The Environmental A-Z…the letter E…

Retired? No one told me!

Welcome to my new series…still an A-Z but with a difference …it’s not food-related!

In the meantime, the idea for this series came about because yes as my regular followers and commenters know I am passionate about the health of the world I am living in… however often when I am researching and reading articles I come across terms and have to look them up which spawned the idea for this…two-fold… it increases my knowledge and I hope yours…

The A-Z of the environment and Climate Change… letter E.

The best way to predict your future is to create it...Abraham Lincoln.


A community of organisms that depend on each other and the environment they inhabit…However, there is far more to the ecosystem than I first realised…It is divided into 4 categories…those being artificial, terrestrial, lentic and lotic which are all part of the biomes which…

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By GrannyMoon Posted in Pagan