, these changes are timely. Facing the fact, you may need to rethink some of those recent decisions is unlikely to thrill you. For now, being inquisitive is your priority. Explore whatever arises, saying no to nothing. What, or who, you encounter will make it clear how wise this was.

Someone is intent on blaming problems on anyone but themselves. If you`re asked to help sort out someone else`s mistake, this is because other people have faith in your ability to resolve the matter. Accept this challenge with good grace. New relationships have to start somewhere, and a helpful gesture could lay the foundation for a close and lasting friendship. It feels wonderful to be with someone who appreciates your considerate personality.

It`s probable that those around you (and especially if they`re born under one of the Mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces) are – a least to your mind – running around like headless chickens. Long before the weekend they may need your focus and reliability to see them through. Exciting as this may be, it could also be a distraction. Whilst midweek you might enjoy the cut and thrust of debate; it would be wise not to underestimate the toll this has on you. With a solar eclipse due in early July, the stage is being set for drama. On this occasion you might prefer to be a stage-hand rather than a character in the play. Staying calm and not being drawn into the heart of drama would surely be wise.

Personal theme: I believe!!
Water sign: February 19 — March 20

Your horoscope for this week:

Sometimes you realise you`re doing too much. This, in turn, which means you must pause and `edit` your life, this is, review how wisely you use your time, money, effort, ideas and even heart, then cut back on activities that are no longer rewarding, for you or others. While challenging, this really must come first. Once your priorities are clearer, everything else will fall into place.

Discussing your needs and feelings will result in increased respect from your workmates and family. A growing understanding between you and your partner will make for an exciting time, romantically. Are you single? The time is right to steer a platonic relationship into romantic waters. Try to leave a complicated issue until you feel more confident and until you have everything clear in your mind. Don`t be afraid to ask questions if you are confused.

Is it possible that you`ve taken on too much? Or that you`re expecting too much? Note that there is an eclipse in another of the Water signs (Cancer) in early July.. You may have felt the effect of this already: with one door closing as another opens. It would be understandable if the process was deeply unsettling. It might also be that too many people are offering advice and opinion when really you need time to self-adjust. The encouraging news is that before the end of June a surprise encounter (or an unusual plan) may come your way. Though this would likely require you to (once again) swim out of your comfort zone, it`s probable that this will take you to waters that don`t just look attractive, but which are welcoming.

Posted by: arif uk <>


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And to Her we shall return
Like a drop of rain, going to the ocean”
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And Merry Meet Again!”
Goddess Bless!

By GrannyMoon Posted in Pagan

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