GrannyMoons Weekly Feast: Samhain 2021

May the turning of the wheel bring you health, wealth, and joy!

 Wishing you a Blessed Samhain / Happy Halloween / Blessed Beltane!

Blessed Be my little Witch. To those who came before and those who will come after, know that the Goddess is with you always. Thank you all my dear readers…be blessed. ~GrannyMoon

Dark Moon – Time to Rest

New Moon – Time to Begin New Projects; Birth; Attraction

Waxing Moon – Time to Grow; Increase

Full Moon – Time to be Fulfilled; Abundance

Waning Moon – Time to Banish; Decrease

Last Sliver of Moon – Time to Die; Letting Go

Dark Moon – Time to Rest Again


Light A Candle Today!

In many different traditions lighting a candle is a sacred action. It expresses more than words can express. It has to do with gratefulness. From time immemorial, people have lit candles in sacred places. You may want to begin or end your day by the sacred ritual of lighting a candle on this gratefulness. Or you may want to light a birthday candle for a friend. One single guideline is all you need: Slow down and do it with full attention.


Current Moon Phase: WANING MOON

Time: From Full Moon to Dark Moon (approx.14 days)

Goddess Aspect: Crone

Associated Goddesses: Callieach, Banshee, Hecate, Kali, Morrigan

Magickal Attributes: Banishing! Releasing the old, removing unwanted negative energies, wisdom, psychic ability, scrying, reversing circumstances. Workings on this day are for banishing magick, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity, physical and  psychic cleansings.


October 28 To November 23 – Celtic

Oct. 31: Samhain / Hallowmas / Halloween – Celtic New Year and feast of Cerridwen (Goddess of Death) and Beli (the Holly King, God of the Waning Sun). Last Harvest; New Year, day when the veil between the worlds is thinnest (God enters the Goddess’ womb for rebirth, hence the tomb become the womb. Third Harvest—Root Harvest; All Hallows Ever: Dark God and Dark Goddess united in the Underworld allow spirit communication at this most holy [hallowed] time.

 Oct. 31 – NOV. 2: Descent of Inanna – Sumerian fast recalling the descent of Inanna (Goddess of Life) to the Underworld. Ereshkigal (Goddess of Death and Rebirth) detained Her until She agreed to have Dumuzi (God of Life and Death) remain there each Winter.

Fast of Hod – Norse fast marking Hod (blind God of Darkness) unintentionally killing Balder (God of Light), and devoted Nanna (Goddess of Flowers) dying of a broken heart. Month of Broom/Fern/Reed

1 – Alfablot – Norse first day of winter

5 – Days of Wolves – Rodnovery celebration of the Cult of the Ancestors.


Sunday Classes with GrannyMoon at Sticks and Stones, Fairfax, VA


07: Face to Face Class: 1–3:00 ~ WitchCrafting

14: Face to Face Class: 1–3:00 ~ The Herbal Cauldron

21: Face to Face Class: Noon–2:00 ~ The Magick of Crystals


High Priestess Training with GrannyMoon

The entire course takes 15 months to complete (four levels). Tuition covers lessons,  assignments and instructor feedback. In addition, students may download guided meditation exercises and be eligible for Sabbats, Esbats and retreats with the Sisterhood. The entire fee for each level is $120 (payment plan available), sixteen lessons in each level, except the last.

Ceremonial Cords and frame-able Completion Certificates are awarded as members complete each level.

Level I – Initiate of the Sisters of the Burning Branch – White cord

Level II – Adept of the Sisters of the Burning Branch- Red cord

Level III – Priestess of the Sisters of the Burning Branch- Black cord

Level IV – High Priestess  of the Sisters of the Burning Branch – Green cord

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Learn About Herbs with GrannyMoon!

There is so much to learn about herbs! In Herbalism 101, we cover 21 herbs, and you will start your own personal Materia Medica, that we will build throughout the next levels. We will cover the basic aspects of herbs. From culinary to magickal, medicinal to ornamental. As well as the many modalities of herbs!

During this course, in addition to the on-line lessons and hands-on projects that you do at home, I will be sending you articles, and information, as well as questions about your own personal use and research.

I look forward to walking this green journey with you! I love herbs and I hope that you do to or will learn to!

There are 10 lessons in each level and there is no time limit for completion. You may study at your own pace! There are no texts to purchase.

For more info or to join my class, click here!

The cost for Level 1 is $50.00 or $150.00 the entire Healing Arts Course (1-3) which includes a free Reiki certification course when all three are ordered!


Earth Signs and Omens in Nature Course

Learn to read the mysteries of nature! The course covers signs and omens, communication, seasonal rites, trees and shrubs, flowers, plants and weeds, herbs, plant magick, the Guardians of Nature and much more.


The Goddess School Grimoire

Hardcover: $39.45

Softback: $26.95

eBook (PDF): $6.25

The Goddess School Grimoire is a collection of recipes, artwork, poetry, prose, prayers, rituals, spells, and practical Goddess wisdom put together by the teachers, students, alumni, and friends of The Sisters of the Burning Branch Goddess School. The sisterhood is dedicated to restoring spiritual balance by returning the Divine Feminine to her rightful place and by assisting women in their personal and spiritual development. Since being founded by Head and High Mother Priestess Grandmother Moon in 2000, The Goddess School ( has grown into a large and beautiful global community of women.


Coventry Creations

from Stacy Adams          

October 25, 2021 – October 31, 2021

The last week of October is a bit of a dog’s breakfast with a mixture of positive and challenging aspects.

At the beginning of the week, you may have to control your romantic fantasies as your expectations may be way too high, and ultimately you could end up disappointed. Fiinancial decisions should be avoided until later in the week.

Midweek (specificaly Thursday) is not a great time to focus on anything important; it’s an excellent day to focus on fun and adventure, so make sure you do something you enjoy.

Weekend you may experience feelings of self-doubt and other insecurities. Try to push past negative thoughts and do something to distract you as your problems are probably not as big as they appear to be.

Recommended: Emotional Balance (Blessed Herbal), Guardian Protector (Affirmation), The Conjurer (Dorothy Morrison’s Wicked Witch Halloween), Confidence – Solar Plexus (Chakra Magic).

Here’s what you missed on this week…

Witch’s Brew, the biggest Halloween baddies, are back on your shelf.
You have been waiting for Halloween magic all year, and know who to trust for making authentic magical candles that bring the zing to your witchy spells. The Witch’s Brew candles have been a standard for the biggest, baddest halloween magic for 20 years, but you already knew that.



Halloween Oracle

Love & Legacy of our DNA

I walk in their footsteps

Their wisdom inside me remains

I am unique yet carry a legacy

Their blood runs in my veins

There are struggles but know that you have all that you need to prevail. You have a legacy of power.


“The Spiritual Awakening Holistic Expo” on Sticks and Stones

Sticks and Stones – Gifts for Spirit, Mind, Body (

The Spiritual Awakening Holistic Expo     Time: November 6, 2021 from 10am to 7pm

Location: Doubletree by Hilton Hotel Sterling – Dulles Airport

Organized By: Remnants of Magic

Event Description:

Remnants of Magic is happy to present The Spiritual Awakening Holistic Expo which is coming to Sterling, Virginia this fall, on November 6th, 2021.

The Spiritual Awakening Holistic Expo is a collection of personally selected, exceptional vendors celebrating all things mind, body, and spirit.

The expo highlights: Artisans in Handcrafted Jewelry, Crystals and Stones, Organic Candles and Soaps, Essential Oils, Reiki, Energy Healers, Intuitive Readings, Spiritual Artwork, Yoga, and other Health and Wellness services.

Our Expo is designed for you to learn and be inspired in a nurturing environment where everyone can come together and connect. A place for those looking to live a healthier lifestyle and open their eyes to the possibilities of incorporating their mind and spirit while experiencing resources of a healthy and holistic lifestyle.

Tickets are $5.00 online and at the door.

Hope to see you all there. Many Blessings, Matthew and Patrick.


Heartwings Love Notes 1006 The Art of Subtraction

Heartwings says, “Subtraction is surely as necessary as addition.”

At the beginning of my first grade year, I was given a workbook to help me learn arithmetic. It began with addition. I learned the plus signs meant that we were to add. At the age of five, I had not yet encountered arithmetic. Paging through my new workbook I noticed that there were some errors. They had neglected to cross some of the lines to make the crosses with which I was familiar. Diligently, I set to work with my thick lead pencil to correct the “error.” When the learning continued, I had a lot of work to do with my eraser. Thus began my lessons in subtraction.

Later I learned a different way to use subtraction. Math was never easy for me, and as an adult, I struggled with the simple addition I had learned. Instead, I began by subtracting. I took away from one of the numbers back to the nearest ten. Say I’m adding 27 and 32. I subtract 2 from 30 and add 30 to 27, making 57, then I add the 2 and voila, a correct total of 59 easily arrived at. My method has done wonders to help make my life easier. I came up with this on my own, however I’ve since learned this is how an abacus works.

I’ve also practiced subtracting as I go through my seasonal clothes. I subtract those I haven’t worn in a while or that no longer fit. If I want to add something new to my wardrobe, now I’ve made room. Lately I’ve been checking shelves and cupboards to eliminate unwanted items. I’ve discovered some tasty things that were seemingly lost—however only to view.

I have discovered yet another use for the process of subtraction. I am using it to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Regular readers of my column have heard me complain about the diminishment I experience getting things done. My Parkinson’s Disease has meant I am less able to function. However, rather than feel diminished any longer, I have come up with a way to function better. I still keep a list of what I hope to accomplish any given day, yet then I subtract at least one or two items so my expectations are lower and I don’t bemoan what I can’t do or haven’t done.

Above all it is vital to be kind to ourselves. I do my best to feel good about what I have been able to do, and to ignore what still needs doing. The chicken in the ‘fridge that will become soup can wait. I know I will make it sometime soon.

May you find good ways to be kind to yourself.

Blessings and best regards, Tasha Halpert

PS Do you have good ways you have discovered to be kind to yourself. Please share with me. I do so love to hear from readers. Thanks for reading. You can find me at For more love notes go to  


Llewellyn’s Spell A Day

Connect with the Ancestors


Samhain has arrived! Honoring and connecting with the ancestors is traditional on this day. Although we all have many types of ancestors, most of them fall in one or more of these three categories: ancestors of blood, ancestors of spirit (or tradition), and ancestors of the land.

Gather three candles, one each for the ancestors of blood, spirit, and land. Set them up in safe holders on your altar, and decorate the altar with any ancestor-related items you wish. Feel free to place offerings such as fresh flowers or a glass of water on the altar for your beloved ancestors. When you are ready to begin, ring a bell or chime and light the candles one by one, pausing after you light each candle to meditate on and pray to the ancestors it represents. When finished, ring the bell once more and allow the candles to safely burn out in their holders.


Decaying Leaf Spell


The sun is already in Scorpio and Mars enters Scorpio today, so we can officially say that Samhain season is in full swing! Scorpio has a connection to death and decay, so now is the perfect time to tap into these influences for our magic. Cast this spell to watch a problem disappear.

Take a freshly fallen leaf and, with black marker, write the name of something that you wish to leave your life. Take this leaf away from your property—a graveyard would be best—and release it into a pile of other leaves. As you do this, say:

As you rot, so too will my problem.

Immediately turn your back on it and walk away.


Hermit Day Meditation


October 29 is known as National Hermit Day. The Hermit card in the tarot refers to the need to experience solitude in an effort to do some soul-searching and gain spiritual insight from the silence. Time spent alone is important in order to become more grounded and centered and begin anew on your spiritual path. Practicing meditation will help you access the whispers of your soul and connect you to the voice of your spirit guides and the divine.

Sit in a comfortable position or lie on the floor. Take several deep cleansing breaths with your eyes closed and dive into the depths of your third eye. Do not try to control or anticipate what you might see. Breathe deeply and evenly until you are in the flow, and relax while you discover where your meditative visions take you.


The Mighty Chestnut


They’re chartreuse-colored and spiky. They look like something from a children’s storybook. Folk magick manuals say they’re used in love and prosperity spells. Grown-ups have childhood memories of drilling holes in them and playing games with them, and squirrels devour and bury them with glee. At Yule and Christmastime, a favorite song about roasting them over an open fire plays over and over again. The mighty chestnut, how we adore thee!

For this spell you will need three chestnuts. Hold them in your hands and say:

Mighty chestnut, three times three,

From spiky green to magnificent tree.

Powers of love and prosperity,

Thank you for granting these to me!

Place the chestnuts on your prosperity altar or bury them in your back yard.


Feast the Dead Spell


The spirit world is close to us in October. This is a good time to let the spirit realm know we’re thinking of them. One of the best ways to do this is to “feed” the spirits.

For this ritual you’ll need a red apple. Apples are traditionally one of the main foods used to honor the deceased. Perform this ritual tonight if it’s windy or on any other windy autumn night. First, wash the apple and wipe it dry. Then hold the apple and say:

Tonight as the wild winds roar,

I set this apple by my door.

This ancient fruit so red,

Help me honor and feast the dead.

Abroad in the night or beyond the stars,

I honor all spirits wherever they are.

Now place the apple outside by your door. In the morning, if the apple is still there, place it gently in a wooded area or bury it. The spirits will thank you in positive ways.


Prayers for Prosperity


The law of attraction holds that what we give thanks for is magnetized to us, and what we focus on grows. Today, let us give thanks for money and grow our prosperity. Each time you reach into your wallet, say:

Thank you for all the money I have.

When you pay for something, say:

I am grateful for all the

resources I enjoy.

When someone gives you change, say:

I am thankful for all the money

that has been given to me.

If you find money or a treasure or stone, say:

I welcome all the abundance

that flows to me.

Whatever the transaction is, let your prayers for prosperity be heard. Speak them out loud so others hear your gratitude. Build the magnetic resonance of gratitude, and let it grow strong. Know that by giving thanks and saying prayers for prosperity, you will attract more money and prosperity to you.


Fall Cleaning


Most people do spring cleaning, but you might consider adding some magical fall cleaning to your routine as well. After all, in many parts of the country, cold weather means you’re stuck in your home a lot more, with few or no chances to open the windows and refresh the energy. So it’s a good idea to go into the season with as clear and clean a space as possible.

This means practical cleaning too, of course, but you may want to add a magical element as well. You can create some magical cleaning water by adding any essential oil that is good for cleansing ( like orange or lemon) and then blessing it before you use it. Then dip a broom into the water and go from room to room with the intention of clearing away any negative or stagnant energy. If you can, open the windows and waft it right out!


Words Have Weight

The more conscious we become, the more we deepen our relationship to the words we choose to use.

Words carry energy and this gives language its power and its potential to heal or hurt. Most of us can remember a time that someone sent a word our way, and it stuck with us. It may have been the first time we received a truly accurate compliment, or the time a friend or sibling called us a name, but either way it stuck. This experience reminds us that what we say has weight and power and that being conscious means being aware of how we use words.

The more conscious we become, the more we deepen our relationship to the words we use so that we speak from a place of actually feeling what we are saying. We begin to recognize that words are not abstract, disconnected entities used only to convey meaning; they are powerful transmitters of feeling. For the next few days, you might want to practice noticing how the words you say and hear affect your body and your emotional state. Notice how the different communication styles of the people in your life make you feel. Also, watch closely to see how your own words come out and what affect they have on the people around you.

You may notice that when we speak quickly, without thinking, or rush to get our ideas across, our words don’t carry the same power as when we speak slowly and confidently, allowing those receiving our words time and space to take them in. When we carefully listen to others before we speak, our words have more integrity, and when we take time to center ourselves before speaking, we truly begin to harness the power of speech. Then our words can be intelligent messengers of healing and light, transmitting deep and positive feelings to those who receive them.


Medieval Wanderings

Witchcraft In The Time Of Magic

by Alli Templeton

For most of us, any mention of historical witchcraft will conjure images of the large-scale witch-hunts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when countless innocent women met an untimely end at the hands of their paranoid accusers. But it’s easy to overlook the fact that the ancient magical arts had been around for many centuries, long before the rot of religiously-driven mass hysteria set in. For much of the Middle Ages magic was a part of everyday life for the common folk, practiced by both men and women in communities throughout Europe, while elements of the supernatural were harnessed by scientists and physicians, and featured in all levels of society including the nobility and even kings. This was a time when the boundaries between science and witchcraft were blurred, and it was believed there were people who could cast spells and use magic for good or evil. Although there were some witch trials during the period, England lagged behind the Continent in the growing concerns around witchcraft and its association with women’s ill intent, and it wasn’t until the fifteenth century that we joined the other European countries on the slippery slope to the famed frenzy of fear.

To the medieval mind laden with superstition and belief in divine – or devilish –  intervention, magic came in many forms. On the one hand, the supernatural could be used for everyday purposes, from finding a lost belonging that might have been stolen, to conjuring rain for thirsty crops or ensuring protection against evil spirits or premature death with the use of charms, herbs or amulets. For the more adventurous, there were spells to secure an amply-stocked barn, while a disgruntled medieval housewife could rid herself of her husband by covering herself in honey, rolling naked in grain and using the resulting milled mixture to bake her unwanted spouse a loaf of doom. I wonder how many women tried that one…

Then there was healing magic and herb lore, accessed widely by people in rural communities who were never able to see a doctor. In an age of insecurity and poverty, people would consult the local wise woman for help in all kinds of issues, including fertility problems, sickness of family members or livestock, protection against disasters and the delivery of babies. With knowledge passed down to them through generations, wise women used a combination of herbal remedies, healing spells and charms to help their neighbours, and their finely honed skills and experience meant they were valued members of the community.

The Catholic church frowned on magical practices, asserting that it was all a load of superstitious old tosh and that it didn’t work, but in reality there was little they could do to stop it. As medieval Christianity demanded, on pain of eternal damnation, a blind faith in miracles and copious insubstantial good and evil entities, it was hardly surprising that people would try to tap into these spiritual powers to improve their lot in life. One thirteenth century French priest, William of Auvergne, whilst condemning the use of most magic, admitted that some ‘natural magic’ could be tolerated, and could even qualify as a branch of science. As long as it was used for benevolent purposes and didn’t involve heresy – a seriously different matter altogether – the supernatural did have its place. So it was perfectly acceptable for a farmer to get a virgin to plant his olive trees, or to use seal skin to protect oneself from lightning. Obviously, that was just good scientific practice.

Higher up the social scale, supernatural services were sought by the nobility and royalty wishing to protect themselves from plots against them, or their wives in childbirth, or to foretell the outcome of future events. Kings would employ highly educated astrologers to advise them of the best time to go into battle according to the alignment of the stars, while an ambitious nobleman might have a chart drawn up to predict his future prospects at court. Astrology was also an important part of medical practice, with physicians planning treatment in consultation with the patient’s specific astral alignment. Another elite supernatural skill was the practice of necromancy, the ability to call up the spirits of the dead to ask them to perform supernatural feats and learn what the future held in store. This was an area of magic believed to be performed only by university-educated men who had access to the ancient Latin texts, and as women couldn’t go to university it was believed that they couldn’t carry out the required rituals.

The problem with such learned aspects of the occult is that they could also be used at the opposite end of the magical spectrum by those with malicious intent. As well as planning medical treatments or aiding in the development of successful battle plans, astrology could be used to determine the best time to cast an evil spell. And what happened if the treatment failed and the patient died, or the battle was ultimately lost? Did this indicate that the astrologer had secretly been plotting against his client? The use of necromancy could also backfire spectacularly, as in the case of Thomas Burdett, a member of the household of George, Duke of Clarence, brother of Edward IV. In 1477, Burdett was convicted and executed along with his associate, a supernatural practitioner called John Stacey, when their alleged plot to bring about the king’s death by necromancy was uncovered. Clarence most likely knew about the scheme, and with his increasing obsession with the magical arts and desire for the throne it’s quite possible that he was also involved. When the king finally put Clarence on trial for treason, the charge against him was for spreading the defamatory rumour that ‘the king our sovereign lord wrought by nigromancy and used craft to poison his subjects’. High status accusations of dark witchcraft were taken very seriously, especially when all-important reputations were at stake.

The fifteenth century also saw some high-profile court cases involving accusations directed at noblewomen. In 1441, Eleanor Cobham, Duchess of Gloucester and protector in the minority of the young King Henry VI turned to magic for help in conceiving an heir for her husband. But in associating with a known witch and recruiting two astrologer clergymen in her household to assist, she found herself in too deep. A wax doll was allegedly involved in the rituals, and the use of image magic was known as one of the best methods of causing harm to the intended victim. The astrologers were charged with using necromancy in an attempt to kill the young king, but Eleanor managed to avoid the death sentence largely because of her gender. Necromancy was, after all, the preserve of educated men alone, and all Eleanor had wanted was to get pregnant. Nevertheless, her fall from grace was swift and dramatic. Divorced from her husband, she was forced to perform a humiliating public penance three times, walking barefoot and bare headed and carrying a large candle which was to be placed on the altars of three specific churches. She then spent the rest of her life imprisoned at Beaumaris Castle in North Wales.

With magic being increasingly split into gendered arts, another accusation that could be levelled at noblewomen in England was that of love magic. Eleanor was already believed to have consulted the witch in her employ many years earlier to make her husband, Humphrey, want to marry her, but to influence the heart of a king was to play with fire. The bandwagon of love magic was jumped on by the Richard Neville, earl of Warwick in 1469 during the Wars of the Roses, when he tried to invalidate Edward IV’s marriage to Elizabeth Woodville as part of his attempt to oust Edward from the throne. He accused Elizabeth’s mother, Jacquetta of Luxembourg, of using ‘Witchcraft and Sorsory’ to ensnare the king’s affections for her daughter. Why else would a king, who should have been turning his marital gaze across the channel for a sound continental alliance wish to marry a low-born English nobody with no political advantages to offer? The clever Jacquetta, however, called in a favour from the mayor and aldermen of London, who wrote to Warwick in support of his captive. With London behind the Queen’s mother and the so-called witnesses’ spurious testimonies against her crumbling, she was cleared of all charges. Jacquetta may have walked free, but there were many wives and mothers who were not so lucky. All over the country, women were becoming all too aware that attitudes to magic were changing.

Elizabeth Woodville herself was added to the accusations of using love witchcraft along with her mother to entrap the king by Richard III’s parliament in 1483

Despite the bubbling cauldron of resentment towards witchcraft in England, it wasn’t until Heinrich Kramer’s misogynistic treatise on how to deal with witches, Malleus Maleficarum, or Hammer of the Witches, was published in 1487 that perceptions of witchcraft truly changed, becoming associated with satanic heresy and devil worship. Women, being the weaker sex, Kramer asserted, were less able to resist the temptations of the devil and had a ‘natural proclivity for evil’. Although it wasn’t taken as a text book remedy for witchcraft at the time, the stage was set for the notorious witch-hunts of the following century.

When it comes down to it, humans have always had both light and dark within them, and with people at all levels of medieval society dabbling in the occult, this also meant that magic also dipped its influential finger into science, religion and politics. With such grey areas between these vital parts of medieval life, for women involved in magic in a superstitious, male-dominated and volatile society, that could only make for a very loudly ticking time-bomb. So this Halloween, I’ll be raising a glass to all those who suffered the pyroclastic blast of the early modern witch-hunts, and to all those who practiced the magical arts peacefully in the centuries before the hysteria took hold.

Blessed be…


Shake Your Tail Feathers

Over time, we have learned to suppress some of the most fun aspects of our individuality.

Most of us express our distinctiveness in many ways throughout our lives. Although, as we proudly share our offbeat traits and preferences with the world, we take great pains to downplay those eccentricities we ourselves deem odd. Instead of living lives colored by these quirky impulses, we seek out socially acceptable outlets for our peculiarities. We may not realize that we are editing ourselves in this way because our individual societal awareness is unintentionally attuned to the attitudes of the people we encounter each day. Over time, we have learned to suppress some of the most fun aspects of individuality. To rediscover and embrace these buried traits, we need only ask ourselves what we would do if we knew for certain that no one would judge our choices.

Visualizing this day without judgment can help you better understand the idiosyncrasies that are an important part of who you are but seldom manifest themselves in your existence. Perhaps you secretly dream of replacing grown-up, conservative clothing in favor of a changing array of costumes. You may envision yourself painting your car electric-green, hugging the trees in a crowded local park, singing joyous songs as you skip through your community, or taking up an exciting hobby like fire spinning. Try not to be surprised, however, if your imagination takes you in unexpectedly simple directions. In your musings, you may see yourself doing things such as breaking out in dance or dying your hair a fun color. Regardless of the nature of your suppressed peculiarities, ask yourself what is really stopping you from making them a part of your life, and then resolve to incorporate at least one into your everyday existence.

Life as we know it is so short. Making the most of years we are granted is a matter of being ourselves even though we know that we will inevitably encounter people who disapprove of our choices. When you shake your tail feathers like no one is watching, you will discover that there are many others who appreciate you because you are willing to let go of any inhibition. By doing this you help others know it is okay. No one else in the world is precisely like you and, each time you revel in this simple fact, you rededicate yourself to the celebration of individuality.


Ghost Hunting Theories

Bonfire Tales: The Saratoga Lights

There is something about the stark winter backdrop that makes one realize that the forests, now bare, could be exposing all its secrets and yet the monsters of old still lurk, unseen.

Strange tracks in the snow? A bonfire to ward off the darkness? These are the situations that feed our primitive fears.

Let’s talk about the Saratoga Lights of the Big Thicket in Texas….

The Light of Saratoga, the Bragg Road Light, no matter what you call it, it’s a mystery that sparks the mind and sends a few shivers up the spine.

The road seems so rural and pleasing. Of course, this is also the heart of Bigfoot Country in Texas. Most groups in that area I’ve talked to, I’ve reminded them to look for lights in the forest too, as for some odd reason, where there is Bigfoot, there are also spook lights.

This might be an incidental finding since both might occupy forest space, but it’s an interesting mystery for those who track the Tall Ones.

The Santa Fe Railway ran through there at the beginning of the 1900s. In 1934, the tracks were removed and mostly hunters ventured down the encroached pathway.

This lengthy road is now dirt filled and lined by trees. It feels as if one is being driven through a chute. To what end? Well, perhaps closer to the light that shows itself more often than not. But, mind you, you will never actually reach it and know its source.

The history of the lights really takes on a mass of viewers once the railway was removed, but there was a case of a sighting before that time.

Strangely, ghost lights are often reported around old railroad tracks, ones often abandoned in present day. The legends report a ghost railroad worker with a lantern.

In this case, there is such a tale of a headless worker with a lantern, looking for his head. It’s unclear how he could find his head or why he would need a light, but it sure is a great tale to keep one out of the dangerous thicket.

An itinerate workers’ cemetery in the area is also the focus of another legend about a Mexican Foreman said to have killed his workers rather than pay them.

Is the light ghostly? Or does the Big Thicket’s swampy lands contain a natural gas that becomes alit occasionally?

Unless someone can lasso that light, we may never know. There are many other spooklights around the world.

I’d love to hear what y’all think is going on. Get the creepy atmosphere going –


Medicine Man

by Dr. Weil’s Healthy Kitchen

Makes 6 to 8 servings.

Nutrients per serving:

Calories 23.6

Total Fat .05g

Saturated Fat 0.0g

Polyunsaturated Fat 0.0g

Monounsaturated Fat 0.0g

Cholesterol 0.0mg

Sodium 6.75mg

Potassium 20.8mg

Total Carbohydrate 5.97g

Dietary Fiber 0.12g

Sugars 4.72g

Protein 0.03g

This recipe is reprinted courtesy of Dr. Weil’s True Food: Seasonal, Sustainable, Simple, Pure.

Medicine Man is a refreshing beverage full of fruits and is rich in antioxidants.

A refreshing beverage full of fruits, including sea buckthorn juice, that is also rich in antioxidants and with enough caffeine to provide a nice lift. From the True Food Kitchen restaurants.


30 ounces (3 1/2 cups) unsweetened cranberry juice

20 ounces (2 1/2 cups) strong brewed black tea, cooled

10 ounces (1 1/4 cups) unsweetened pomegranate juice

2 1/2 ounces agave nectar*

2 1/2 ounces sea buckthorn juice

24 to 32 blueberries

Soda water


Combine the cranberry juice, tea, pomegranate juice, agave nectar, and sea buckthorn juice in a pitcher. Refrigerate until needed.

Muddle four blueberries in each tall glass, then fill the glass two-thirds full with the tea-juice mixture. Stir to mix.

Add ice cubes and fill the remainder of the glass with soda water. Serve with a straw.


Gilberto Rides Again Chapter 25

by Stephen Halpert

It was a dank, rainy morning. The sky was ominous. Gilberto wished he had stayed home, but he knew it was imperative to turn Mona’s phone over to Smith. Walking across the Public Garden toward Boylston Street, he phoned Smith’s office and arranged a meeting with him that noon at the Sushi bar on lower Washington Street.

Gilberto found himself looking around him as he walked. He sensed he was being followed, and he trusted his intuition. Nerves on edge, as it began raining harder, he moved quickly, his head lowered.

However, this time there were no incidents. No seemingly debauched drunk with a long menacing knife hidden in his ragged sleeve attacking him. But still he felt certain that somehow, he was being watched if not trailed, but how?

He came to the conclusion that the surveillance had to be coming from Mona’s phone. Some sort of sophisticated tracking device must be mingled amidst the hidden photographs. This was what he told Smith and Rain, joining them at their booth in the back corner of the Sushi bar.

“That could explain a lot,” Rain said. She smiled cheerfully at Gilberto. Even though she was more mature, she projected the lighthearted air of a carefree, college girl rather than that of a skilled government agent, capable of holding her own against any lethal situation. She wore a fitted dark leather suit and heavy engineer boots.

Smith surveyed the phone before putting it in his inside Jacket pocket.  “Our lab boys will have fun with this. And if nothing turns up here, we’ll sent it to the FBI lab in Washington.”

Gilberto nodded. He couldn’t help but wonder how Rain would appear wearing more traditional clothes. Since their meeting he’d only seen her in what he called her urban combat attire. Her body was lean, well proportioned, he knew she’d be an incredible soccer player. She was fetching, too, her face imbued with innocent tenderness. Yes, he mused, Rain could be as desirable as she was deadly, depending upon the situation.

Smith’s words brought him back. “That redhead you mentioned in the photographs might well be the Midgley woman. I don’t believe in coincidences.”

Again Gilberto nodded. “Yes, I thought so. That would mean she wasn’t aware of being photographed.”

“Possibly,” Smith said. “These days we never can tell.”

“True,” Gilberto said. “And the short bald fat guy? Any ideas who he might be?”

Smith frowned. “At first, I thought possibly Buzz, but he’s close to six feet. Could be almost anyone. Surely, she’s had numerous intimate encounters.” 

Rain stretched in her chair like a cougar about to pounce on some unsuspecting prey, her eyes carefully scanning the restaurant. Gilberto noticed her face had momentarily  transformed. Now he saw a guarded distant expression, her eyes narrowed.

Smith waved to the waiter who nodded and moments later served their special sushi sashimi platter.

Gilberto spread wasabi over a slice of spicy tuna. “So what do you think Sara’s up to?”

Smith frowned. “Almost anything but I’ll bet bottom line that ultimately she’s out for herself.”

Several minutes later Gilberto noticed Rain slide from her chair and disappear amidst the diners occupying crowded round tables.

Three Chinese men dressed in dark suits and wearing thick shades stood just inside the sushi bar. They wore long black raincoats that could easily have concealed holsters.

“Keep eating,” Smith said softly. “Pay no attention.” He then swirled a slither of raw tuna atop the wasabi and ate it.

Gilberto watched as the men moved toward their table. One spoke. He was tall, with a long scar from his neck to just above his cheek. He spoke tersely. “We’ve come for the phone. Surrender it, and we leave.”

Gilberto knew to brace for a fight.

Smith feigned surprise, appearing mildly quizzical. He peered at the tall Chinese man. “Phone? What phone?”

The speaker hardly moved lips. To a casual viewer he could have been inquiring about the weather.

“Surrender phone now.” The man spat the words; tight, emphatic. His hand moved inside his jacket. “We armed. Will use weapons.” He spoke softly in clipped, efficient English. The two others stood there tight lipped, glaring menacingly. Gilberto wondered if either spoke or understood English.

Smith spoke blandly, his posture casual. “You’d kill dozens of innocent patrons in a restaurant for some mythical phone?” He said, raising his eyebrows. “You’d cause an international incident? Really? I doubt your embassy would take kindly to such publicity.”

“Shut mouth! No waste time,” the tall Chinaman growled. His face tensed as he began to remove his pistol from inside his suit jacket.

“You’ve been warned,” Smith’s voice was soft, firm.

A loud deafening series of screeches rang out. The two smaller men cowered and covered their ears. Patrons stood, some knocking over their chairs, and hurried for the door. The tall man snarled and tried to grab Smith. Appearing as if out of nowhere, Rain landed on his back, her hand chopping down against the back of his neck. Gilberto jumped up and drove his elbow into the man’s solar plexus.

The Chinaman gasped and doubled over. Rain kicked first one then the second of the shorter men, her boots landed hard against their knees. Losing their balance, they collided and fell to the ground.

“Grab that platter,” Smith cried out. Gilberto did so, and Smith led him through the kitchen to the Sushi bar’s back door. It opened onto a small parking lot. Outside Smith used his electronic key to open the doors of a nondescript green sedan. “Inside,” he said. “Good grab, there. Can’t leave the best Sushi in Boston on that table.”

He started the sedan and shot out of the parking lot onto Washington Street. Gilberto saw Rain coming out the front door. Smith braked and she jumped in the back seat of the sedan.

“Those boys won’t be so easy next time,” she said. “I’m glad my sound weapon was as good as they said it would be.”

“What did we miss?” Smith asked.

“I butted their heads together before they could get up. The tall one will need some surgery.” Rain smiled. “Oh good, you saved the Sushi.”

Gilberto grinned, turned and handed her the platter. ”Enjoy.”

To be continued.


Kitty Kat’s Korner

Your Cat’s Weird Behaviors Explained

By Audrey Pavia

Liv Hagen, manager of Shelter Behavior Services for the Animal Humane Society in Minnesota, provides answers to some of our readers’ questions about their cats’ wacky behaviors.

Q: Darwin chews my hair at least once a day. Why?

A: Darwin is grooming you! Grooming between animals is a sign of affection and acknowledgment of acceptance into their social circle. Our hair is the closest thing we have to a fur coat; some cats like to lick arms, eyelashes or eyebrows. Freshly washed, damp hair may elicit this reaction more, or the dog may get a lot of feline attention after a walk through the woods — when a family member smells “funny” to your cat, it’s a sign to your cat that they need to get to work licking, grooming and scent rubbing.

Q: Jax likes to lick the condensation on the side of glass, while Mo likes to scoop out the water with his paws and make a nice mess. Why do they do this?

A: Licking condensation is a way to get water without having to leave the current action, and it might mean Jack doesn’t love his current water bowl or there’s possible tension in the house. Mo is also probably just more comfortable using his paw. He can still see and react to what’s going on around him, there’s no pressure or discomfort on his whiskers, and paws are helpful in testing the depth of the water.

With two cats finding alternate ways to drink water, there might be some conflict over the water bowl. Add more bowls around the house of different shapes and depths and at different heights, if possible, to encourage harmonious water consumption. Some cats also like to drink away from where they eat.

Q: My cat opens cupboards. She stands up on her back feet, puts her claws on top of the door and walks backward. She never goes in. Why?

A: Hiding something? How dare you. A lot of cats open cupboards to sneak into the back for a secret hiding spot or to check out hidden-away items that clearly must be valuable if they’re hidden away.

Cats like to be “in the know.” How can they rule effectively if they don’t know what’s going on in every corner of their kingdom? Once the door is open, the mystery is solved — on to the next one!

Q: One of my cats leaves her poop uncovered in the litter box but spends 10 minutes scraping the floor around her food bowl after finishing. How come?

A: Leaving poop uncovered can be a way of marking territory. Are other cats in the home or does a neighbor cat (or raccoon) visit the window or patio door? Sometimes the social dynamics in a multi-cat home or a perceived threat can cause some litter box quirks. It can also be a sign that your cat isn’t totally comfortable with the litter you are using. If you have litter that feels uncomfortable to sensitive paws, your cat may just want to get in, take care of business, and get out.

In the wild, cats bury leftovers to not attract other predators to their territory. Cats mimic this behavior in our home, even if it seems totally ineffective (some cats drag towels or paper over their bowls, some cats just paw around the bowl).

Q: My cat licks my clothes or anything that has fleece, like a blanket or hoodie sweater. Why is that?

A: There are a few reasons cats might lick or suckle fabric. When an animal is separated from their mom too early (i.e., when they would still be nursing), they may exhibit this behavior throughout their life. It’s a way to pacify themselves — like a child sucking their thumb — that they get habituated to.


Georgia’s Weekly Horoscope: Sunday, October 31, 2021

All Signs

Every month, we have a New Moon, which is when the Sun and the Moon are lined up exactly in the same sign. It’s good to know about the New Moon because it’s the perfect time for beginnings and planting new seeds. This week, the New Moon peaks on Thursday, and is immediately followed by an electrifying zap from Uranus. Pow! (It will most strongly affect those born in the first week of May, Aug., Nov and Feb.) But for all of us, this is an opportunity for a fresh start and a chance to set new goals and make resolutions. So, heads up! Are you ready? I know I am. (Just today my partner and I were laughing about how competitive we are. I laughed more than he did, though.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

For Aries, the New Moon this week takes place in the part of your chart that concerns how you share your wealth with others. This includes shared property, jointly-held items, shared debt (with banks and credit card companies), inheritances; plus, it includes shared responsibilities for others as well. A pretty big umbrella! The New Moon on Thursday is a great chance for you to think about how to reduce your debt and how to best handle your financial agreements with others, particularly partners. Something unusual might suddenly occur for you. Hopefully, a solution? Perhaps a better approach to something? Maybe something needs your attention? This is an unusual opportunity. Each New Moon is your chance to make new resolutions.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The New Moon this week is the only New Moon all year that is directly opposite your sign. This polarized position will give you an opportunity to see how you can improve your closest partnerships and relationships. (It will be strongest for those born April 27 – May 8.) Even though the New Moon that is opposite your sign occurs only once a year, this one is unusual because it will be energized by unpredictable Uranus. This means you might have a sudden idea about how you can improve your relationship? Or something sudden and unexpected might prompt you to see how to make a change? Be open and receptive to whatever might occur because it can benefit you. Where and how can you make a new beginning?

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Something interesting and unexpected might jiggle your world this week, especially midweek when the New Moon occurs. As a result of whatever this is, you might suddenly decide you have to take a serious look at taking care of your health. You might get on self-help kick and want to turn over a new leaf. You want to do whatever will benefit you. Perhaps this same influence will cause you to look at your job, and the way you do your work? You might decide to work in a better way that is more efficient and productive? For some, this could be something unexpected that impacts a pet? Whatever happens, you will be resolved to make improvements in one of these areas this week. “Scout’s honour.”

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Unexpected challenges and surprises from unpredictable Uranus will occur midweek. (Parents take note: This is an accident-prone influence for your kids. Be extra vigilant and make sure your kids are safe. Be aware of potential hazards for toddlers.) Social plans might suddenly change this week. Something might be cancelled or alternatively, something new might blossom? Sports will hold surprises and potential accidents. On the upside, you might get a fun invitation or an opportunity in the entertainment world or the arts? Something unexpected might please you! Romance might surprise. This could mean love at first sight, an exciting new relationship, or instead it could be a sudden breakup. Who knows? It’s a crapshoot.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Expect a few curveballs to impact home and family this week. Something unexpected will surprise you or upset your home routine. This could relate to a parent or a family member. Someone might suddenly move out or move in. A domestic squabble might upset the family harmony. Increased chaos and activity are taking place at home now. Nevertheless, this week something unexpected will occur. It could also relate to real-estate deals suddenly changing, or surprise news about a family member. The upshot is that this week, you have a chance to make new beginnings and resolutions about your home and family. Ideas?

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Heads up, dear Virgo because this week will hold some surprises for you. For starters, there’s a strong accident-prone influence present. Therefore, pay attention to everything you say and do. Slow down and take it easy. Be vigilant; be mindful. You can definitely expect to meet new faces and see new places because almost certainly, your daily routine will change. In fact, your everyday world will have surprising challenges, opportunities and detours. However, you have some clever, original ideas! You might have an unexpected chance to take a course or get further training. You might also have surprising news from a relative or neighbour. “He did whaat? They both did?”

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Everyone is encountering some surprises this week. For your sign, the surprise could impact your salary, cash flow, earnings or something that you own. Therefore, be vigilant. For example, you might find money; you might lose money. Be smart and protect your belongings against theft, damage or loss. On the upside, you might get a financial windfall? (Admittedly, it could be the reverse.) This surprising influence might be mild — perhaps you will make an unusual purchase that delights you? You might get a different job or figure out a new way to make money. This is a fortunate time for you so whatever happens is nothing you can’t handle. Fingers crossed!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Expect a surprise this week because the Sun, the New Moon and fiery Mars are all in your sign, and midweek, this bundle of energy receives a powerful electric charge from Uranus. Something surprising or unusual will almost certainly happen. This could relate to a close relationship. Or instead, it might relate to you personally. It might mean a sudden change in your environment. One possibility is an unexpected accident. Therefore, be careful. Pay attention to everything you say and do. Guard against rash actions and knee-jerk reactions. On the upside, this could be when you finally have the courage to make a break for your own personal freedom. “I’m outta here!”

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

It’s fortunate Venus is in your sign now because it makes you charming and diplomatic. (This is a wonderful cover in case you are personally bewildered about something. You’re the only one who will know.) Venus also promotes good times with friends; and it ranks pleasure above work. Meanwhile, a hidden, unexpected surprise will catch you off guard this week. Because it will take place in a hidden part of your chart, others might not know but you will. Caution against accident-prone behaviour. Think twice before you react to surprising news. Stay cool. (You always do.)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Stay on your toes this week because you will encounter a surprise from a friend or a member of a group. You might be asked to leave a group. You might be asked to join a group. Whatever happens, it will introduce a change in your life and possibly, a change to your future goals. This could be major. On the other hand (you have different rings), it could be a minor tiff with a friend. People are a bit hotheaded now; and you might be in competition with someone? This could lead to an argument. Remember – you value your public reputation. Therefore, don’t do anything that you will regret later. Possibly, this relates to secret love affair? (Hmmm.)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is not a typical week. Not by a longshot. At the very top of your chart, sits the Sun, the New Moon and fiery Mars. Then midweek, this handful of energy is challenged by your ruler wild, wacky Uranus. For some of you, this could mean that you will take a sudden stand and fight for your own independence. You might rebel against bosses, parents and authority figures. You might decide to strike out on your own? It could be as minor as an argument with a parent or a boss. It could be as major as changing your life direction? Fortunately, Venus will help you to be diplomatic with friends, who in turn, will be supportive to you. No one, more than you, values their friends.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Big changes are occurring; and the upshot of it all is that you have a thrilling sense of freedom. Oh yes, you’re out there flying your colours! This might bring a sudden opportunity to travel for some of you. It might also mean a chance to explore avenues in publishing, the media, the law, medicine or anything to do with higher education. This could also indicate a sudden split or quarrel about philosophical, political, racial or religious ideas. You might have the leading role in Gunfight at the OK Corral! (Wyatt Earp or Doc Holliday?) The good news is that Venus, at the top of your chart, guarantees warm support from authority figures in your life. Big changes are taking place – but you are protected.


Weekly Horoscopes Beginning Sunday, 31 October 2021

If you’re born within a cusp period (16 to 26 of any month); you’re advised to read horoscopes of both signs covered by that period. You’re on the border; you may have influences from houses within those signs.

Outlines are longer versions; consist of every possible detail of everyday and are based on three parts of each sign: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Decan; that is, any of three divisions of 10° within a sign of the zodiac. Even if you know or don’t know your Decan; I recommend, please read all three Decan.

Personal theme: I am!!
Fire & cardinal sign: March 21 — April 19

Your horoscope for this week:

As an Aries, you regard even heated exchanges as an opportunity to express your views, then listen to those of others. However, the feelings about certain of the matters being discussed are intense enough you might want to think twice about those discussions, at least for now. Instead, make a point of learning as much as you can, so when the moment comes, you’re ready.

If a job you are working on seems beyond your capabilities either ask for help or leave it for another day and return to it when you are in a better frame of mind. It will be pointless struggling on when you are getting nowhere. Not to mention: a complete waste of your time. Family news will put you in a more positive and hopeful mood. Sharing your happiness will make the world a better place for your friends and loved ones.

There is little doubt that you enjoy being ‘different’, independent and free. Yet as you’ve likely realised to live those traits to the full also requires having a good and strong professional network. Yours may be the ultimate ‘little black book’. Give that careful thought over the next few days. Following on from the powerful New Moon on Thursday, exploring new professional avenues should be compelling. It’s likely that you’ve already made a mark and that others are keen to learn more about your plans. Note too that you are an excellent initiator but that you’re not perhaps the best at maintaining pace! You thrive on new ideas. It might be wise as you prepare to launch an initiative, to consider to whom you could hand the reins when you inevitably lose interest.

Personal theme: I have!!
Earth & fixed sign: April 20 — May 20

Your horoscope for this week:

Once you’re aware of the dramas triggered by tricky planetary activity and, especially, Thursday’s New Moon, you’ll back off and listen to others’ views. You might even raise concerns you usually keep to yourself. Urgent as things seem, note that not only is the Taurus Full Moon on 19th, it’s an eclipse, which means breakthroughs for others but, especially, for you. Knowing that, ensure plans and decisions are flexible.

Expect a surge of support for a project, campaign or enterprise you are helping to set up. Word has got round and there will be plenty people showing their interest before it has even been advertised. This is the confirmation you need that you are doing the right thing. Relationships at work are changing. Meeting up outside working hours is helping build solid friendships. ‘ Nurturing a garden as a hobby brings more delight than creating a garden out of necessity or obligation.

Thursday’s new Moon is in your opposite sign. It’s a curious New Moon in that it exactly opposes Uranus moving through your sign. If you haven’t already branched out in fresh direction, then this New Moon could bring the push you need. Perhaps you need to be reminded – most likely by a Capricorn, – that you have significant expertise and that this should be put to even greater use. It’s not necessarily the case that you need to be boosted into thinking you’re superhuman; but it is probable that you require confidence building. If you can’t do that for yourself, then perhaps you need to explore the reasons why with a mentor. In fact, organising regular professional counselling could be one of the positive ways of using present planetary energies.

Personal theme: I think!!
Air sign: May 21 — June 20

Your horoscope for this week:

Nobody’s better at dealing with the variety of changes, in both circumstances and the resulting mood of others, than you are. Still, unless you make an effort to avoid extensive discussion of events and how tricky rethinking things is, you’ll end up exhausted. Although others are hoping things will settle down soon, they won’t. The solution? When they begin discussing far-reaching plans, change the subject.

There’s a lot of restlessness that is making you want more out of life. You crave excitement, variety and something different. Setting off on a spontaneous journey will seem like a great idea. A trip to a place that was a part of your childhood will bring back happy memories. If you must work on jobs that require concentration don’t expect to make fast progress with anything that is finicky and complicated.

Perhaps you need a fresh approach to working matters. That’s offered by the Scorpio New Moon every year. Thursday’s is extra special in that it coincides with two major aspects involving Uranus and Pluto. The combination of this pair tends to be volcanic, eruptive, deviant – but exciting. So yes, even before the weekend you may be prompted to consider new ways of working and thinking; and yes, this should be exhilarating though you might need to agree that this will require significant hard graft for the next three weeks. To cope with this will likely require that you improve both your physical and mental fitness. Setting aside time each day to focus would surely be wise. You might also be boosted and supported by a Libra friend or colleague who is similarly trying to readjust their work life balance.

Personal theme: I feel!!
Water & cardinal sign: June 21 — July 22

Your horoscope for this week:

Although recent unreliable events have already alerted you to need to be cautious with even seemingly simple plans, some events will be so sudden you’re unsure what to do. Unsettling as things seem, much of what’s taking place is clearing the way for changes as unexpected as they are timely. The trick? For now, ensure plans are flexible. Lasting arrangements should wait until after Wednesday’s New Moon.

You wish someone close would stop reminding you of your past failures. They seem to expect you to make similar mistakes again. You are ready to start looking to the future and this may mean asking them to stop harping on about the past. Just as if you decide to make some changes in your life and there are objections from your family or colleagues, this should not stop you from going ahead with anything you intend to do.

You may remember that for a few weeks, many planets appeared to be in retrograde motion. Direct motion was reached two weeks ago and things have been picking up pace since then. They should gather even greater momentum following Thursday’s New Moon in another of the Water signs. Though there is a Scorpio New Moon every year, this one is particularly special in that it coincides with two major aspects involving planets with a reputation for bringing change and upheaval. This though could be super exciting. Your role within a team seems set to be altered and very much to your benefit. Power isn’t the most important thing in the world, but there are times when it gives a confidence boost. That may be something that you now need. You perhaps also need permission to explore your more creative side. Expect to be given the green light on this from early next week as a result of meetings that take place in the second half of this one.

Personal theme: I will!!
Fire & fixed sign: July 23 — August 22

Your horoscope for this week:

There’s been plenty of talk about rethinking various arrangements, some longstanding, several more recent. Now, suddenly, events are forcing you and others into action. While, understandably, there’s grumbling, everyone’s acknowledging these are timely. Next? Employ your persuasive Leo charm to get those who’re reluctant about changes to get involved. The first step? Discuss absolutely everything. Once they start doing that, the rest will be easy.

A colleague’s careless attitude will be revealed and this could surprise you. This is someone you have always respected but it will turn out they have been pushing their work and responsibilities onto others. A lot of the achievements they have taken credit for were not their own. You’re surprised by how some people can look as if they’re busy without actually doing anything. It will be a decision failure that will highlight their incompetence.

You may be pleased to know that Thursday’s New Moon (the annual one accenting the base of your solar chart), coincides with two major aspects both of which signal fresh perspective. Reconstruction, review, repair, renewal: all these words are appropriate for the month ahead. It’s likely of course that you’ve been looking for fresh perspective for many months. Obviously much depends on your personal chart, but this special New Moon should affect all Leos and open doors that hitherto have been closed. There may well be a political edge: where it’s necessary for you to commit to a particular way of thinking before an opportunity can be accepted. Be ready to work life be thrust into the limelight. It may be that others need to know your position. There’s nothing to lose by asking for the weekend to think things through. What you don’t need is to jump from one difficult situation into another.

Personal theme: I analyse!!
Earth sign: August 23 — September 22

Your horoscope for this week:

Things seem tricky; but actually, it’s your perfectionistic nature battling changes as timely as they are unpredictable. Stand back and allow these to unfold as they must, while diverting your practical side to decluttering elements of your life that are increasingly distracting. Once you begin, you may even find it easy to say a timely farewell to some. If so, it will be a huge relief.

A relative will make you a generous offer from out of the blue. Your first reaction will be to turn them down but this would upset them. If you’re struggling financially, it will be a relief to have someone who is willing to help out. You can also rely on their discretion. Very soon you will hear the results of an official meeting. What has been decided is likely to change your life and it will be a relief to finally know where you stand.

Venus leaves the base of your solar chart on Friday just after very special New Moon. You could view the days leading into this potential fresh start as being optimum for clearing the decks and making your home and desk tidy. In fact, space clearing should have priority. There are likely items that must be archived carefully, but equally a mess that should be removed. This ought not to present too much difficulty. In fact, it might even be regarded as a sharp career move; showing others that you’re not frightened of the hard work or even the intensity of a task. Be prepared – that soon after the New Moon – to be thrust into the spotlight in a unique way. It’s likely that your particular expertise and talents – especially those that were recognised when you were at school, will be to the fore and much discussed. It may be that yet another career route is opening up at best, this would be a second revenue stream in 2022.

Personal theme: I balance!!
Air & cardinal sign: September 23 — October 22

Your horoscope for this week:

Understandably, you dislike leaving misunderstandings unresolved. However, unexpected changes in circumstances will resolve these. Better yet, this frees you to focus on ideas or offers as intriguing as they are unsettling. The trick? Ensure it’s understood your interest is nothing more than that, at least for now. This gives you time. Better yet, something unexpected will soon give you a superb bargaining position.

Personal relationships could be better. A misunderstanding in the home causes some tension. Professionally, there’s a cloud of deceit in the air. Be careful about who you trust. Your attention is drawn to financial, property, investment and insurance matters. Anything of such importance needs to be sorted out immediately. You would like to have more time to consider the possible implications of new projects. Talking to a practical friend will help.

Would you agree that you need fresh perspective? It’s probable that you haven’t made the most of your many talents and assets. Review would be wise. Thursday’s Scorpio New Moon coincides with major aspects involving both Uranus and Pluto. Their combined cycle is acknowledged as bringing upheaval; and yes, this could tilt your scales. Before you panic however, know that both Mercury, and your ruling planet Venus, are about to change signs. Think of this as a road junction where some cars are leaving and others joining. In short, conditions are set to change. That needn’t be a negative – but it does require you to concentrate and yes, access previous experience. If you’re not to ‘happen to an accident, you need to take note of where others are travelling and their speed and motivation. It’s entirely possible that you could yet move into their slipstream and gain advantage on your life journey.

Scorpio & Ophiuchus
Personal theme: I desire!!
Water & fixed signs: October 23 — November 21

Your horoscope for this week:

While everybody will respond to the reflective mood in the run up to Wednesday’s New Moon, it’s in Scorpio. This suggests you’ll already have been questioning existing elements of your life and considering changes, some dramatic. While the process comes to a head this week, for now, focus on what needs to change or go. Future plans? Continue to explore. Yet more options are coming your way.

You feel you are being rushed into making an important decision. Ask for the advice of a friend who knows a thing or two about the concerns that are on your mind. This will reinforce the idea that you are making the right choice. Social activities could be more expensive than expected. It might be worth setting a spending limit at the start. Also, when it comes to money, don’t be tempted by quick profit ventures.

Thursday’s New Moon is in your sign. That in itself suggests a fresh start on the horizon. This one though is far more than that. This lunation coincides with major aspects involving Uranus (the unpredictable), and Pluto (the all-powerful). Yours, as you probably know, is one of the Fixed signs of the zodiac: implying that you don’t do change easily. You have to figure it all out; work out the plan and then make your move. Have you ever watched an actual scorpion? They can stand still and appear motionless for hours if not days – but then suddenly streak across the room like lightning. That’s precisely what you might do in the coming weeks. This week is likely all about assessing the route and the obstacles along the way. You are recharging – and now much supported by friends and colleagues born under neighbouring Libra and Sagittarius who, in their very different ways, know just how to energise you.

Personal theme: I see!!
Fire sign: November 22 — December 21

Your horoscope for this week:

You don’t think of yourself as a control freak until you’re faced with circumstances that force you to leave decisions to others or, perhaps, to destiny. Unfair as this seems, you’ll soon begin to recognise what you thought were unwelcome events are drawing into new activities and introducing new ideas and, often, individuals to your life, many of which you wouldn’t otherwise have encountered.

The longer an argument goes on the more it seems to play into a competitor’s hands. The general thinking is that you have to tackle some challenges early on or you will run out of steam. This won’t be so. Don’t be in a rush. Aim for steady progress. Now is a good time to put forward plans and ideas both in your private and working lives. Don’t think you should leave these until later in the year or opportunities will pass you by.

Venus leaves your sign at Thursday’s New Moon. This New Moon is special in that it coincides with major aspects involving Uranus (the unexpected) and Pluto (the investigator). It’s probable that your mood will shift greatly – putting you in more serious and research mode by the weekend. The big question really is what will trigger this? It’s possible that ideas and thoughts presented on Monday will give rise to many questions. You might wonder if others have any real idea of what they are negotiating and how best to improve relations. Though not a natural diplomat, you perhaps know that improving lines of communication would make all the difference to long-term prospects. So, this should prove an interesting, if challenging, week. The strain on your nervous system might be considerable. For that reason, it might suit you to partner with someone with known track record for dealing with practicalities and who is able to assist you with diary management.

Personal theme: I use!!
Earth & cardinal sign: December 22 — January 19

Your horoscope for this week:

Once you understand that you, and the rest of the world, are in a cycle of change, you’ll stop struggling to make lasting plans, and will instead consciously ensure whatever you organise is flexible. This is out of character, if not challenging. Ironically, you may learn more about a range of different approaches to decision-making, if not life in general, than about the matter in question.

Money is tight. Setting up a new budget should help you get on top of your debts and you will feel more in control of your finances. You have your days mapped out before you and although there are dozens of things you are hoping to get through, you will manage it all. With you being so organised, it is almost guaranteed that everything will go according to plan. People working with you will be relieved to let you take the lead.

Within hours of Thursday’s New Moon, – which is spectacular because of the aspects surrounding it, Venus moves into your sign. It’s probable that by Friday all eyes will be on you. Your expertise may be just what’s needed. In fact, you could appear to be the ‘jewel in a crown’. Whilst you might not relish the prospect of even more responsibility, fact is that it’ll likely be impossible to hide your light under any bushel. Over the last couple of years your stature has likely grown and others will want to have you on their team. Though tangible cash reward may not be possible as yet, you could still be promised a slice of future reward. In short, this could yet prove to be a most interesting career week with conversations over Thursday and Friday hinting at exciting times ahead.

Personal theme: I know!!
Air & fixed sign: January 20 — February 18

Your horoscope for this week:

For ages you’ve been weighing up changes that would alter elements of your way of thinking, working or living. While you haven’t reached a decision, this week’s powerful planetary activity indicates events will do it for you. True, things won’t be exactly as you’d imagined. Still, go with the flow and explore your options. Gradually you’ll figure out how to make the best of it.

A friend or relative could do with a word of advice and even some practical assistance. It may be inconvenient having to put some of your own plans aside to help out but you won’t begrudge this. You can sense how much your help means to them. Besides, you like to feel people know you are there for them when they need you. A Libran friend will help you to make up your mind about a private dilemma.

There is at least one Scorpio New Moon every year. Thursday’s is extra special in that it coincides with major aspects involving both Uranus and Pluto. Recall that Uranus is one of your ruling planets. Its transit across the base of your solar chart may have brought more than a few prickly moments this year already: leaving you unsettled. Yet perhaps you also know that you need fresh perspective and to be re-energised. You won’t be the only sign to tune into this extraordinary energy. In your case it’s likely that you will be talking about a property move or working in a new area: linked to the needs and demands of those who work in an international capacity. In the process, you might need to learn a new language – possibly technical.

Personal theme: I believe!!
Water sign: February 19 — March 20

Your horoscope for this week:

Saying farewell to certain longstanding arrangements may be unsettling or even raise questions about whether you could have done things better. While you’re likely to gain several valuable insights from reflecting in this manner, give it only so much time, then firmly move into what’s next. True, recent developments are unexpected, if not intimidating. Still, plunge in. You’ll soon exchange that hesitation for enthusiasm.

A joint project will feel as if it is moving in slow motion. You need to be patient as you wait for other people to get organised. It can be frustrating to find that others in your immediate world aren’t as dedicated to getting down to business as you are. If you are romantically inclined, one way to forget your worldly worries will be for you and your partner to lose yourselves in a warm cocoon of romance.

It’s glib to suggest that a new start is coming, but that does indeed seem likely following Thursday’s New Moon. This is no ordinary Scorpio new Moon as it coincides with major aspects involving Uranus and Pluto. These two planets combined have a reputation for stirring things up. You may be more than ready for this. After all the difficulties of recent months, perhaps you need to be mentally excited and stimulated. Though it might seem that others are all talk and no action at the start of the week, that’s unlikely to be the case by Friday. As yours is one of the more sensitive signs of the zodiac, you should sense that this new phase is coming. In preparation, you could do much to clear the decks and yes, that probably requires a little space clearing and even cleaning.



Every Day is Earth Day! Love Your Mother!
Goddess Blessings!
Live Well – Laugh Often – Love Much
High Priestess Training
Healing Arts and Pagan Studies

The GoddessSchool

  1. High Priestess Certification and Ancient Mystery Teachings
  2. Herbalism 101
  3. Herbalism 202
  4. Herbalism 303
  5. Earth Signs and Omens
  6. The Priestess Entrepreneurship
  7. Natural Witchcraft
  8. Practical Magick: Spell Casting for Every Day Use
  9. The Magic of Crystals

10.Introduction to Energy Healing

11.Introduction to Paganism

12.Introduction to Meditation

13.Introduction to The Goddess Tradition and The Feminine Divine

14.Kuan Yins Gentle Embrace Reiki Certification

15.A Year and a Day of Contemplation with Kuan Yin

16.Tarot, Numerology, Natal Charts and Dream Readings

17.Reiki Training and Certification

Herbs!!! Herbs!!! Herbs!!!
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GrannyMoon’s Weekly Feast

Teach a witch a spell and she can do that spell. Teach a witch the craft and she can do magick!

GrannyMoon, Teaching the Craft for over 20 years!

“We all come from the Goddess
And to Her we shall return
Like a drop of rain, going to the ocean”
“May the circle be open, but unbroken,
May the love of the Goddess be ever in your heart.

Merry Meet and Merry Part
And Merry Meet Again

By GrannyMoon Posted in Pagan