Read GrannyMoon’s Weekly Feast 1-8 Dec 2019!


“Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;
And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor.
Eagerly, I wished the morrow; – vainly I had sought to borrow
From my books surcease of sorrow – sorrow for the lost Leonore —
For the rare and radiant maiden who the angels name Lenore —
Nameless here for evermore.”
– Edgar Allan Poe, 1809-1849, The Raven


Blessed be my little witch. To those who came before and those who will come after, know that the Goddess is with you always. Thank you all my dear readers…be blessed. ~GrannyMoon

The NEW MOON always rises at sunrise
And the FIRST QUARTER at noon.
The FULL MOON always rises at sunset
And the LAST QUARTER at midnight.
~The New Orleans Mistic


Dark Moon — Time to Rest
New Moon — Time to Begin New Projects; Birth; Attraction
Waxing Moon — Time to Grow; Increase
Full Moon — Time to be Fulfilled; Abundance
Waning Moon — Time to Banish; Decrease
Last Sliver of Moon — Time to Die; Letting Go
Dark Moon — Time to Rest Again

Light A Candle Today!
In many different traditions lighting a candle is a sacred action. It expresses more than words can express. It has to do with gratefulness. From time immemorial, people have lit candles in sacred places. You may want to begin or end your day by the sacred ritual of lighting a candle on this gratefulness. Or you may want to light a birthday candle for a friend. One single guideline is all you need: Slow down and do it with full attention.

Dates of this calendar were devised by Robert Graves, 1895 – 1985

Month of Astrea begins 11/28 – 12/25
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) November 25 to December 22
December 23 is not ruled by any tree for it is the traditional day of the proverbial “Year and a Day” in the earliest courts of law.

What’s Happening This Week!?!

World AIDS Day
Aleister Crowley died on this day in 1947

Cyber Monday
Festival of Poseidon
Int’l. Day for Abolition of Slavery

Giving Tuesday
Int’l. Day of Persons with Disabilities

Nat’l. Cookie Day – December 4
Bona Dea – Winter Festival – December 4

Faunalia – December 5
Int’l. Volunteer Day
Nat’l. Repeal Day
World Soil Day

St Nicholas Day – December 6
Finland Indep. Day

Int’l. Civil Aviation Day
Pearl Harbor Remembrance


Current Moon Phase: Waxing Moon

Time: From New Moon To Full (Approx. 14 Days)

Goddess Aspect: Maiden

Associated Goddesses: Artemis, Branwen, Eriu, Nymph, Epona

Magickal Attributes: Invoking Beginnings, New Projects, Ideas, Inspiration, Energy, Vitality, Freedom. Workings On This Day Are For “Constructive” Magick (Love, Wealth, Success, Courage, Friendship, Luck Or Health)

Perform magic on waxing moons to attract a new quality or behavior, to increase the light within, to attain personal and spiritual growth and greater awareness. The quarter moon suggests a period of overcoming obstacles and continuing on the path to growth.


Honoring the Goddess Every Day at
So mote it be!!


Each And Every Day A Feast Day!
Embrace It!!!


The GoddessSchool
High Priestess Certification and Ancient Mystery Teachings
Now Taking Students!
High Priestess Mystery School Training
E-mail me ASAP for an application!


The Goddess School Grimoire
Hardcover: $39.45
Softback: $26.95
eBook (PDF): $6.25

The Goddess School Grimoire is a collection of recipes, artwork, poetry, prose, prayers, rituals, spells, and practical Goddess wisdom put together by the teachers, students, alumni, and friends of The Sisters of the Burning Branch Goddess School. The sisterhood is dedicated to restoring spiritual balance by returning the Divine Feminine to her rightful place and by assisting women in their personal and spiritual development. Since being founded by Head and High Mother Priestess Grandmother Moon in 2000, The Goddess School ( has grown into a large and beautiful global community of women


GrannyMoon is Founder and Mother High Priestess of GoddessSchool, Sisters of the Burning Branch, dedicated to the Feminine Divine. Living in the Washington, DC suburbs, she attended LDS Seminary, Former staff member and student of the Esoteric Theological Seminary, is an ordained Metaphysical Interfaith minister with doctoral degrees in Theology and Divinity, since 1999. She is a current board member of the Northern Virginia Pagan Pride Day, charter member and former counsel and board member of The Order of the White Moon. A scholar of ancient mysteries, Doula, Reiki Master, Herbalist and Lifetime Member of Herbal Healer Academy, Inc. and former VA State Representative A.R.E.N. Alternative Religions Educational Network. She has dedicated her life to the study and teaching of the Esoteric.

Join me! Saturday’s with GrannyMoon!

Face to Face Classes at Sticks and Stones – 11037 Lee Highway · Fairfax, VA

WitchCrafting! Face to Face Classes at Noon on Saturdays! (except the last Saturday of the month) 

On the last Saturday of the month I host the Most Excellent Order of the Black Hat – open to all – a group of solitaires who celebrate the Wheel of the Year. 7:00 – 9:00PM

GrannyMoon’s Herbal Witches Cauldron – Every last Saturday of each month. Explore a new herb or two and work on a hands-on project with us. 4-6PM at Sticks and Stones ~ Westfair Center 11037 Lee Highway Fairfax, VA 22030 (703)352-2343

GrannyMoon, Teaching the Craft for over 20 years!

Teach a witch a spell and she can do that spell. Teach a witch the craft and she can do magick!


GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Moon Day Hail Luna! Hail Mani! Energy: Female Ruler: The Moon Magicks involving the subconscious, healing, emotions, love, spirituality, healing wounds, children, small animals, women’s mysteries,mothers, sisters, female partners, wives, instincts
Today’s Magickal Influences: Agriculture, Domestic, Long Life, Medicine,
Travels, Visions, Theft
Today’s Goddesses: Luna, Selene, Diana, Re, Gaeleach, Ida, Artemis [Whom The
Greeks Associated With Bast], The Witches, Yemaya, Erzulie, Bast
Incense: Myrtle
Perfumes: White Poppy, White Rose, Wallflower
Monday – Wear pearl, moonstone, or crystal. Use an emerald for amulets.
Color of The Day: Silver, Grey, White
Colors for Tomorrow: Red
Candle: White
Cooking on Monday will improve magics for creativity, insight, maternal
nature, and Goddess-related efforts. ~Quote from Magickal Martha

Hail Tyr! GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Tyr’s or Tiu’s Day! Day of Mars, Ares, Tiwaz, Tiw (from whom it is named), Tuisco,. Magickal influences are: Passion, courage, aggression and protection, vitality, passion, ambition and raw, unabashed power. Mars energy makes the mind acute.It is lucky to meet a left-handed person on any day except Tuesday – then it’s an ill omen. A superstition from areas of England that were ruled by the Danelaw, because the day is named for Norse God Týr who sacrificed his right hand to bind the Fenris Wolf. #FolkloreThursday

Wear a ruby, star sapphire, or emerald. Use topaz for amulets.
Today’s Magickal Influences ~ Destination, War, Courage, Surgery, Physical Strength
Be cautious-especially while traveling.
Today’s Goddesses: Aset [Isis], Soorejnaree, Pingalla, Anna, Aine, Danu,
Yngona, Bellona, Aida Wedo, Sun Woman
Perfumes: Hellebore, Carnation, Patchouli
Incense: Lignum Aloes, Plantain
Color of The Day: Red
Colors for Tomorrow: Yellow
Lucky Sign: Tuesday Is The Lucky Day For Aries
Candle: Red
On Tuesday, cooking up a hearty meal featuring carrots, peppers, and garlic (all Mars foods and spices) to empower yourself for victory and success!
Hail Odin! GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Woden’s or Odin’s Day
Energy: Male Ruler: Mercury – Rules healings, the mind – Use for magick
involving mental issues, learning, higher education, addictions,
communications, travel, young people, messages, perception, self-expression,
artists, poets, and writers
Wednesday – Wear amethyst, star ruby, or lodestone. Use turquoise in amulets.
Today’s Magickal Influences: Conjurations, Predictions, Knowledge, Writing,Eloquence
Incense: Cinnamon, Cinquefoil
Perfumes: Sweetpea, Lavender, Mastic, Frankincense, Cloves
Color of The Day: Yellow, Grey
Colors for Tomorrow: Purple, Indigo, Blue
Candle: Yellow
Lucky Sign: Wednesday Is The Lucky Day For Gemini And Virgo
Today’s Goddesses: Aset [Isis], Demeter, Ceres, Spider Woman, Bona Dea, Oya,
Devi-Kali, Hella, Rhiannon, Coatlique, Maman Brigette, Sekhmet, Hathor
GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Thor’s Day Hail Thor!
Energy: Male
Ruler: Jupiter
Today’s Magickal Influences ~ Luck, Religion, Healing, Trade And Employment,Treasure, Honors, Riches, Legal Matters,
Use Growth, Expansion, Prosperity, Money, Business, Attracting attracting more of what you have.
Thor’s Day – Wear sapphire, cat’s eye, or carnelian. Use sapphire in rituals.
Today’s Goddesses: Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Mlaba Mwana Waresa, Ishtar, Nuit
Color of The Day: Purple, Indigo, Blue
Candle: Purple, Blue
Colors for Tomorrow: Green, Light Blue
Perfumes: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes
Incense: Nutmeg, Henbane
Lucky Sign: Thursday Is The Lucky Day For Sagittarius And Pisces
Hail Freya! GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Freya’s Day
Energy: Female Ruler: Venus – Rules lovers and pleasure, affairs of the
heart – Use for magick involving love, peace, beauty, gentleness, women’s
problems, healing, protection, lovers, ease, pleasure, affairs. Resolve
quarrels today!
Friday – Cast love spells on Fridays. Wear blue robes and use turquoise, ruby, emerald or cat’s eye.
Today’s Magickal Influences: All Love Matters, Friendships, Affection,
Partnerships, Money, Sex
Today’s Goddesses: Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus,
Freya, Frigg, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique
Incense: Saffron, Verbena
Perfumes: Stephanotis, Apple Blossom, Musk, Ambergris
Color of The Day: Light Blue, Pale Green
Candle: Green
Colors for Tomorrow: Black
Lucky Sign: Friday Is The Lucky Day For Taurus And Libra
Saint Jegudiel represents Friday
Hail Loki! GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Saturn and Loki’s Day
Day of Seatere, Seater, and Saturn and of Loki, the Norse god of tricks and
revelry. Saturday is ruled by Saturn, whose Magickal influences are:
longevity, endings, and homes. Saturday comes under the influence of Saturn.
Saturn’s influence directs our attention toward routine chores, customs, and
conventional traditions. Saturday is a good day for furthering our ambitions
through perseverance, patience, responsible action, and a sense of purpose .
Saturday – Wear turquoise, labradorite, or diamond. Use amethyst.
Saturday is a good day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving
spirit communication, meditation, psychic self-defense, binding, and
locating lost things or missing persons.
Today’s Goddesses: Ops, Rhea, Tellus Mater, Gaia, Eartha, Ge, Tonantzin,
Asherah, Anath, The Shekinah, The Matronit, Mary, Gula, Herodias, Oddudua,
Today’s Magickal Influences: Duties, Responsibilities, Finding Families, Works Of Magic, Buildings, Meditation, Life, Doctrines
Today’s Energies: Female – Rules obstacles, overcoming blockages – Use for magick involving overcoming limitations, the elderly, endings, deaths, blocks, constrictions, and those restricting you.
Incense: Pepperwort, Assodilious, Black Poppy Seeds, Henbane, Lodestone, Myrrh
Perfumes: Hyacinth, Pansy
Color of The Day: Black
Colors for Tomorrow: Orange, Gold and Yellow
Lucky Sign: Saturday Is The Lucky Day For Capricorn And Aquarius
Candle: Black
Hail Sunna and Sol! GrannyMoon Says Today is: Sun Day
Energy: Male
Ruler: The Sun
Rule health, prosperity, leadership, joy, and protection – Use for magick involving happiness, prosperity, joy, healing, protection, power, leadership, ego, authority figures, fathers, husbands
Today’s Goddesses: Sunne, Frau Sonne, Aditi, Igaehindvo, Amaterasu, Arinna, Izanami, Ochumare
Sunday’s Magickal Influences: Health, Healing, Confidence And Hope, Prosperity
Incense: Dragons Blood
Perfumes: Heliotrope, Orange Blossom, Cloves, Frankincense, Ambergris, Musk, Myrrh
Sunday – wear topaz, sunstone, or diamond. Use pearl in crafting talismans.
Color of The Day: Orange, Gold
Colors for Tomorrow: Silver, Gray, White
Lucky Sign: Sunday Is The Lucky Day For Leo
Candle: Yellow


This Week’s Tarot Reading
by Biddy Tarot

The Card Drawn For This Week Is The King Of Swords Reversed

Your power and authority come from within. You may be moving in silence, not allowing others to steer you off-course. Choosing to draw your energy from your Higher Self and connect with what truly matters to you.

If you are feeling scattered or indecisive, go within and tap into your inner wisdom to see the way forward.

Ask the Tarot: What decisions do I need to make?


Llewellyn’s Spell a Day
Aleister Crowley’s Death Day Observance
December 01, 2019 by Devin Hunter

On this day in 1947, Aleister Crowley, one of the greatest occult minds of the twentieth century, died. Today we remember him by celebrating his works and contributions to the craft and by holding a small vigil in his honor. We do this by lighting a red candle in the west, which has his name inscribed into the sides. Light the candle and chant his name several times until you feel a calmness fill the space around you. Then recite this piece from his poem “In Memoriam,” from his 1898 book Songs of the Spirit:

The spirit, through the
vision of clouds rifted,
Soars quick and clear.
Even so, the mists that roll
o’er earth are riven,
The spirit flashes forth
from mortal sight,
And, flaming through the
viewless space, is given
A robe of light.

Allow the candle to burn out completely and safely
Small Is Better Affirmation
November 30, 2019 by Dallas Jennifer Cobb

In the US, the Saturday after Thanksgiving is celebrated as Small Business Saturday to support and promote this vital part of the economy. Since 2010, Small Business Saturday has celebrated the sector that provides approximately 66 percent of all new jobs and 54 percent of all US sales.

Today, be a conscious consumer. Vote with your dollars. Spend in a way that expresses your deeply held belief in community. Go out of your way to shop with local, family-based entrepreneurs and small businesses. Bypass the big-box stores today and put your money into the hands of people in your community who run their own business. Know that your purchase makes a difference in the community, in your local economy, and in the sustainability of local people. Each time you hand over money, affirm:

Small is better. I vote with my
money. I vote for people and
small business sustainability.
Spell for Creativity
November 29, 2019 by Ember Grant

To foster inspiration and creativity, no matter what your outlet is, try this spell. You’ll need several bay leaves. Dried ones from the spice rack are fine.

Bay (Laurus nobilis) was revered in ancient Greece and Rome. The herb was dedicated to the god Apollo. It is also said that the oracles at Delphi chewed bay leaves to induce prophetic visions. To give your own powers a boost, first charge the bay leaves with this dedication:

I celebrate creative art
and dedicate these leaves
to help express what’s in my heart
and what I can achieve.

Prophecy and poetry,
music, paint, and dance,
increase the skills I cultivate,
my craft to be enhanced.

Burn the bay leaves as incense while you work. Sleep with one under your pillow at night.
Thanksgiving Gratitude Spell
November 28, 2019 by Elizabeth Barrette

This is Thanksgiving Day, a time of gratitude. In many families, people gather together for an enormous feast in thanks for what they have. You can take advantage of this energy for your own benefit while helping others at the same time.

For this spell you will need a green candle and some donations. They can be nonperishable canned goods, coats, cash—whatever your local charities say they need. Light the candle. Gather your donations together and recite over them a list of things you feel grateful for. Then say:

I bless these gifts with abundance.
May everyone who receives them go
on to gain whatever they need in a
manner that seems good to them. All
that I do returns to me times three.

Allow the candle to burn down safely.

After the holiday is over, turn in your donations.
Vacation Spell
November 27, 2019 by Kate Freuler

Thinking of planning a vacation? Today is Wednesday and a brand-new waxing moon—a perfect day to cast a spell to help manifest your dream holiday.

Hermes is the Greek god of transition, travel, and crossing boundaries, and is said to be able to move freely between this world and the afterlife. A symbol of Hermes is the winged sandal: what better image to symbolize you taking flight on a holiday than that?

For this spell you will need some yellow felt and thread, a feather, and a small toy doll’s shoe ( plastic is fine).

Cut a small rectangle out of the felt, and sew the feather and shoe inside of it like a sachet. As you do so, see yourself enjoying your dream vacation, no matter how fanciful or far away. At dusk or dawn (times of transition and movement), tuck the charm away with your luggage or with the clothing you’d wear on your holiday to carry your intentions off to the gods of travel.
Jupiter Clarity Spell
November 26, 2019 by Devin Hunter

Currently the sun, the new moon, and Jupiter are all stationed in Sagittarius, making for some pretty potent energy. This is a time when your internal world is begging to be set free and allowed to manifest, but before it can do so, you must first find the words to describe what it is you are experiencing and what it is you want to manifest. Using the power of Jupiter (which rules Sagittarius), we can find those words.

Light a gold candle and place it before you. In your mind’s eye, draw the sigil for Jupiter ( m) and envision it entering the candle flame. Focus on the tension you feel internally, and send it into the candle flame as well. Take a few breaths and then visualize the symbol for Jupiter leaving the flame and entering your throat chakra. Spend the next few days meditating and journaling about anything that comes up.
Ear Charms to Improve Listening
November 25, 2019 by Estha McNevin

Earrings with bells are of ancient origin. The Kashmir Valley inhabitants of northwestern India date them back to the third-century- BCE Indus River, and they still believe that these jhumka bobbles are sacred to the goddess Parvati. Evocative of Shakti, the force of sound and creation, they symbolize the Himalayan divine creatrix of all life. Anointing and wearing these charms on days when compassion, understanding, and listening are your goals will bring you success.

Acquire a pair of jhumka bellshaped earrings that make a soft, soothing noise when they move. Wash both of them gently in black salt. Anoint them with seven drops each of saffron oil and rose oil to aromatically inspire listening skills that open like roses in the dew. Every time the bells on your jhumkas jingle, remember to listen for Shakti. These charms are especially favored around family holidays and are a common gift between sisters and friends


My Ancestor, Alse Young
by GrannyMoon

First recorded hanging for witchcraft in the Thirteen Colonies. Name was pronounced like “Alice,” but typically appears as “Alse.” Officially pardoned by the State of Connecticut in 2006.

Alse Young (sometimes cited as Achsah Young or Alice Young) (b. cal 1600) (died May 26, 1647) of Windsor, Connecticut, was the first person in the records executed for witchcraft in the thirteen American colonies.

Very little is recorded of Alse Young; her existence is only known through her reputation as a witch. She is believed to have been the wife of John Young, who bought a small parcel of land in Windsor in 1641, sold it in 1649, and then disappeared from the town records.

She had a daughter, Alice Young Beamon, who would be accused of witchcraft in nearby Springfield,
Massachusetts, some 30 years later. Like many similar cases of witchcraft, Alse Young was a woman without a son when the accusation was lodged, which implied that she would be eligible to receive through inheritance her husband’s estate.

There is no further record of Young’s trial or the specifics of the charge, only that Alse Young was a woman. Early historical record hints at the possibility that there may have been some sort of epidemic in the town of Windsor in early 1647. Alse Young was hanged at the Meeting House Square in Hartford, Connecticut, on what is now the site of the Old State House. A journal of then Massachusetts Bay Colony Governor John Winthrop states that “One… of Windsor arraigned and executed at Hartford for a witch.” [1] The second town clerk of Windsor, Matthew Grant also confirms the execution with the May 26, 1647 diary entry, “Alse Young was hanged.”

In 1642, witchcraft became punishable by death in the Connecticut Colony. This capital offense was backed by references to the King James version of the Bible: Exodus (22:18) says, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. And Leviticus (20:27) says, A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood (shall be) upon them. In Connecticut, witchcraft was last listed as a capital crime in 1715. The crime of witchcraft disappeared from the list of capital crimes when the laws were next issued in 1750.


Love notes 908: Mementos of Friends

Heartwings says, “Reminders of a friend’s generosity warm the heart.”

I took the red and white baking dish out of the drawer under the oven and set it on the counter. An image of the person who had given it to me rose in my mind, and I sighed. We had been friends for many years. Now however she had joined the angels that she so often spoke of. Her faith was strong and she shared it on occasion though not intrusively. A colorful character, she was always fun to see and over the years she had given me other gifts I cherished.

As I reached to put on my earrings, I opened a small trinket box and fished around for a tiny plastic “ear nut.” I keep a lot of them in it, ready to make sure I don’t lose a precious earring. The pretty little box with a woman on the lid was another gift from a special friend and I think of her always when I open it to get one. There is a pair of cute stretchy pants in my drawer, a present from a friend who has moved away, so I don’t see her any longer. I am happy to have this reminder of her and of our friendship.

The lovely glass vase I use for flowers when they arrive as a gift reminds me of a friend who lives in another state, too far to visit. Happily, email does help us keep in touch. These and other things are my special treasures, more precious to me than any glittering object in a catalogue, because they remind me of someone dear and special. I feel most fortunate in my friends. One of them recently made me a special birthday picture that I frequently glimpse on the shelf next to my bed.

Treasured items come and go, and we cannot hold onto everything we cherish. Some vanish and others fall apart. There are some we hold especially dear because of how they were acquired. They bring us the memory of the giver and perhaps even the circumstances of the giving. I have a lovely shawl my daughter knit for me. I feel the warmth of her love whenever I wear it. I also have the memory of the time we spent together choosing the wool. It is a pleasure to enjoy the remembrances attached to the gifts friends have given me.

Life is shorter than we know when are young. Each day is more precious than we can imagine while we move through our busy weeks. It is easy to forget to take notice of what may pass away unexpectedly, or be buried in the inundation of our to-do list. When I glimpse them, these gifts and many more from other dear ones are good reminders to stop, say a short prayer of thanks and wish the giver well. Whether or not we are still able to communicate, I cherish what we had while we had it and give thanks for it and for them, always.

May you have special mementos to remind you of dear ones.

Blessings and best regards, Tasha Halpert <>

PS If you have a story to share, I’d love to hear it. Your emails make my day and I promise to respond to you, if it takes a while.


Life Lessons through Reincarnation
By Madisyn Taylor

Often we reincarnate on earth with our soul family, and often our most intense relationships are with our soul family.

You meet someone for the first time and feel as if you know them already. You’re in a town that you’ve never been to before, yet you recognize streets and buildings. You start playing a new sport and amaze everyone, including yourself, at your natural abilities and intuitive knowing of the rules. We often describe such experiences as déjà vu: the experience or feeling that a new situation has happened to us before. Then again, the possibility does exist that we have actually lived these experiences in the past or, rather, in another lifetime.

Many spiritual practices believe that reincarnation is real: Our souls return to this earth over a series of lifetimes to evolve, learn, grow, transform, and become more spiritually attuned through the course of each life. When we reincarnate, it is believed that we tend to cycle through our different lives with many of the same people. Often these traveling “soul” companions are the ones we enter into relationships with; we work through our unresolved issues together so that we may heal. When we struggle or keep encountering blocks that keep us from reaching our goals, there may be a specific lesson that we are supposed to learn in this lifetime. Being naturally blessed with a musical talent or another gift can be a special ability that you worked hard to develop in a past life. You may even have lived before as another gender or as part of a different social or economic class. Each lifetime brings with it specific lessons that are necessary for our spiritual evolution.

Past life recall can give us valuable insights into our past, present, and future lives. The knowledge of how we lived before can help us overcome present obstacles, understand phobias, and resolve relationship issues. There are workshops you can take to learn about past lives, and past life regression therapists can guide you on your journey backward in time. You can learn to visit your past lives through your dreams, meditation, and trance work. It is even possible to see full scenes of a former lifetime flash before you in your mind’s eye as if you were watching a movie. While looking back at your past lives can be exciting and enlightening, it is important to remember that the answers you are seeking to this life can only truly be found by living this one. Look to your past to see where you’ve been, but remember that the life that matters most is the one that you are living now.


It Could Happen by Stephen Halpert

It was getting dark. I was sitting on a bench on the Common, across from the Inn reading a newspaper. I noticed a tall, thin woman walking toward me from South Street. She wore jeans, a fancy embroidered cowgirl shirt, thick turquoise and silver jewelry and dark boots. Her hair was covered by a flowered bandana. She stopped and glanced at her surroundings, then fidgeted with her purse. Her nervous manner made me wonder exactly what was up. she gave the impression she didn’t want to be seen and kept checking her watch.
She passed my bench and waited by the curb. A few moments later a black Caddy turned past the Inn, pulled up and idled. Hesitantly at first, then eagerly, she went over to it. The driver rolled down his window.
She was close enough for me to hear her conversation. “Did you get them?” Her voice was ragged and hoarse.
He ignored her, opened his door and got out. I slouched down on the bench and peered at him over my newspaper: He was stocky, with slicked back black hair. He wore a nondescript brown suit. His floral shirt was unbuttoned, gold chains flashed on his chest.
“Well? She insisted, her voice nervous, rising.
“You have the money?” He asked her softly.
“You don’t think I’d cheat you?” she gasped. “Here!” And reaching into her jeans, she pulled out a wad of cash and handed it to him. Quickly it disappeared.
He grinned again, opened a fresh pack of cigarettes and handed her what looked like a gold filter tip cigarette.
She lit up and inhaled deeply. The smoking seemed to calm her. “Thanks,” she said after inhaling several more times, ” It’s been a while. I needed that.”
He laughed. “You Americans and your foolish laws.” He turned, opened the back door of the Caddy, reached in and pulled out a brown shopping bag. “Next thing you know the law will tell you how short you can wear your pretty skirts.”
“Do you think I like it?” Her mouth thinned. She sucked in a few more puffs and held the smoke in before letting it trickle slowly out her nostrils. “This is supposed to be a free country.”
“Free to be the way they want you to be,” he laughed. He handed her the pack and gave her a shopping bag. “These better last a while,” he mumbled. “The FBI discovered some of our people. We all have to be more careful. It’s prison now if we get caught.”
She looked into the bag, raised her eyebrows and gasped. “I thought you said four!”
“Supply!” He waved his hand in a take it or leave it manner. “It’s not like you can get them at the store anymore. More risk for everyone since 9/11. Meeting you here like this is risk. You gotta hear that.” Quickly he turned away toward the car.
“Next week?” she asked twisting the handle of the bag, “Next week?”
“Maybe,” he called back noncommittally. “It’s all about supply. You’ll hear from me.”
“You must,” she began. But the Caddy was already moving away from the Common down 140 toward North Grafton.
She sighed and took another drag. She noticed me in the shadows and began to look apprehensive. I got up, folded my paper and started walking past her toward the library. “Score a little grass?” I asked giving her a friendly smile.
“I don’t do that crap,” she hissed. Defiantly she opened the bag. Inside were three cartons of Marlboros.
There were so many things I wanted to say to her: “Smoking ruins your skin,” popped into my mind, along with the image of a friend whose lovely face had become a mask of wrinkles. “Do you really want to spend all that money just to see it go up in smoke?” was something else I thought of. However, I didn’t care for the smell of her cigarette and didn’t want to prolong the conversation.
But she sighed and sat down on one of the benches. “I don’t really like to smoke,” she said. “But every time I try to quit…” She shook her head and sighed again. She took another puff and ground out the cigarette. With a slightly guilty glance at me she picked it up and put it into the bag with the cartons.
“I hear you,” I said. “Been there, done that, and now I’m out of the loop. Have been for thirty plus years!”
She gasped. “How?”
“Got a terrible case of bronchitis and had to quit. Stayed off it after that.”
Her mouth turned down. “I always seem to go back to it again,” she said sadly.
I shook my head. “Yes, it’s difficult not to.”
She coughed then, a smoker’s cough, the kind that can turn into something much worse.
“That cough is dangerous,” I said bluntly. “Had your lungs checked lately?”
She hung her head. “I don’t dare.”
I smiled and patted her shoulder. “For your own sake,” I said in as kindly a voice as I could, “and the sake of those who love you,” I added quietly, “Quit now. The alternatives are worse.”
She stood up and began to walk away. “I know, I know,” she muttered. She reached into her purse for her pack, shook out another cigarette, lit up, and walked on.


4 Beverages To Add To Your Healthy Drink List
by Andrew Weil, M.D.

Today we cover four healthy beverages – experiment to find the best ways to incorporate them into your daily routine:

Green tea. Dr. Weil’s beverage of choice, green tea is a potent source of catechins – healthy antioxidants that can inhibit cancer cell activity and help boost immunity. Always aim for an organic and fair-trade version. Replace your morning coffee with a cup of tea for a healthier wake-up, and drink unsweetened iced green tea throughout the day.
Cranberry juice. Cranberries are a rich source of vitamin C and contain a substance that hinders the attachment of bacteria to bladder walls, which can help prevent urinary tract infections. Instead of cranberry juice cocktail, opt for unsweetened cranberry juice concentrate and dilute with water or sparkling water. Diluted 100 percent blueberry juice or pomegranate juice can be healthy choices as well as long as you keep your total juice intake low.
Red wine. The antioxidant activity of red wine has been linked to heart health benefits, reduced stress, and even preserving memory. If you enjoy an occasional drink, limit your intake to one to two glasses a day. If you don’t drink, don’t start – there are other ways to get antioxidants in your diet, most importantly from fresh whole fruits and vegetables.
Pure, filtered water. Staying well hydrated is essential to optimal health and overall functioning. Sip water throughout the day, and in the warmer months, be sure to drink water before and after exercising to avoid dehydration. Make sure to have some type of filter on your tap water, even store-bought charcoal-based pitchers can make a difference. If trying to kick a soda habit, try sparkling mineral water with a squeeze of citrus.


The Train as Metaphor
By Madisyn Taylor

People can be like trains, making unscheduled stops along the way, but inevitably always arriving at our proper destination.

The rails that crisscross the countryside and cut through cities have long captured people’s imaginations. Just the idea of taking a ride on a luxury train, an express commuter line, or a cargo train can often evoke a sense of freedom, adventure, or romance. Trains are like people in that they must inevitably arrive at their destinations. They make scheduled and unscheduled stops along the way and move at their different speeds. Some trains can travel for hours and are mindful of only a single destination; other trains meander from busy stop to busy stop. The route and purpose of any train may change as the years go by.

Our lives stretch out in front and behind us like train tracks, and we are the train, its passengers, and the engineer. The way you choose to live your life and the goals you are working toward are the route and destinations you have chosen. Like a passenger riding a train, you have the choice to get on and off, find new routes, pick new places to visit, or just stop and enjoy the view for awhile. Perhaps you like to move quickly through life as if you were an express train. Or maybe, like a commuter passenger, you like taking the same routes over and over again. You may even want to stop just riding along and choose a different direction you’d like your life to take.

If you have examined the tracks of your life and are feeling unsatisfied, you may want to explore changes you could make to find a more fulfilling path to follow. Perhaps you’d like to slow down a little bit more and take a windier path rather than just traveling down the straight and narrow. Or maybe, you’d like to experience your life more as an adventure rather than just a ride that gets you where you need to go. Changing your route can sometimes give you a chance to “get on the right track.” You may even discover that the something new you’ve been waiting for is just around the bend.


Weekly Horoscopes Beginning Sunday, 01 December 2019

If you`re born within cusp period (16 to 26 of any month); you`re advised to read horoscopes of both signs covered by that period. You`re in the border; you may have influences from houses within those signs.

Outlines are longer versions; consists of every possible detail of everyday and based on three parts of each sign: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Decan; that is, any of three divisions of 10° within a sign of the zodiac. Even if you know or don`t know your Decan; I recommend, please read all three Decan.

Personal theme: I am!!
Fire & cardinal sign: March 21 — April 19

Your horoscope for this week:

In mid-November, your ruler Mars moved to accent life`s practicalities in general, and financial matters in particular. While you`ve known they needed attention, thus far you`ve managed to do the minimum. Now events are forcing your hand. Instead of using your clever mind to sidestep these, focus on them. What you learn will explain a lot, especially the twists and turns you`ve been contending with.

People in authority are making your life difficult. You could get into hostilities regarding an inheritance, insurance or tax matter. Someone in a position of power refuses to budge and it will be a waste of time and energy arguing with pig headed professionals. You may have to look further afield to find a solution. Any little health matter that crops up should be nothing to worry about. Headaches may be the result of working too hard. Guard against burning the candle at both ends.

Imagine driving and hitting icy water on the road. Your ability to guide the vehicle to safety will be tested. This though is when you show off your professional driving skills. As Jupiter arrives in Capricorn on Tuesday and you could display considerable expertise: in the process letting others known know that not only do you feel more powerful but that you are worthy of greater respect. By the time the Moon reaches your sign on Friday, you could have attracted considerable professional attention. This week then offers ample opportunity for you to shine and to be noticed by those unaware of just how many talents you have.

Personal theme: I have!!
Earth & fixed sign: April 20 — May 20

Your horoscope for this week:

Planning ahead may be a virtue; but with the Sun and your ruler Venus recently having linked up with inventive Uranus, which is positioned in Taurus, you`re experiencing odd yet exciting twists and turns. Once you understand this isn`t about making, and sticking with, a plan but about new places, people and experiences, you`ll thoroughly enjoy the changes altering how you live, love and work.

You`re determined to take action, work hard and get results. You`re feeling optimistic and your positive mood is an inspiration to anyone who is near you. Take this opportunity to charge ahead towards a special goal. An older relative will make a few suggestions. Although you will appreciate their advice, you don`t have to follow it. If you make a choice that they aren`t keen on, you need to remind yourself that this is your life and you have to make your own decisions.

Jupiter moves into another of the Earth signs on Tuesday -just slightly ahead of the First Quarter Moon. There is strong possibility that you and your expertise will be discussed by those who live and work far away or are in some way linked to higher education. It could be argued that this would be the optimum time to undertake testing or exam. Mercury continues its move through your opposite sign and it`s quite possible that others will indeed want to know more about what you know and how you operate. It might also be that you become aware of a powerplay at work and by Friday realise that you could broker an alliance that has value for you too.

Personal theme: I think!!
Air sign: May 21 — June 20

Your horoscope for this week:

Although your ruler Mercury`s retrograde cycle ended on 20 November, you`re still facing a range of exciting but often confusing options. This is no surprise. You`re preparing for the Gemini New Moon, on Wednesday 11 December, which is about shedding the past and breakthroughs, many in completely unexpected ways. For now, consider what could go and explore possible options, but make no commitments, at least, just yet.

A clash of opinions in the home can be best dealt with by changing the subject. If past events come under discussion and you have to rely on memory to strengthen your case, it could be that your recollection about such matters are distorted. Keep your thoughts to yourself. If you`ve been avoiding dealing with banks, an educational institution or government agency, take the bull by the horns and go for what you want. After all, you won`t get anywhere if you don`t try.

Momentarily it could feel as though someone has slammed the brakes on very hard on Tuesday. It could be that at some level you are called to account. Tempting as it may be to run away from this, perhaps you should face the music. It`s probable that you know far more than you think. Indeed, like others, you could display extra ordinary expertise. In your case, your insightfulness and ability to think so quickly is set to stand you in good stead. Yes, it`s entirely possible that you`ll be living on your nerves and should treat these with respect. Think carefully about what you eat and drink. At a professional level however be aware that you`re moving into new areas. Yes, over the next year you may be quizzed again and again as to your long-term objectives. It is perhaps not good enough to suggest that there are too many for you to mention and important for you to be clear about the few steps you want to have taken before your birthday.

Personal theme: I feel!!
Water & cardinal sign: June 21 — July 22

Your horoscope for this week:

As much as you enjoy knowing others are aware of, and care about, your wellbeing and happiness, allowing them to interfere is another matter. Yet certain individuals are in a position to advise, lend a hand or even give you a financial boost. While, obviously, being cautious is wise, the planetary setup accents exactly such appealing ideas or offers. At minimum, explore these. You won`t regret it.

Someone in the family wants to splash out on a luxury item. You will prefer to stick to practical ways of handling your cash. It`s not a good idea to take risks even if someone is being highly persuasive about you doing so. This will be one of those times when everything seems to happen at once. You will be up to your eyes in work and although you might wish you had more than one pair of hands you are actually managing to keep on top of it all.

Jupiter arrives in your opposite sign on Tuesday: probably brining your basket full of messages from the cosmos and leaving you with much to discuss. The fact that its arrival coincides with the First Quarter Moon in another of the Water signs and highlighting overseas friendships and relations, suggests that work-wise, your world could expand considerably.. You might even be offered a travel opportunity. It is as likely that all this will come through a partner or close colleague. You might even be asked to think about uprooting and living elsewhere. For some Cancers responsibilities could come through family members and their decisions. Either way, anticipate this being an extremely busy week but not in a negative sense. You could perhaps afford to wait until after the solar Eclipse in your opposite sign on 26th before you make decisions.

Personal theme: I will!!
Fire & fixed sign: July 23 — August 22

Your horoscope for this week:

Usually, one of your gifts is your ability to spot a goal, then maintain your focus until it becomes reality. However, with the actual circumstances shifting, so, too, must your plans, for now and the future. Letting go of certain of those long-cherished objectives may seem a compromise. However, the fresh perspective triggered by the Leo New Moon, in early 2020, will change all of that.

A twist in circumstances may call for you to take a longish trip. On the one hand you`re okay about this but on the other, you`re slightly annoyed. There are people who could be helping out but they conveniently have plans they cannot cancel. Since it falls on you to deal with this situation you may as well relax and appreciate a change of scenery. Take what a male friend or colleague tells you with a pinch of salt. He may have got the facts all wrong and this could be misleading.

It`s probable that after Jupiter`s arrival in Capricorn on Tuesday 3rd for a year-long stay, that the need for information will increase substantially. You might even decide to take an evening course. As if you didn`t have enough to cram into your day already, there`s also the possibility of you being asked to teach or mentor someone. Involvement with education at some level seems likely. This could have a stop-start quality to it and not really get fully underway until the end of January. In fact, you might need to try out a few things to see what works best for you. Nor would it be surprising if you had increased contact with a library or other information source. For this week at least, the need to ferret out information looks strong.

Personal theme: I analyse!!
Earth sign: August 23 — September 22

Your horoscope for this week:

Usually, you`re the one who needs to keep track of what others say or commit to. It may be family, friends, colleagues or even neighbours. Whoever they are, they`ll make promises, in the moment, that ultimately are unrealistic. Except now, you`re about to learn from some of these. What, initially, you regard as based more on a dream than reality could come true, and within days.

Someone at work or in the home is making mountains out of molehills. Since they have a habit of over dramatizing situations, the only way to keep the peace is to grin and bear it. If anyone tries to drag you into a heated debate, remove yourself from the scene. A group project has hit a snag. Instead of continuing with activities that are getting you nowhere, wait until other people are in a more cooperative mood. It`s all a matter of timing.

The good news is that with Jupiter`s arrival in Capricorn (another of the Earth signs) on Tuesday, and for a year-long journey through the most creative part of your solar chart, you could feel enthusiasm surfacing that hasn`t been around for some years. Inspired; possibly by a teacher or someone who`s moved in recently, and would like access to information that you are archived sometime back, – you might decide to resurrect a hobby. Though you might not get this started properly until after the Solar Eclipse at the end of the month, the need to do something different and to expand your world in a pleasure-seeking way looks to be strong. Work wise, tension with those born under one of the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn could increase. It may feel as though they`re pulling away from you. It`s probable though, that they are identifying a goal that is now so compelling that they don`t have the bandwidth to acknowledge your needs.

Personal theme: I balance!!
Air & cardinal sign: September 23 — October 22

Your horoscope for this week:

Obviously, you`re not happy about the idea of plans you worked hard to organise and which, even more, mean a lot to you, coming undone. However, the sudden events you`re facing aren`t mere changes but, in fact, are breakthroughs. True, just how won`t be clear until everything is in place, which could take weeks. Still, have faith. The coming days` events will help justify that optimism.

There`s a strained atmosphere in the home or workplace. Before you start laying the blame on someone else, take a look at your own attitude. It could be six of one and half a dozen of the other. A little compromise will work wonders. Your intuition will combine well with your practical handling of a situation. You have been through a similar dilemma before and will instantly know what to do. Trust your hunches as they will lead you in the best direction.

Jupiter`s arrival at the very base of your solar chart just as it did about 12 years ago, suggests an expansion in your home life but also in your working platform. You may find that it is necessary to work from home. Of course, it could be that you decide to undertake a training course – or even offer one. You will need to take extra care that you don`t take on more than you can reasonably handle. This week especially you could promise more than you can reasonably deliver. Yet financially, what`s on offer may be compelling. It might be a wise move before the weekend to make a note of all you`d like to achieve in the next three years. Yes, that is a broad expanse of time. It might suit you though to consider this week as being the start of an adventure. In a sense, you could you view this week as marking the ground out for base camp and identifying what will be needed before you start a project in earnest.

Scorpio & Ophiuchus
Personal theme: I desire!!
Water & fixed signs: October 23 — November 21

Your horoscope for this week:

Making plans in the midst of changes, in your own life and in the world around, you aren`t easy. Yet your instincts are guiding you in terms of what to pursue and who to trust. However, these are only part of a series of changes, each of which is taking you closer to exciting, if unfamiliar, situations or settings. Still, have faith. It will soon be justified.

Whatever you do, don`t be tempted to sweep unpaid bills under the carpet. Restructuring your finances by consolidating all your loans will help you clear your debts. Contact a money management agency for help. Breaking a bad habit or addiction will be good for your health. Cut down on sugar and alcohol and your energy levels will rise. If you are battling a serious demon, it might be better to get expert professional help.

Anticipate the arrival of either new neighbours on your co-workers. They might even bring with them access to another language. Arriving at understanding will take time might not occur until well after the solar Eclipse at the end of this month. Even so, and though you might have some anxiety initially, it`s probable that friendships and partnerships forged now will become increasingly valuable in the coming months. Note that Mars is still travelling through your sign: you could be ultra-defensive. You will need to take care that you don`t go to war with someone unnecessarily. It might suit you to undertake some physical activity to dispel excess energy. Career wise you could push forward by forging an alliance with someone who has identified a clear goal to be reached before the end of March 2020 and where your involvement could make a real difference.

Personal theme: I see!!
Fire sign: November 22 — December 21

Your horoscope for this week:

You thrive on change and on new ideas; but even you could be overwhelmed by the ideas, offers or changes triggered by Monday`s move, by your ruler Jupiter into a new position, and to accent the practical side of your life. While, initially, this will raise questions about what, and who, is worth your while, what you learn will benefit you for years to come.

Travel, especially of the long-distance variety, is accented in a wonderful way. There has never been a better time to travel to an exotic land that has always fascinated you or to embark on a spiritual journey. If you can`t arrange it so you can shake familiar dust from your feet, get together with friends and start planning a future holiday. Health is extremely good and will continue this way providing you don`t push yourself to the limit or the opposite will be the case.

Jupiter leaves your sign on Tuesday 3rd and you may be more than happy to wave goodbye! It is interesting how many textbooks build-up the transit of Jupiter as bringing good fortune and opportunity. It is more likely that your window on the world has expanded but not, perhaps in the exuberant and positive way in which you`d imagined. Jupiter`s move into Capricorn suggests fresh energy into a different area of your life: you may be now rather more concerned about financial matters. Health and long-term saving arrangements will likely have much of your attention. There is also the possibility that someone who gave a `definite` opinion a few weeks ago will change their mind – or at least modify their stance. Whilst there may be more than a few dark and heavy moment this week by the time Mercury reaches your sign next week, you should be back to your more exuberant self.

Personal theme: I use!!
Earth & cardinal sign: December 22 — January 19

Your horoscope for this week:

Theoretically, the move by fortunate Jupiter into Capricorn on Tuesday begins an amazing cycle of growth and development. The problem? Those golden opportunities may be in short supply, while events are undoing familiar elements of your life. Actually, these are only clearing the way for new developments. Knowing that, despite your misgivings, let go. You`ll soon realise why this is wise, and importantly, what`s next.

Watch your step as you could be accident prone. Take precautions at work and if you are travelling, double check all arrangements.. Watch what you say too, or a joking remark could be misconstrued. You might wonder whether everyone has lost their sense of humour. A partner is irresponsible with money. Don`t follow their example. Persuade them of the importance of staying on budget. Before the week has ended you will discover a good reason why you were wise to keep your wallet firmly closed.

Jupiter arrives in your sign on Tuesday. Though this transit occurs every dozen or so years, this one is extra special in that both Saturn and Pluto are already moving through your sign. With so much emphasis here, it is as though you are the conductor of an orchestra that is the largest ever gathered.. It might be as well to anticipate an increased workload and much, much noise! Certainly, it seems that others will be looking to you for direction and assistance. Fact is that we are all negotiating working revolutions and that new pathways must be found. Your role may be to focus on what from the past is truly valuable and should be treasured. You might also discover that those born under the Water signs of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces will show signs of being comfortable working with you – which could lead to a job offer coming your way.

Personal theme: I know!!
Air & fixed sign: January 20 — February 18

Your horoscope for this week:

It`s not that you`re stubborn as much as while others are excited about the ideas and offers coming your way, certain elements puzzle you. Tempting as it is to both research the facts and discuss your options, you`re better off allowing experience to be your guide. That means saying `yes` despite being short of facts. What you learn will soon convince you how wise this was.

The closer you get to Christmas, the more aware you are of insurance and other annual payments that coincide with the festive season. This makes for an even more expensive time. A creative assignment or putting in some overtime could bring in enough money to meet expenses. You have no need to worry about persuading others to see the sense of your dreams and schemes. Your ideas are exciting and your family and friends will be happy to support your plans.

As you know, yours is one of the Air signs of the Zodiac and generally, you`re good at detecting changes in the cosmic weather. Where you may not be quite as secure, is focusing on what goes on beneath your feet. Jupiter`s arrival in Capricorn (one of the Earth signs) on Tuesday, marks a decided shift. True, that shift might not become a full quake until late January. Even so, it might be as well to be prepared for movement and especially, excitement in the worlds of those born under the Earth signs of Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. In their different ways, these individuals may be grappling with forces of change. This though is when you could come in: the cool, calms and calculated and helpful way in which you negotiate challenges especially toward the end of the week, should get you noticed and recognised as being a valuable team player. The keyword this week is most decidedly `team`.

Personal theme: I believe!!
Water sign: February 19 — March 20

Your horoscope for this week:

There`s no denying that several issues have no single, workable solution. While many want to discuss options, your intuition is correctly telling you to plunge in, and let each day`s experiences reveal what`s next. This will require frequent, and dramatic changes and lead to numerous clashes. Still, what you learn in the process, and the outcome will prove how wise it was to adopt this strategy.

You want to see results for your efforts but not to the point where your obsession with a project you are working on is likely to cause a row. Remind yourself that the festive season is almost upon is and make room in your life for fun and pleasure too. Find a balance between work and play. It`s important to find an outlet for your creative energies. Whether it is making jewellery, restoring furniture or cooking, working with your hands will give you pleasure.

Your ruling planet, Jupiter`s, move into Capricorn on Tuesday 3rd, is unlikely to pass unnoticed. For a whole year that planet will be passing through an area of your solar chart associated with networking and distribution. Anticipate that your social world will expand. It will help if you are selective about which groups you want to be associated with. On that note, and as the Moon passes through your sign this week, you could perhaps review which associations you belong to and which you`ve outgrown. It may be time to move on. There is also the strong possibility of you being asked to act as mentor. Whilst this might not necessarily happen this week, you could nevertheless be `mentioned in dispatches` as a possible guide to someone facing big challenges in 2020. A further, and strong possibility before the weekend is renewed contact with someone you once studied with and who is now working in a field which has fascination for you too.

Posted by: arif uk <>


Monthly Horoscopes for December 2019

If you`re born within cusp period (16 to 26 of any month); you`re advised to read horoscopes of both signs covered by that period. You`re in the border; you may have influences from houses within those signs.

Outlines are longer versions; consists of every possible detail of everyday and based on three parts of each sign: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Decan; that is, any of three divisions of 10° within a sign of the zodiac. Even if you know or don`t know your Decan; I recommend, please read all three Decan.
Personal theme: I am!!
Fire & cardinal sign: March 21 — April 19

Your horoscope for this month:

The focus, during most of November and December is on reviewing a range of challenging situations and, often, organising complex changes. Initially, you`ll be annoyed, so tempted to ignore these or do the minimum. Once you recognise a rethink is timely, you`ll focus on each issue as it arises. Focus on asking questions. The resulting insights won`t just be informative, they`re preparing you for the exciting next chapter of your life. Once that`s clear, you`ll exchange your recent grumpy attitude for boundless enthusiasm about what`s next.

Upsetting news about a community issue will arrive on the 12th, due to a stressful Full Moon. Government officials have been cutting deals behind the scenes. These negotiations will have a negative impact on the people living in your neighbourhood. It would be wise to band together and devise a plan for defying these orders. There is power in numbers. A Solar Eclipse on the 26th highlights your leadership ability. You`ll be asked to take the helm of an influential organisation. Your ability to fundraise and organise will cultivate success. Don`t be surprised if you become something of a local celebrity as a result of this role. People will be impressed with your ability to spin straw into gold. You also command a loyal following, thanks to your ability to deliver on promises. The end of December will find your sphere of influence expanding. When you talk, others will listen.

It`s worthwhile looking back to 2007 and 2008: the last time that Jupiter passed through Capricorn. Its arrival in that sign again on Tuesday, December 3, won`t bring an exact repeat but it will no doubt accent career and financial issues. you may decide to either grow a business or make a sound investment around the Full Moon on December 12th; and yes, this could be in partnership. Just a couple of days later, Jupiter makes fabulous aspect to Uranus now moving through one of the financial zones of your chart; and yes, your entrepreneurial spirit will surely rise to the surface. Of course, nothing is ever simple or easy and between then and the solstice, hard work will be necessary. Yet between 24th and 27th you could have much to celebrate. You might also be astounded by yet another offer that reaches you before the end of the year.

Personal theme: I have!!
Earth & fixed sign: April 20 — May 20

Your horoscope for this month:

If you`ve kept updated about your stars, you`ll know the move by Uranus into Taurus, last March, kick-started a cycle of change. Mostly, what arose was welcome but, occasionally, it was unsettling.. Actually, this isn`t only about practicalities but, also, a powerful shift in your perspective. If you`re already viewing things differently, you`ll have recognised the potential recent changes offer. If not, December`s obvious, and thrilling, breakthroughs will convince you how wise you`d be to embrace the unexpected. Take it in stages. Events will soon win you over.

Payment for a job well done will be less than expected. An aggravating Full Moon on the 12th will trigger an angry exchange with a deceptive client or customer. If you loaned money to a friend, it will be difficult to be repaid. The person you helped will claim they were given this sum as a gift. Let this be a lesson about mixing friendship with finance. Combining the two is often disastrous. Things will start looking up on the 26th, when a Solar Eclipse invites you to expand your horizons. Going on an overseas trip, enrolling in an advanced academic programme or publishing a book are among the possibilities. It`s also possible that you`ll broadcast your ideas via a newspaper column, podcast or blog. Use the closing days of the year to build a reputation as a respected expert. Your services shouldn`t come free, they have to be paid for, allowing you to travel in style.

Recall that Uranus last visited your sign in the 1930s. Chances are that you have no experience of this energy; but then neither do you have experience of Jupiter in Capricorn in positive aspect to Uranus. You could yet be taken unawares by delights and rewards. Yes, there is the promise of excitement and positive improvement. Around the Full Moon on December 12th particularly, you could make gains. As you know, yours is one of the Fixed signs of the Zodiac. You tend to choose one course and stick to it. Uranus though demands that you march to the beat of a very different drum. You may find that before the end of the year revenue is coming from two very different sources. One though could complement the other fantastically. At a self-assessment level, you might also decide that soon after December 3rd you will invest in training programme. Soon after Venus arrives at the apex of your solar chart from 20th, you could open up a very new and exciting financial pathway. This should give you something to celebrate: particularly between 27th and 30th.

Personal theme: I think!!
Air sign: May 21 — June 20

Your horoscope for this month:

Others admire your amazingly adaptable nature. Still, even you will have struggled with November`s numerous twists and turns. However, by December, you`ll realise how much you learnt from complex situations; but, even more, personal insights will lead to powerful changes in your priorities. So, when the Gemini Full Moon, on 12 December, brings both unsettled arrangements and your own questions about a range of matters to a head, you`ll eagerly discuss plans and your personal options. The result? New, and easily achievable, goals.

You`ll be placed in an awkward position in the middle of December. Your boss may ask you to take the blame for their mistake on the 12th, when a Full Moon threatens to expose their ineptitude. It`s better to walk away from a secure position than serve as a human shield. Tender your resignation or turn down a promotion. Being unemployed during the Christmas season is never a happy situation, but keep the faith. A Solar Eclipse on the 26th will reap handsome financial rewards. An inheritance, legal settlement or insurance refund will be unexpectedly rewarded to you. This windfall will greatly improve your lifestyle. Not only will you be able to cover your expenses, you`ll be able to pay your debts and enjoy a few luxuries, too. This improved financial situation will take the pressure off an intimate relationship, paving the way for some passionate encounters at the end of 2019.

All eyes could be on you and the decisions you make around the Full Moon in your sign on December 12th. Before then, Jupiter leaves your opposite sign and moves into Capricorn. You may now be ready to join forces – possibly with a Capricorn or to invest in an established business. Certainly, it seems your financial view will change substantially. You are likely now to be playing far more for the long game than you ever have. Pensions and savings will likely have your rapt attention. By the time that Venus enters another of the Air signs on Friday 20th, you could have property management plans in place. Yes, you might also be aware of physical or daily limitations. Mars` continuing move through the daily sector of your solar chart suggests that you may be burning the candle at both ends and possibly draining physical resources in the process. Your mind though could tune into investments and thinking long-term, lead you to make the most of opportunities presenting on 18th, 20th, 22nd and every day between 24th and 30th. What you learn during the latter period should be of particular interest and reward in 2020.

Personal theme: I feel!!
Water & cardinal sign: June 21 — July 22

Your horoscope for this month:

The trick to dealing with December`s often chaotic situations is, first, to determine which are your responsibility – and which aren`t. Next, talk this over with others, clearly defining where they`ve be in charge. While the resulting discussions won`t always be easy, they`ll be worth the effort and, often, eliminate confusion for good. Meanwhile, review increasingly chaotic elements in your way of living or working, considering what works or needs to go. What you learn about your options prepares you for the life-changing Cancer eclipse in mid-January.

Troubling information will come to light on the 12th, due to a revelatory Full Moon. Someone who has been pretending to have expert knowledge will be exposed as a fraud. Let this be a lesson about putting your faith in others. When you are compelled by a charismatic figure, do some research into their background. You may discover their claims have no basis in reality. A Solar Eclipse on the 26th paves the way to an exciting relationship. Falling in love or forming a business alliance are distinct possibilities. You also might get engaged or married. Joining forces with someone else will have long term benefits. If you already have a romantic partner, they`ll have wonderful career news. You might be accompanying your partner on a series of glamorous business trips. Seeing the world on an expense account will be the answer to a prayer. A special closeness will develop between you and your amour.

Jupiter arrives in your opposite sign at the start of the month and could come in with a storm of activity. Yes, this will probably come through a partner or close friend. Whatever, you should expect your world to be turned upside down but not necessarily in a bad way. One of Jupiter`s first aspects is to Uranus and in a positive way. You may find that your work has been much discussed and that others are interested in getting to know you better. Socially your world should also expand hugely and particularly from Venus entry into Aquarius on 20th. There are so many good days in December that it would be hard to single anyone out. Yet what`s proposed around Christmas Eve on 24th, could be more than a little interesting and give you much to discuss before the end of the year. One possibility is that someone to whom you`re very close is offered the chance to work elsewhere. The upheaval this would cause would no doubt be great but the rewards perhaps worth considering. It`s true that December tends to be an expensive time for most people. What you purchase around the Full Moon on December 12th though could yet prove to be a shrewd investment.

Personal theme: I will!!
Fire & fixed sign: July 23 — August 22

Your horoscope for this month:

Sometimes disappointments aren`t merely a nuisance, but forcing you to recognise that once-worthwhile arrangements, personal or out in the world, no longer work. When these arise, resist the temptation to battle them and, instead, let go. This may not be easy, but you`re clearing the way for thrilling and often unexpected events during the coming months. Meanwhile, invest time in doing those things you`ve never had time for, including relaxing with loved ones, family and old friends.. This will remind you what you`ve been missing.

Things will be tense on the friendship front in mid-December. The Full Moon on the 12th will fuel tempers. Resist the temptation to respond to an obnoxious or offensive remark on social media. You may feel compelled to defend a group who is being attacked. Injecting yourself into this conversation will be like pouring gasoline on a smouldering fire. Maintain a tactful silence and let the verbally abusive person fall on their own sword. A Solar Eclipse on the 26th invites you to launch a health regimen. Overhauling your diet, exercise and sleep routine will enhance your natural good looks. You`ll turn heads wherever you go at the end of December. If you`ve been looking for a job, you`ll land a position at a prestigious company. This role will involve extensive travel. Staying at the world`s most luxurious hotels will be just your cup of tea. You`ll be traveling first class all the way.

It would be unsurprising if soon after Jupiter moved into Capricorn on December 3, that your attention turned to apparent runaway daily living costs. Some of these could be health-care related. Whatever, regulating these could prove challenging. There is also the ongoing issue of property and its Management. Until the solstice on December 22, weighing up pros and cons seems likely. What you can and what you cannot afford in terms of real estate purchase will likely be the subject of much discussion. Yet even ahead of the solstice – and over the weekend of December 14-15th, negotiations could take an interesting turn. You might even agree a deal around the solstice itself. The prospect of an altered daily rhythm should be exciting in the last week of December and possibly, around 29th, bring increased interest in investing. In this, infrastructure projects could have your attention.

Personal theme: I analyse!!
Earth sign: August 23 — September 22

Your horoscope for this month:

Just when you thought ongoing issues involving family, property or conflicts regarding who`s responsible for which obligations were settled, there`s a sudden flare up. This is annoying but timely, especially because it will reveal facts that, thus far, have been ignored, if not concealed. While this applies to others, you may also have to discuss matters you`ve managed to sidestep. With things moving swiftly, it`s about frank exchanges, then moving on. Once these are settled, you`ll focus on far more joyful pursuits, personally and with others.

A tense career situation will come to a head on the 12th, due to a powerful Full Moon. You may confront a rival who has been spreading lies about you. It`s possible you`ll employer will side with them instead of you. If this happens, stay calm. Don`t quit in a huff. Begin looking for another professional opportunity. It`s easier to find a position when you already have one. By the time the 26th arrives, the Solar Eclipse will reward your search. A position in a creative field will be offered to you. It will feel like you`re getting paid a handsome salary for having fun. The final days of 2019 will have a karmic quality to them. The Universe will reward your patience, perseverance and superior talent. Don`t be surprised when your work turns you into a virtual love magnet. You`re never as attractive as when you are practicing your art.

As of December 3 Jupiter moves into the risk and speculation area of your solar chart. After its year-long stay at the base of your chart when property matters have no doubt had much attention, your attention could be drawn to an area that is more flexible.. Even before the end of the year you could embark on a strategy that includes precious metals and perhaps, early entry into shares only just coming to market. Yes, these should be few thoughts of as long-term plays – at least until the end of next year. All that said, a financial banana skin may be lying in wait at the Full moon on December 12. The days either side of this are likely to prove most expensive. In terms of income however, you could be surprised – not just buy gifts received in the last 10 days the month, – but also by tipoffs that lead to reward in 2020.

Personal theme: I balance!!
Air & cardinal sign: September 23 — October 22

Your horoscope for this month:

Thrilling as sudden ideas or offers are, with things moving so swiftly you`ve little time to gather facts, and still less to reflect on your own views or discuss them with others. Actually, that`s good. The trick is to proceed, aware that stunning and probably unexpected events, mid-month, will trigger amazing, if unsettling, changes. While this means rethinking everything, you`ll soon be exploring options that, previously, you were unaware of or which simply didn`t exist. Better yet, as you move towards January, it just gets better.

On the 12th, you might experience a series of frustrating travel delays. The more flexible you are about this situation, the better. If your flight is overbooked, it would be wise to accept a seat on a plane that leaves the next day. Relaxing in a hotel room will be much better than waiting in an airport terminal, waiting for a flight that will ultimately be cancelled. Hold out for a good deal that will properly compensate your time and aggravation. Exciting changes to your household will occur on the 26th, thanks to an expansive Solar Eclipse. You might move to an affluent area or buy a luxury home. It`s also possible that a youngster or maybe an elderly relative join your household, cultivating a joyous atmosphere. If you`ve been trying to sell a piece of property, you`ll do so for a handsome profit. There will be cause for celebration at the end of December.

Jupiter`s arrival at the very base of your solar chart and for a year-long stay, suggests that much financial attention will be on asset and property management. You might also have cause to review both pension and insurance arrangements. You will of course need to take care that you don`t overspend this month. True, some of that could be almost out with your control. It may be that others require assistance and that this is expensive. With Mercury moving forwards it`s generally a time when commercial activities move at fast and furious pace. Yet it seems likely – and especially given Mars` transit of neighbouring Scorpio, that any purchases you do make, will be done with considerable financial acumen. Then, in the very last days of December, you could arrive at an important investment decision. You are unlikely to waver in this – instinctively knowing what is `right` and what is dangerous.

Scorpio & Ophiuchus
Personal theme: I desire!!
Water & fixed signs: October 23 — November 21

Your horoscope for this month:

Your biggest challenge is recalling discussions, and in a number of situations, where you sidestepped certain matters, because they were very personal or, possibly, weren`t relevant to the matter in question. Now they are. Your best option is to be forthright, explaining you may have excluded certain facts, then reviewing what others are aware of – and not. Ironically, they won`t mind. Actually, everybody will benefit from talking things through. So much that within weeks, facts will have been updated and plans, present and future, will be substantially improved.

An unexpected expense could strain your bank account on the 12th. That`s when the Full Moon will shed light on a shortage. You might have to buy additional memory for your computer or increase your router bandwidth. Although making this outlay will make you unhappy, it is necessary. Having reliable equipment that meets your needs is critical to your success in mid-December. Things will be looking up on the 26th, when a Solar Eclipse brings happy news. A cherished relative will come to visit or you could publish a book. If you`ve always wanted to study with a prominent teacher, you`ll have the chance to do so in the final days of 2019. Don`t hesitate to sign up for this course, as spots will fill quickly. Working with an accomplished teacher will help you realise your own potential. Cracking the books will seem more like a blessing than a burden; you`ll love this learning process.

Mars continues its transit of your sign and self-investment should be high on your priority list. Jupiter changes signs this month: an event that only happens once a year. Until December 2020 it will be moving through Capricorn. All this suggests the need to focus – financially at least, – on transport arrangements and perhaps even on a book budget! Health matters too might also require investment – especially around the Full Moon on December 12th. Another area where you could perhaps improve cost management is linked to utilities and fuel in particular. It may be possible to find better deals. With the last 10 days of the month likely to be expensive in a social sense (normal for this time of year but this year exaggeratedly so) you might need to keep a close eye on out-goings. Investment wise then, were the best to put any extra cash? Health insurance should surely be high on the list as should security. In fact, investing in companies working in these areas could prove super wise for you in 2020.
Personal theme: I see!!
Fire sign: November 22 — December 21

Your horoscope for this month:

Between the Sun`s move into Sagittarius on 22 November, and the New Moon on your sign on the 26th, by the time December begins, you`ll be questioning a wide range of plans and passions, some longstanding, and reviewing others. However, this requires patience. During the following weeks, that`s your main challenge. Tempting as it is to embrace exciting ideas and equally promising alliances, each week offers something more. Focus on exploring unfamiliar territory and meeting new people. You`ll finalise those plans, but not until late December.

A troubled relationship will reach the breaking point on the 12th. That`s when the Full Moon will urge you to walk away from a manipulative friend, romantic partner or business associate. You once found their whimsical ways charming. Now you recognise their quirky behaviour as manipulative. Being constantly thrown off balance has stopped you from building a secure foundation. This relationship has also damaged some family ties. Take a deep breath and walk away from this union. A Solar Eclipse on the 26th will ease whatever heartache you`ve experienced. You`ll be able to take a job or start a profitable business. Signing a contract with an international company will work out well for you. This agreement will relieve your financial burdens, paving the way to a luxurious and early retirement. If you run for political office, you will be victorious. The power and prestige of this position is considerable. Use this influence to benefit vulnerable people in your community.

Jupiter leaves your sign and won`t return for more than a decade. Its move into Capricorn on December 3 will likely coincide with the need to re-evaluate your financial position. Actually, it`s far more than that: this isn`t just about money but all that you stand for. Anticipate an ethics crisis before the end of the month. This could be a health related. At the financial level you might decide to invest more in health insurance or buy into companies providing health services. Pensions and savings could have your full attention too. Whilst these might appear to be dry subjects with little to actually bring you pleasure, what should surface this December is greater interest in how the world`s money machine works. By the time Mercury reaches your sign on Monday 9th, your grasp of how things are and how you could use opportunities better should increase. It will help that someone with whom you have a good relationship has plans as to how you could improve your joint position. Together you could have something to celebrate before the close of the year. Education also seems to play a major role. It could be that through this you earn extra cash.

Personal theme: I use!!
Earth & cardinal sign: December 22 — January 19

Your horoscope for this month:

Frequently, those around you envy what they describe as your good fortune when, in fact, you work hard for everything you`ve achieved, personally and out in the world. So, when Jupiter`s move into Capricorn, on 2 December, kick-starts a year of exciting and mostly unexpected offers and opportunities, you could be wary. Some could take you into new territory, triggering unsettling doubts. Still, at least explore these. What you experience, who you meet and, the confidence you gain will benefit for the rest of your life.

A health problem will demand your attention on the 12th, due to a disruptive Full Moon. If you`re not satisfied with a doctor`s prognosis, get a second opinion. It may be necessary to see a specialist to pinpoint a problem. Be patient and do everything in your power to cultivate wellness. If this means avoiding sugar, fat and alcohol during the Christmas season, so be it. The Solar Eclipse on the 26th marks an exciting beginning for you. It`s possible you will earn an advanced degree, move abroad or start your own company. You will have the Midas touch during the final days of December. A small investment will have a huge return. If you`ve been thinking of changing your look, do so now; you will be delighted with the results and it will boost your confidence. Ring in 2020 by forging a brand-new identity.

As of December 3rd, and within hours of the First Quarter Moon, Jupiter arrives in your sign. There is high probability that an idea that first seeded in late February or early March is now ready for greater investment. Growing links with those who work overseas could lead to an interesting career offer – with obvious financial consequences. It may not be necessary to give a firm answer to this for some weeks but awareness of the opportunity is probable. A fascinating opportunity could emerge around the Full Moon on December 1th2. It may be that a project in which you had interest over 12 years ago finally comes good. Investment wise – and especially from Friday 20th, – you could be drawn towards businesses involved in artificial intelligence. The opportunity to get in on the ground floor of one of these should emerge before the end of the year. With a solar eclipse in your sign on 26th, it seems likely you`re arriving at a career turning point and that self-investment will require careful thought. It`s in this area that you could experience greatest reward.

Personal theme: I know!!
Air & fixed sign: January 20 — February 18

Your horoscope for this month:

When considering change of any kind, you ask lots of questions, then explore the answers you get, which means the plans you make usually last. However, with your ruling planet Uranus having moved into a new position last March, and powerfully linked to fortunate Jupiter on 15 December, even seemingly solid arrangements could be rearranged. Or, quite possibly, everything could change – yes, yet again. For now, commit to explore everything. What seems least likely could be a dream come true.

A romance will hit a rocky patch in December. The Full Moon in the middle of the month could reveal something troubling about your partner`s financial situation. If you discover your amour has been less than honest about their income or debts, tread carefully. The last thing you want is to be implicated in their deceptions. If you`re asked to co-sign for a loan or make an expensive purchase on their behalf, refuse. You`re treading on dangerous ground. On the 26th, a Solar Eclipse will trigger a spiritual breakthrough. You may decide to get rid of material excess, leading a stripped-down life. It`s also possible you`ll go on a pilgrimage. This journey will open your eyes to fresh possibilities and new ways of being. It`s very possible you`ll adopt a sacred practice or have a religious conversion in the final days of December. Feeling a deep connection with your Higher Power will ease anxieties that have dogged you for years.

As Jupiter arrives in Capricorn on December 3rd, it crosses what is known as the world axis. We should all anticipate a distinct change of mood. Focus will surely turn to security and protection. Indeed, the very first few days of December you could spend extra money on security issues. You might also be attracted to investing in firms providing these services. By the Full Moon on December 12th and with growing awareness that you are indeed ahead of the curve, you could delight in conversations about new products and services scheduled to come to market before the end of 2020; and you`re right: you could perhaps get in on the ground floor of these. By the time Venus enters your sign on Friday 20th, gathering up this information and determining how best to use it could have your full and undivided attention. Regardless of the fact that this is the end of the year and festivities could of course get in the way, in the last 10 days of December you could make shrewd financial moves. A possible driver in this may be the realisation that those who are supposed to be looking after your cash have not done so as wisely as you wished. The Eclipse on December 26 could bring with it the realisation that you need to get more involved.

Personal theme: I believe!!
Water sign: February 19 — March 20

Your horoscope for this month:

Learning that you`re about to be disappointed, if not disillusioned, may not seem promising. However, you`ve been struggling to keep existing arrangements or new, exciting alliances or ventures going, but with limited success. Your chart suggests it`s time to at least seriously consider very different options, if not let go. Your always powerful intuition is telling you something far better is around the corner, and the planets agree. For now, seriously explore those options. You`ll soon realise how wise a strategy it was.

The Full Moon on the 12th will force a family confrontation. You`ve been turning a blind eye to a troubled relative`s behaviour. It will be impossible to ignore these outbursts in mid-December. You will have to issue an ultimatum. Until your loved one gets treatment for an addiction or health affliction, you must withdraw your support. Friends will be supportive throughout the Christmas season. Spending the holiday with an affluent person you`ve known for years will be comforting.. Be sure to pack a special outfit to wear at holiday parties. You`ll make a great impression and meet someone special on the 26th, when a Solar Eclipse energises your social sector. Making an influential friend will open doors for you at the end of 2019. Who you know will be as important as what you know in the New Year? Whenever you need favours, ask for them. With the help of your companion, you`ll realise a lifelong dream.

December 2019 is super special. Super because the planet associated with that adjective is Jupiter which moves into Capricorn on December 3rd. By the Solar Eclipse on 26th, Jupiter will appear aligned with the Sun. This too is important; and yes, super can be a bad hero as much as it could be a good one. Focusing on the bright side however that is Jupiter crosses the world axis on December 3, those born under your sign could be in the spotlight. Your ability to see what could be will surely be enhanced. Financially this could be your moment. Those of your sign have a wonderful flexibility in thinking. True, cash cannot be conjured up out of thin air. Even so, you may have a sense of how the financial wheels may be oiled. December is of course the month of gift giving and caution will be needed not to overspend. Jupiter`s influence here may be to draw you to items that are overpriced (especially between 9th and 20th). The latter date could find you negotiating a singular financial banana skin. As for the many people the last few days of December promise much excitement and yes, investment opportunity. In your case, you could be drawn to well-established Companies. Do ensure before investing however that you analyse – and preferably get advice from a financial advisor.

Posted by: arif uk <>


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