Read GrannyMoon’s Weekly Feast 24 Nov – 1 Dec 2019!


The Season of the Witch!

Blessed be my little witch. To those who came before and those who will come after, know that the Goddess is with you always. Thank you all my dear readers…be blessed. ~GrannyMoon



The NEW MOON always rises at sunrise
And the FIRST QUARTER at noon.
The FULL MOON always rises at sunset
And the LAST QUARTER at midnight.
~The New Orleans Mistic


Dark Moon — Time to Rest
New Moon — Time to Begin New Projects; Birth; Attraction
Waxing Moon — Time to Grow; Increase
Full Moon — Time to be Fulfilled; Abundance
Waning Moon — Time to Banish; Decrease
Last Sliver of Moon — Time to Die; Letting Go
Dark Moon — Time to Rest Again

Light A Candle Today!
In many different traditions lighting a candle is a sacred action. It expresses more than words can express. It has to do with gratefulness. From time immemorial, people have lit candles in sacred places. You may want to begin or end your day by the sacred ritual of lighting a candle on this gratefulness. Or you may want to light a birthday candle for a friend. One single guideline is all you need: Slow down and do it with full attention.

Dates of this calendar were devised by Robert Graves, 1895 – 1985

Month of Cailleach/Samhain begins 10/31 – 11/27
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) November 25 to December 22

What’s Happening This Week!?!
National Family Week
November 24: In England, it’s Stir Up Sunday.
November 26: National Cake Day
November 28: Yes, it is—Thanksgiving!
November 30: John Mason of New York City, patented the Mason jar on November 30 1858, and changed homemakers’ food preservation habits forever.


Moon Phases for November 2019
Last Quarter November 19 4:13 P.M.
New Moon November 26 10:07 A.M.

Current Moon Phase: WANING MOON

Time: From Full Moon to Dark Moon (approx.14 days)

Goddess Aspect: Crone

Associated Goddesses: Cailleach, Banshee, Hecate, Kali, Morrigan

Magickal Attributes: Banishing Releasing the old, removing unwanted negative energies, wisdom, psychic ability, scrying, reversing circumstances. Workings on this day are for banishing magick, for ridding oneself of addictions, illness or negativity, physical and psychic cleansings.


Honoring the Goddess Every Day at
So mote it be!!


Each And Every Day A Feast Day!
Embrace It!!!


The GoddessSchool
High Priestess Certification and Ancient Mystery Teachings
Now Taking Students!
High Priestess Mystery School Training
E-mail me ASAP for an application!


The Goddess School Grimoire
Hardcover: $39.45
Softback: $26.95
eBook (PDF): $6.25

The Goddess School Grimoire is a collection of recipes, artwork, poetry, prose, prayers, rituals, spells, and practical Goddess wisdom put together by the teachers, students, alumni, and friends of The Sisters of the Burning Branch Goddess School. The sisterhood is dedicated to restoring spiritual balance by returning the Divine Feminine to her rightful place and by assisting women in their personal and spiritual development. Since being founded by Head and High Mother Priestess Grandmother Moon in 2000, The Goddess School ( has grown into a large and beautiful global community of women


GrannyMoon is Founder and Mother High Priestess of GoddessSchool, Sisters of the Burning Branch, dedicated to the Feminine Divine. Living in the Washington, DC suburbs, she attended LDS Seminary, Former staff member and student of the Esoteric Theological Seminary, is an ordained Metaphysical Interfaith minister with doctoral degrees in Theology and Divinity, since 1999. She is a current board member of the Northern Virginia Pagan Pride Day, charter member and former counsel and board member of The Order of the White Moon. A scholar of ancient mysteries, Doula, Reiki Master, Herbalist and Lifetime Member of Herbal Healer Academy, Inc. and former VA State Representative A.R.E.N. Alternative Religions Educational Network. She has dedicated her life to the study and teaching of the Esoteric.

Join me! Saturday’s with GrannyMoon!

Face to Face Classes at Sticks and Stones – 11037 Lee Highway · Fairfax, VA

WitchCrafting! Face to Face Classes at Noon on Saturdays! (except the last Saturday of the month) 

On the last Saturday of the month I host the Most Excellent Order of the Black Hat – open to all – a group of solitaires who celebrate the Wheel of the Year. 7:00 – 9:00PM

GrannyMoon’s Herbal Witches Cauldron – Every last Saturday of each month. Explore a new herb or two and work on a hands-on project with us. 4-6PM at Sticks and Stones ~ Westfair Center 11037 Lee Highway Fairfax, VA 22030 (703)352-2343

GrannyMoon, Teaching the Craft for over 20 years!

Teach a witch a spell and she can do that spell. Teach a witch the craft and she can do magick!


GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Moon Day Hail Luna! Hail Mani! Energy: Female Ruler: The Moon Magicks involving the subconscious, healing, emotions, love, spirituality, healing wounds, children, small animals, women’s mysteries,mothers, sisters, female partners, wives, instincts
Today’s Magickal Influences: Agriculture, Domestic, Long Life, Medicine,
Travels, Visions, Theft
Today’s Goddesses: Luna, Selene, Diana, Re, Gaeleach, Ida, Artemis [Whom The
Greeks Associated With Bast], The Witches, Yemaya, Erzulie, Bast
Incense: Myrtle
Perfumes: White Poppy, White Rose, Wallflower
Monday – Wear pearl, moonstone, or crystal. Use an emerald for amulets.
Color of The Day: Silver, Grey, White
Colors for Tomorrow: Red
Candle: White
Cooking on Monday will improve magics for creativity, insight, maternal
nature, and Goddess-related efforts. ~Quote from Magickal Martha

Hail Tyr! GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Tyr’s or Tiu’s Day! Day of Mars, Ares, Tiwaz, Tiw (from whom it is named), Tuisco,. Magickal influences are: Passion, courage, aggression and protection, vitality, passion, ambition and raw, unabashed power. Mars energy makes the mind acute.It is lucky to meet a left-handed person on any day except Tuesday – then it’s an ill omen. A superstition from areas of England that were ruled by the Danelaw, because the day is named for Norse God Týr who sacrificed his right hand to bind the Fenris Wolf. #FolkloreThursday

Wear a ruby, star sapphire, or emerald. Use topaz for amulets.
Today’s Magickal Influences ~ Destination, War, Courage, Surgery, Physical Strength
Be cautious-especially while traveling.
Today’s Goddesses: Aset [Isis], Soorejnaree, Pingalla, Anna, Aine, Danu,
Yngona, Bellona, Aida Wedo, Sun Woman
Perfumes: Hellebore, Carnation, Patchouli
Incense: Lignum Aloes, Plantain
Color of The Day: Red
Colors for Tomorrow: Yellow
Lucky Sign: Tuesday Is The Lucky Day For Aries
Candle: Red
On Tuesday, cooking up a hearty meal featuring carrots, peppers, and garlic (all Mars foods and spices) to empower yourself for victory and success!
Hail Odin! GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Woden’s or Odin’s Day
Energy: Male Ruler: Mercury – Rules healings, the mind – Use for magick
involving mental issues, learning, higher education, addictions,
communications, travel, young people, messages, perception, self-expression,
artists, poets, and writers
Wednesday – Wear amethyst, star ruby, or lodestone. Use turquoise in amulets.
Today’s Magickal Influences: Conjurations, Predictions, Knowledge, Writing,Eloquence
Incense: Cinnamon, Cinquefoil
Perfumes: Sweetpea, Lavender, Mastic, Frankincense, Cloves
Color of The Day: Yellow, Grey
Colors for Tomorrow: Purple, Indigo, Blue
Candle: Yellow
Lucky Sign: Wednesday Is The Lucky Day For Gemini And Virgo
Today’s Goddesses: Aset [Isis], Demeter, Ceres, Spider Woman, Bona Dea, Oya,
Devi-Kali, Hella, Rhiannon, Coatlique, Maman Brigette, Sekhmet, Hathor
GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Thor’s Day Hail Thor!
Energy: Male
Ruler: Jupiter
Today’s Magickal Influences ~ Luck, Religion, Healing, Trade And Employment,Treasure, Honors, Riches, Legal Matters,
Use Growth, Expansion, Prosperity, Money, Business, Attracting attracting more of what you have.
Thor’s Day – Wear sapphire, cat’s eye, or carnelian. Use sapphire in rituals.
Today’s Goddesses: Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Mlaba Mwana Waresa, Ishtar, Nuit
Color of The Day: Purple, Indigo, Blue
Candle: Purple, Blue
Colors for Tomorrow: Green, Light Blue
Perfumes: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes
Incense: Nutmeg, Henbane
Lucky Sign: Thursday Is The Lucky Day For Sagittarius And Pisces
Hail Freya! GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Freya’s Day
Energy: Female Ruler: Venus – Rules lovers and pleasure, affairs of the
heart – Use for magick involving love, peace, beauty, gentleness, women’s
problems, healing, protection, lovers, ease, pleasure, affairs. Resolve
quarrels today!
Friday – Cast love spells on Fridays. Wear blue robes and use turquoise, ruby, emerald or cat’s eye.
Today’s Magickal Influences: All Love Matters, Friendships, Affection,
Partnerships, Money, Sex
Today’s Goddesses: Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus,
Freya, Frigg, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique
Incense: Saffron, Verbena
Perfumes: Stephanotis, Apple Blossom, Musk, Ambergris
Color of The Day: Light Blue, Pale Green
Candle: Green
Colors for Tomorrow: Black
Lucky Sign: Friday Is The Lucky Day For Taurus And Libra
Saint Jegudiel represents Friday
Hail Loki! GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Saturn and Loki’s Day
Day of Seatere, Seater, and Saturn and of Loki, the Norse god of tricks and
revelry. Saturday is ruled by Saturn, whose Magickal influences are:
longevity, endings, and homes. Saturday comes under the influence of Saturn.
Saturn’s influence directs our attention toward routine chores, customs, and
conventional traditions. Saturday is a good day for furthering our ambitions
through perseverance, patience, responsible action, and a sense of purpose .
Saturday – Wear turquoise, labradorite, or diamond. Use amethyst.
Saturday is a good day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving
spirit communication, meditation, psychic self-defense, binding, and
locating lost things or missing persons.
Today’s Goddesses: Ops, Rhea, Tellus Mater, Gaia, Eartha, Ge, Tonantzin,
Asherah, Anath, The Shekinah, The Matronit, Mary, Gula, Herodias, Oddudua,
Today’s Magickal Influences: Duties, Responsibilities, Finding Families, Works Of Magic, Buildings, Meditation, Life, Doctrines
Today’s Energies: Female – Rules obstacles, overcoming blockages – Use for magick involving overcoming limitations, the elderly, endings, deaths, blocks, constrictions, and those restricting you.
Incense: Pepperwort, Assodilious, Black Poppy Seeds, Henbane, Lodestone, Myrrh
Perfumes: Hyacinth, Pansy
Color of The Day: Black
Colors for Tomorrow: Orange, Gold and Yellow
Lucky Sign: Saturday Is The Lucky Day For Capricorn And Aquarius
Candle: Black
Hail Sunna and Sol! GrannyMoon Says Today is: Sun Day
Energy: Male
Ruler: The Sun
Rule health, prosperity, leadership, joy, and protection – Use for magick involving happiness, prosperity, joy, healing, protection, power, leadership, ego, authority figures, fathers, husbands
Today’s Goddesses: Sunne, Frau Sonne, Aditi, Igaehindvo, Amaterasu, Arinna, Izanami, Ochumare
Sunday’s Magickal Influences: Health, Healing, Confidence And Hope, Prosperity
Incense: Dragons Blood
Perfumes: Heliotrope, Orange Blossom, Cloves, Frankincense, Ambergris, Musk, Myrrh
Sunday – wear topaz, sunstone, or diamond. Use pearl in crafting talismans.
Color of The Day: Orange, Gold
Colors for Tomorrow: Silver, Gray, White
Lucky Sign: Sunday Is The Lucky Day For Leo
Candle: Yellow


This Week’s Tarot Reading

Halloween Oracle

The love and legacy of our DNA.

I walk in their footsteps
Their wisdom inside me remains
I am unique, yet carry a legacy
Their blood runs in my veins.

There may be struggles, but know that you have everything that you need to prevail. You have the birthright of power.


Llewellyn’s Spell a Day

Apple Cider for Friendship
November 18, 2019 by Blake Octavian Blair

Today is National Apple Cider Day in the United States. Apples have a long-standing association with love and healing. I’m also a big proponent of the importance of acknowledging that there are many types of love aside from the romantic kind. We need loving familial relationships and friendships as well.

Today, prepare or procure a couple cups of hot apple cider. Have a sitdown with a beloved friend or family member and nurture your relationship over this magickal drink. A cuppa with a loved one is bonding time, especially over this drink made from the magickal apple! If your friend is of the magickal persuasion as well, try out this blessing over your ciders:

Magickal apple! Powerful brew!
Mulled and steeped with care
As good friendships do!
Warm and healing,
As both a friend and a
cuppa should be.
Friends and cider together, blessed be!
Gratitude Spell
November 19, 2019 by Deborah Blake

Those of us who live in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving later this month, but the truth is, the “giving thanks” part of the holiday often gets lost in the commotion of the day. So why not take a minute today to do this simple spell for gratitude, no matter where you live? No matter how difficult life might be, no matter what struggles you face, there are always things to be grateful for. Light a candle and sit quietly for a moment, thinking about all the parts of your life that are worthy of appreciation. Then say this spell:

God and Goddess, I thank you
For the good things, which lift me up,
And the bad, which teach
me and make me strong.
Thank you for [list the things
you are grateful for.
And for all the gifts that you give me.
I am grateful.
Intolerance and Ignorance of the Craft
November 20, 2019 by Emyme

It is a constant source of wonder and amusement to see and hear what non-Wiccan folk (Muggles?) think they know about the old ways. Education and “approval” have grown, but we still have a ways to go. The ignorance and intolerance and derision and exclusion only serve to showcase/highlight the inclusion and welcoming ways of all earth-based paths in our community. Just look at some of the factions: kitchen, hedge, fey, solitary, coven, eclectic. Unless there is bodily harm involved, all negative words, thoughts, and actions must be allowed to flow over and pass by us. Greet the negative with a smile and kind words and keep to the creed:

My beliefs serve me well in this world.
I choose my path.
An it harm none, do what you will.
Cry in a Graveyard
November 21, 2019 by Najah Lightfoot

Did you know there are graveyards and cemeteries that were intentionally created as parks so visitors would feel comfortable sitting there for a while? Not all graveyards and cemeteries are creepy, scary places. Some are actually quite soothing and beautiful.

If you’re feeling blue today, try spending some time in your favorite graveyard. Graveyards and cemeteries are some of the few places where you can cry to your heart’s content, uninterrupted. No one will give you strange looks for weeping in a graveyard.

When you enter the graveyard, be sure to throw some coins to the spiritual gatekeeper who watches over the gates. When you leave, say thank you to the graveyard for taking your tears and soothing your heart. Take a different route back when you leave the graveyard so your sorrows won’t follow you home.
The Jar of Bitter-Sweet
November 22, 2019 by Storm Faerywolf

Here is a spell for sweetening up a stressful or bitter situation.

You will need:
• A small lemon
• A permanent marker
• A small to medium-sized jar with a metal lid
• Honey
• Some dried or fresh lavender
• A white candle in a holder

Empower the lemon to be a connection to what is causing you stress by creating a sigil and drawing this with permanent marker on the peel. Allow to dry. Fill the jar halfway with honey, then add some lavender. Insert the lemon, then cover with honey to fill the jar completely. Scoop up some honey on your finger and put in your mouth so you can taste it. Say:

Honey, sweet upon my tongue,
Sweeten now the bitter one.
Into darkness shine your light,
Bring me peace, make all things bright.

Close the lid tightly and burn the candle on top of it safely. Burn a new candle on top of it each week and speak the charm aloud.
Lonely Is the Night
November 23, 2019 by James Kambos

November nights can be long and lonely if you haven’t found that special someone. To begin this spell to find love, rub two red taper candles with almond oil. Put them in holders and light them. Slowly pull the candles toward you. As you do this, begin speaking these words:

Candles, burn away my
loneliness in the night.
Candles, bring love to
me with your light.
With this spell, I ask that
love comes into sight.
Candles, burn away my
loneliness in the night.

Let the candles burn out safely. Remove them from their holders and keep them in an attractive box. Be open to any sign that romance is coming your way.

Heartwings Love Notes 908 Giving Thanks for Family

Heartwings says, “Family may be of blood or of the heart yet it is special and to be cherished.”
As I found out when I read a poem about family to my poetry group, the term family is for many loaded with negative implications. Unhappy childhoods, misbehaving or denigrating progeny, difficult relationships all become causes of grief and unhappiness. Quarrels erupt over division of property or when sharing the belongings of the deceased. Yet to me, family members may not necessarily be of blood but are of the heart and the relationships are often more peaceful and happier.

When I was growing up, my immediate family would have Thanksgiving dinner at the home of either my grandmother Nonny, or my great aunt Alice. As a child I didn’t like having meals at Nonny’s because her dining room chairs were uncomfortable. They had horsehair woven into the seats and it prickled the backs of my legs. Also, there were toys at Aunt Alice’s that I never got to play with except at holiday gatherings. They were special. And unusual. She had a wooden music player that hung from a strap, with a handle that played metal disks that were inserted, with different tunes, and a wonderful bunny that emerged from a head of lettuce and wiggled his ears.

My father had a toast he always made at every Thanksgiving dinner. It followed the toast to the hostess-inevitably Nonny or Aunt Alice. He would hold up his glass and say solemnly, “A toast to the absent ones.” As time went on more and more of those to be thought of were those who were absent from this earthly life. Now that it is my turn to say the toast, I am aware of how many who once graced my table are no longer available to invite.

All of the family members that graced the Thanksgiving tables of my childhood have gone on to the heavenly table to share their Thanksgivings with the angels. I miss them. Over the years my Thanksgiving table has been graced by a variety of friends and relatives. As my circle of acquaintances grew over the years, so did the circle of my extended family. I no longer live close enough for them to visit or to have for a Thanksgiving meal, however I am very glad for their presence in my life. My family of the heart is large and varied, and I think of them with love and gratitude.

My you find much for which to be grateful not only at Thanksgiving but always.

Blessings and best Regards, Tasha Halpert <>

PS Do you have a Thanksgiving story to share/ I would love to hear it. Your emails make my day, and I answer every one, though sometimes not right away. Thanks for reading, happy Thanksgiving!


5 Key Habits of Working Powerful Manifestation Magic
by Sage Goddess

One of the main questions I hear about manifestation magic from people in my communities is this: How can I manifest what I want in my life?

Manifestation is of course based on particle physics and quantum mechanics.

There is both an art and a science to it. I spend time in powerful think tank groups with global entrepreneurs so I see what is actually working for people who are manifesting their dreams and achieving their goals; I also spend time with many thousands of people who feel stuck and unable to make accelerated progress in their lives despite effort and stress.

What is the difference between those who rock manifestation magic and those who don’t, or seemingly can’t?

Here are my Top Five Habits of people who manifest with ease. If you aren’t practicing one of these habits, you should begin today!

1) Powerful manifestors focus exclusively on what they seek to experience and create. They do not complain about their own circumstances or the efforts of those around them. That’s because manifestors know the power of thought to create circumstances, and by complaining about what they don’t like or want, they send additional energy and creative force to the exact opposite of what they are trying to create. If you could peek inside the mind of the most powerful people you know, you’d likely be surprised to find how focused and aware they are of the power of their own thoughts. They even dream about what they are seeking to create!

2) Powerful manifestors take the guidance of Spirit first before the guidance of man. Most people who manifest great things in life believe in a higher power and trust that in every moment that higher power is supporting them, guiding them, and directing them to the right outcome for the collective good. When they take counsel from peers, it is after they have interpreted guidance and wisdom from meditation and prayer.

3) Powerful manifestors understand that everything is energy, and they use tools to strengthen and direct that energy. Crystals, herbs, essential oils, and magical tools of all kinds can help attune us to a high vibration that is aligned with creation, success, and happiness. People who manifest understand that these tools were implanted in the Earth to support our well being and our soul’s path.

4) Powerful manifestors prioritize health, peace, and happiness. They also prioritize these things for others in their life, too. Because manifestors understand the science of frequency, they have learned that when a person’s vibration is high, they attract not only power, success, and prosperity but they also attact physical health, peace, rest, joy, and relaxation. They know that stress, anger, anxiety, hate, sadness, and sickness prevent success and manifestation so they take excessively good care of their bodies and minds, by eating right, exercising, meditating, fasting when needed, and maintaining close relationships with people they love.

5) Powerful manifestors look up and around when others look down. When people are afraid or anxious, they look down – have you noticed? Down at their feet, at their footsteps, head hung low. But manifestors know that during times of chaos, the answers we seek are around us, above us, but not below us. By finding others who are also seeking elevated solutions and high vibrations, we know that we can strengthen our own vibration and create a solid network of others whose energies can be harnessed to fuel our own – and vice versa. In other words, when they go low, we go high.

Begin this path today by becoming mindful of your thoughts, your vision, your internal monologue, your network of peers, your personal wellness habits, and your surroundings.

Declutter your home and make sure that the items around you support a high internal frequency. Eat three balanced meals a day and increase your intake of fresh water and vitamins. Go to sleep earlier and make sure you get at least 6-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. If people around you are complaining or angry, create distance in those relationships and remind them to monitor their own frequencies, taking responsibility for the energies they bring.

Make YOUR happiness, peace, clarity, wellness, and joy a priority each day. Play more music, get outside and breathe fresh air, find laughter and joy in simple moments, and drink more tea.

ENJOY your life and begin to see the fruits of your steady labor return to you with ease.

Amen, A’ho, So it is.


Using Large Crystals
~Energy Muse

We learn to raise our vibrations through the practice of meditation, crystal healing and yoga. But holding on to those high vibrations can be difficult when we return to work, interact with low energy people and become bombarded by the news and media. Using large crystals in the home raises the energy of your space, which in turn raises the vibration of your body and mind.

Large crystals are create a BIG impact on your space because they hold the presence and energy of the earth. They remind us to connect with the divine that created everything with the intention of love, compassion and abundance. Keeping larger crystals in each room in your home will help foster a deeper spiritual life as your vibration begins to rise. Simply seeing a beautiful piece of the earth everyday will begin to transform your mindset.


Alcohado – Bay Rum and Other Waters

We add more plant extracts, called essential oils. These oils are Eucalyptus, Mint, Camphor and others but we cannot divulge all our recipe!

Selected Spiritual Waters

Holy Water may be made by putting three pinches of salt into a vial of water and fervently praying the 23rd Psalm over it.

Peace-Water is used to bring peace to an environment as well as to prevent negative people and/or entities from entering the household. It may be sprinkled in the four corners of a room, or the four corners of a property. To make peace-water brew a tea of fresh basil leaves, add a splash of bay rum and a few drops of liquid bluing.

War-Water is used to bring about disruption in a household by forcing its inhabitants to fuss and fight with one another. To make effective war water, place three iron nails in a glass jar of water add some magnetic sand and Spanish Moss. Traditionally, to use war-water you would break the glass jar on the doorstep of your enemy where he or she would step in the mess and be “poisoned through the feet”.

Bay-Rum is an astringent perfume that has famously been used by men as an aftershave. It can be placed in baths for personal cleansing, used as an offering to spirits, or placed on the tip of a broom which is used to sweep a carpet to cleanse it of evil messes. To make bay rum add bay-leaves and allspice berries to a bottle of rum.

Florida-Water is a floral scented water that was originally used as a perfume cologne by both men and women in the 19th century. It has many and varied uses in the Hoodoo Tradition such as an offering for spirits, protection of the home (by putting it in a spray bottle and misting it in the air), protection, and cleansing objects in a similar manner as Holy-Water.

Blue Water is used to rid a person or place of negative energy, hexes, and crossed-conditions. It can easily be made by adding liquid bluing to tap water and adding a pinch of salt. Pray the 23rd Psalm over the water and make the sign of the cross to seal the working. There are several ways of using Blue-Water from taking a spiritual bath, adding it to scrub waters, or leaving it sitting out in a clear glass somewhere in the home.


Spontaneous Astral Projection
by Sharon Day

Astral projection is the supposed process of one’s soul or consciousness leaving the body to travel elsewhere. Many work to try and achieve the state of leaving one’s body. I have talked to a few who practiced techniques and were able to stand up in spirit while the body was lying down, but the feet remained grounded and attached. Some, however, can spontaneously achieve this in sleep state without intending. I am one of them.

Hypnagogia is the experience of the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep in humans: the hypnagogic state of consciousness, during the onset of sleep. Mental phenomena that occur during this “threshold consciousness” phase include lucid thought, lucid dreaming, hallucinations, and sleep paralysis.

Those of us who have spontaneous astral projection often have or do suffer from variations of sleep disturbances like sleep paralysis and night terrors.

In the state of sleep where I am between wakefulness and sleep, I feel a bit paralyzed, but also every single cell in my body is vibrating like a million hummingbirds flapping wings inside of me. A bit of the lucid logic part of my mind is rushing for explanations like rapid heart beat, seizures, stroke???

Then, it’s as if a bubble pops. I’m released from the rapid vibrations and I am alert in a strange place. So far, these occurrences more often than not happen with people I know online but have never met in real life.

One was a British friend that I saw in a marketplace with her mother who was going over piles of books on a table. I got the sense the two of them were not getting along and shopping in spite of an earlier argument. I could smell the place, see the movements, knew where everything around me was. I asked the friend where Clarendon Mall was. Now, I’ve never been to England and I don’t have an idea of any of the local places, so it was an odd request I made. She pointed and described and I left the shop.

And my body was vibrating like a million hummingbirds flapping their wings. And I was back in my body, awake, feeling a bit tired as if I had traveled, and still feeling the moist cool air of the UK.

The friend on the internet never mentioned having encountered me, but I did ask if she and her mum had an argument and she said, yes, they were arguing over her sister’s upcoming marriage while they were out shopping.

I visited another friend and described her apartment, where everything was, the odd design of it, and even the PJs she was wearing. She was so unnerved, she didn’t want to discuss it again.

I was used to having premonition dreams and going down with airplanes that crashed within 36 hours and disasters and such, but in those dreams I am invisible to everyone but in astral projection, I interact.

It wasn’t until I visited a psychic friend in Greece that it all came together for me!

I was in a high rise apartment looking out over a foreign place. I could see the sea some distance away. I took in the space, the windows, the furnishings, the artwork.

A woman approached me, petite and dark-haired. Her eyes were wide. She looked surprised and I realized I had to explain how I ended up in her apartment. A man came out of the hallway behind her rubbing his eyes. I realized he had just awakened and it was daylight. He went by and into the kitchen as if I weren’t there.

The woman, however, leaned into me. I asked her where the coliseum was and she spoke very slowly and clearly telling me how to get to it.

I thought she was talking to me like I was an idiot.

Then, every cell in my body began to vibrate and poof – I was jolted gently back into my body again.

A few days later, I got a message from the friend in Greece. “Ah, my friend, I hope you didn’t think I was mentally incapacitated. I was trying to speak slowly so you would understand my English with my accent. Did you find the coliseum?”

Are we dreaming? Is our consciousness moving around at night against our will? Are all dreams projections? So many questions!

Signs that you might be experiencing this mind state?
buzzing, humming, bells, fluttering, rapid heart rate, vibrating, temperature changes, shape changes as if you lost body boundaries.

For me, it always happens as I am waking or going to sleep – in that in between no man’s land.

One thing that is interesting, however, is that the experience differs from NDE (near-death experience) experiencers. They describe floating above, looking down, and seeing a light, and feeling free of the body and rather euphoric and loved.

In my experiences with projection, it is rather like remote viewing – I am in an environment I don’t know and taking it all in. I don’t feel particular free of human body or love and acceptance.

To me, this very fact proves that we will not have those complete acceptance, unconditional love feelings until we are directed to the next realm of experience – other dimension – other world – heaven (whatever you like to refer to it as).

If this were purely a brain function, then the sense of leaving one’s body should have ignited the tunnel, the light, the feelings, the dead loved ones, but it doesn’t.



A Deadly Herb
by Susan Wittig Albert

Botanists tell us that nicotine, a deadly alkaloid, was developed by the tobacco plant as a defense against insects that chewed on its leaves. In fact, one of the European uses of tobacco was as an insecticide: in 1690 nicotine was extracted from tobacco leaves and used to kill bugs on other plants. In 1773, insect-infested plants were fumigated by blowing tobacco smoke over the plants.

The practice of smoking tobacco began in the Americas. Visiting Cuba with Columbus in 1492-93, Rodrigo de Jerez adopted the natives’ smoking habit and took it home with him. Back in Spain, however, his neighbors were so terrified by the smoke coming out of his mouth and nose that the local Inquisitor decided he was up to some deviltry and sentenced him to seven years in jail. (Steep price to pay for a nicotine high.)

Tobacco was a feel-good herb, but it was known to have its sinister side, too. In the early 1600s, Frances Bacon wrote that more people than ever were smoking, and that it was next to impossible to quit. But it wasn’t until some 500 years after Columbus accepted the first tobacco leaf that smoking’s significant health risks were recognized. In 1906, the new Food and Drug Administration put nicotine on its list of drugs, although it was removed after the powerful tobacco industry objected. The first tobacco lawsuit, filed by a man who lost his larynx to cancer, was won in 1962; the first second-hand smoke suit was won in 1976. In 1995, the FDA finally managed to declare nicotine a dangerous drug.

It shouldn’t be any surprise that nicotine has been used as a murder weapon. The first documented case occurred in Belgium in 1850, where the Comte and Countess de Bocarmé found themselves in need of some quick cash and targeted the countess’s younger brother, Gustave Fougnies, who was about to inherit the family fortune. The count suddenly acquired an interest in chemistry and a couple of bales of tobacco leaves. The countess, who never appeared in the kitchen, prepared the dinner herself and invited her brother. After the feast, Fougnies dropped dead. The count and countess announced that he’d had a stroke. The servants, however, were suspicious (wouldn’t you be?) and blew the whistle.

Given the count’s sizable tobacco stash and the countess’s sudden culinary passion, the gendarmerie suspected death-by-nicotine. But there was no test to prove that this deadly plant alkaloid was the murder weapon. That’s when Jean Servais Stas, Belgium’s premier chemist, stepped up, creating the first test to detect plant poison in human tissue. The Stas-Otto method he pioneered is still used by modern toxicologists.

The count and countess were charged with murder. The countess was acquitted when she claimed that her husband forced her to kill her brother. The count was executed on July 19, 1851.

More reading

–A recent case of nicotine as a murder weapon: Husband who poisoned his wife with nicotine gets life in prison
–An Unthymely Death and Other Garden Mysteries, by Susan Wittig Albert (the story: “An Unthymely Death”).


Stones for Headaches

Amethyst, Sugilite, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Celestite, Citrine, Smoky Quartz, Aquamarine

Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Amber, Malachite, Mica, Dioptase, Magnesite

~Patel, Rinku. Crystal Recipes . Acorn Gecko SRL. Kindle Edition.


Pity Party
By Madisyn Taylor

Having a pity party for yourself is alright as long as you learn from it and don’t dwell in it for long periods of time.

We all have days when the bad things seem to outweigh the good ones and we begin to think that life isn’t fair. You get stuck in traffic, which makes you late for an important meeting, and then your car gets towed. You might ask yourself, “Why me?” Events like this one can test anyone’s ability to be grateful and feel optimistic. If you have a tendency to feel sorry for yourself, and many of us do, things usually progress to the next stage: the pity party. You begin to feel like the innocent victim of a dismal fate because you are seeing your life through inaccurate lenses. Most of the thoughts that run through your mind at times like these are not helpful, and they mainly serve to increase your indignation and feelings of powerlessness. What these feelings and thoughts don’t do is change your circumstances or make you feel better.

When you have a terrible day, there should definitely be a time and place to have your feelings so you can process them. It’s important not to pretend that you are fine with things when you aren’t. It’s also important, however, to notice when you’re having a pity party. It’s a good idea to set a time limit in which to fully express your emotions and not feel guilty, ashamed, or judge yourself. Having a friend witness you during this process can be helpful. You may also want to write about your feelings. When your time is up, let go of the negativity you just expressed. You can declare your intention to your friend. If you’ve written down your feelings, you can burn the piece of paper or throw it in the recycling bin.

Try not to dwell on unpleasant experiences and do everything you can to avoid holding on to negative emotions. When you indulge in self-pity, you only make a bad day worse. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, release the notion that you are a victim, and notice the good that exists in your life.


By Madisyn Taylor

Tears are as natural to us as breathing and there is beauty in allowing yourself to be open to the pain of tears.

How wonderful it feels to give in and let tears flow when we are overwhelmed with emotions, whether we are happy or sad. Tears come from the soul, from our well of feelings rising from deep down. When we give in to the prickling behind our eyes and the lump in our throat to let teardrops fall from our eyes, we allow our feelings to surface so they can be set free.

Proud parents shed tears of pride in a child’s accomplishments, a baby’s first step, birthdays, and graduations. Long lost friends fall into each other’s arms, tears rolling down their cheeks when they reunite after years of separation. Tears may flow from us when we are witness to a commitment being made at a wedding or even while we are watching a love story. Tears of relief may spring forth from our eyes when we hear that a loved one has survived an ordeal, and tears may fall when we bow our head in sorrow over a loss or death. Tears born from heartache can flow like they’ll never cease, whether our tears are for a love that is over, a friendship lost, or an opportunity missed. We shed tears because of disappointment in ourselves, tragedy in the world, pain, and illness. Tears of anger can burn with emotion as they fall down our faces. Tears offer us a physical release of our feelings.

Shedding tears can sometimes make us feel better, although it can feel like the tears will never end once the floodgates are open. There is no shame in letting tears flow freely and frequently. Tears are as natural to us as is breathing. There is beauty in allowing yourself to be vulnerable enough to shed tears. Open up, release your tears, and let your feelings flow.


Weekly Horoscopes Beginning Sunday, 24 November 2019

If you`re born within cusp period (16 to 26 of any month); you`re advised to read horoscopes of both signs covered by that period. You`re in the border; you may have influences from houses within those signs.

Outlines are longer versions; consists of every possible detail of everyday and based on three parts of each sign: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Decan; that is, any of three divisions of 10° within a sign of the zodiac. Even if you know or don`t know your Decan; I recommend, please read all three Decan.

Personal theme: I am!!
Fire & cardinal sign: March 21 — April 19

Your horoscope for this week:

Mostly, you thrive on the challenges changes bring; but those currently taking place are throwing you off balance. Actually, these twists and turns are about you exploring new ways to live, work, love and organise the future. For now, focus on encounters and appealing ideas. If decisions seem pressing, agree to plans but make them flexible enough that, as your options shift so, too, can those plans.

Plans being discussed will lead to some swift and sudden arrangements. Even though everything is happening quickly, you aren`t being as impulsive as someone is accusing. You`ve already given these matters a lot of thought so why let this person get to you? Your vivid imagination is both a bonus and a nuisance depending on who you are with and what you are doing. Ideally you would like to use your ideas in a constructive way.

Extra-ordinary career hand-grenades could go off. The accent turns to the sign of Sagittarius (another of the Fire signs); and yes, by Thursday you might need advice. The problem here is that what was once so reliable might no longer be. Even legal opinion could be challenged. Determining what is and what is not possible will likely be this week`s quest; and yes, that process could be super exasperating. The good news however is that Venus` arrival in another of the Cardinal signs, Capricorn, might indicate the potential to form an alliance. This could involve someone either born under Scorpio or who has a track record of coping with challenging conditions and winning through.

Personal theme: I have!!
Earth & fixed sign: April 20 — May 20

Your horoscope for this week:

Everybody loves receiving an appealing offer. It`s just that now a range of opportunities are coming your way. While some are no surprise, others are puzzling if not unsettling. Whatever your reaction, take things slowly and put off decisions about changing existing arrangements or future plans. Instead, balance exploration with decluttering your life of once-cherished but increasingly burdensome activities and alliances. It`s time for them to go.

You have enough on your plate. That`s why the last thing you should do is take on anything more. People will accuse you of being selfish but you`re turning down requests to do them a favour for a reason. It will be a waste of our time and energy trying to stick up for yourself. Instead, just get on with what you have to do. Delayed money transactions will make this a time when you may need to be resourceful. Taking your lunch to work and doing price comparisons will help you save money.

With both Mercury and Mars moving steadily through your opposite sign, you should now be aware of what you are up against work-wise. As of Tuesday`s New Moon you could also determine an innovative way of working that allows you to extend your world – possibly through travelling, education or, at a different level entirely, dealing with legacies and closing of chapters. Given this background noise, it might not be so easy to focus on career matters. Yet by Friday, and aware that certain systems are long past their sell-by-date, you could be interested in being part of a team developing new ways of working. The interesting thing about all this, is your need to propel things forward – suggesting a level of energy that should excite others too.

Personal theme: I think!!
Air sign: May 21 — June 20

Your horoscope for this week:

Urgent as decisions seem, this week`s twists and turns are both about shedding past arrangements and, importantly, clearing the way for new ideas and offers. However, take things slowly, because what`s best is yet to come your way. This is great timing, because ideally, you`ll sidestep decisions until the Gemini Full Moon, on 12 December, when both your feelings and arrangements will finally be clear.

Arranging or embarking on a holiday will provide you with the change of scenery you are now in need of. You may even feel an urge to relocate to a new area. Decide on whether this sudden restlessness is a good enough excuse to warrant a move. You might do better to give this further thought. Someone will approach you for a donation to a seemingly worthwhile cause. Trust our intuition if you feel something deceitful is going on. Not everyone can be trusted.

The Sun has arrived in your opposite sign up and on Tuesday there is a New Moon in Sagittarius. That same day, Venus changes signs and yes, it is possible that a working alliance will form soon after this lunation. What may now be clear is that advice given by certain individuals has been either incomplete, corrupt or simply unworkable. Tempted as you may be to conclude these relationships before the end of November, you will surely have to take note of the potential for these individuals to undermine you in the future. Agreeing an amicable parting of the ways would surely be wise. You should perhaps also seek advice as to how privacy and discretion can be secured.

Personal theme: I feel!!
Water & cardinal sign: June 21 — July 22

Your horoscope for this week:

For ages you`ve been trying to disentangle yourself from demanding arrangements, some longstanding but others relatively recent. The real problem is with the foundation on which these are based shifting, everybody`s uneasy – if not seeking alternatives. Join in, discussing ideas you`ve had in mind for ages but couldn`t make happen. Begin by seriously exploring your options. Between now and mid-January, they`ll come together magically.

You would like to get a project completed before the end of the week. This will mean your days are especially busy. Once you have made up your mind, there will be no stopping you until you reach this goal. All this extra effort will reap great rewards. An impractical friend will try your patience. You`re tired of having to fix their mistakes and the best thing you can do is keep out of their way.

Tuesday`s new moon is in Sagittarius (one of the Fire signs). That event coincides with Venus` arrival in your opposite sign. The two things together suggest a new professional arrangement. It may be that someone from abroad, from the field of higher education or who is well travelled, will seek your advice. Perhaps they feel that they can`t make their next professional move without your assistance. Exciting as this may be, it will surely require you to adjust your daily routine more than once: and therein lies the major difficulty. Juggling so many interests could prove exhausting. On the very considerable upside however, the fact that both Mercury and Mars are passing through another of the Water signs, Scorpio, indicates that a part of you will enjoys dancing to these new tunes seeing that these will bring more opportunities next year.

Personal theme: I will!!
Fire & fixed sign: July 23 — August 22

Your horoscope for this week:

Those who make decisions on your behalf, then inform you what`s been organised afterwards are infuriating. Yet not only is this what you`re facing, often destiny itself will reorganise elements of your life. Ironically, once you`re viewing events in retrospect, you`ll recognise these as breakthroughs. Knowing that, explore everything, learning from each encounter and experience. Decisions? Ideally, they`ll wait until you move into the new year.

Avoid speculation of any kind. This is not a good time for gambling in any sense whether it is with money, in love, or both. If anyone is trying to persuade you into pouring your savings into a get rich quick scheme, close your ears to what they are saying. You are more in touch with your emotions. Feelings of happiness, joy and affection shouldn`t be hidden away. When you express your love, it will make a deep impact on your relationships.

Though your mind might be on property or asset management, don`t underestimate your problem-solving abilities. Indeed, focusing on these – especially at Tuesday`s New Moon should prove rewarding. There is every possibility of reaching a breakthrough. Yes, this is perhaps something that you think could have been managed some weeks ago. Mercury though has only recently begun its forward motion.. It will be a few days yet before it`s picked up apparent good pace. Challenges could yet be overcome on so many different fronts. There is the possibility of forming a strong alliance before the weekend and with someone whom you`ve always seen as either `fly by night` or who has a reputation for being difficult to work with. For whatever reason, you could yet provide a united front and achieve what others think is near impossible.

Personal theme: I analyse!!
Earth sign: August 23 — September 22

Your horoscope for this week:

With your ruler Mercury having accented the way you, live, work and your priorities since early October, and remaining there until 9 December, you`ve made many changes and explored numerous options, some intriguing. Now, suddenly, yet more appear. While you`d have reason to be annoyed, these are so amazing you can`t believe your luck. For now, explore, knowing you`ll be making decisions, but in mid-December.

Friends, neighbours and colleagues all want to keep you company. Don`t expect to get a lot of time to yourself. If you are recovering from an illness, there will be no end to the phone calls and knocks on your door. You`re starting to realise how much people care for you. A job opening for an executive position would fit you like a glove. This offer won`t be handed to you on a plate. Show your interest and start practising your interviewing skills.

It shouldn`t always be down to you to resolve crises. Though true, your eye for detail and meticulous approach no doubt makes you an invaluable member of a team, it`s likely the case that you need others to make the key decisions. The fact that they have been so slow to do so, and that their risk management (at least from your perspective) appears deficient should not deter you from moving forward with them. It is just possible that they`ve been working on a variety of scenarios and only now coming to a conclusion as to the optimum way forward. Soon after Tuesday`s New Moon someone born under one of the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn could seek you out. This promises to be a powerful working alliance. The emphasis here is on the working element. Now that certain obstacles have been overcome, together you should make progress.

Personal theme: I balance!!
Air & cardinal sign: September 23 — October 22

Your horoscope for this week:

Judging by Monday`s link between your ruler Venus and fortunate Jupiter, amazing and often completely unexpected events, ideas or even offers won`t just be welcome, they could substantially change your life. Yet, you could hesitate. Sidestep any Libra-style debate. Do something out of character, and plunge in, knowing you can rethink things, if not pull out, later. However, the odds are slim you`ll want to.

You need to put more effort into balancing your income and expenditures as you can`t afford to neglect financial matters. Taking a course in money management will lead to financial independence. While you are learning new skills, think back to an activity you loved as a child. It`s not too late to return to a hobby you always enjoyed or to take steps to realise a childhood dream. Working on new activities will cause your creativity to soar.

You should feel as though you`ve entered a brave new world. Though since at least the September Equinox you`ve likely been problem-solving and possibly assisting someone who is either ill or unable to fulfil their part of a contract, and may have feel felt worn down in the process, all is set to change at Tuesday`s New Moon. It`s then that you could see not just light at the end of the tunnel, but glimmers of a different future altogether. If your scales have been tipped in one direction, be prepared for rebalancing to begin. It wouldn`t be so surprising if someone born under Sagittarius were involved in this; but yes, it`s also possible that the process of moving forward will prove costly. These costs though you may be happy to pay; given that this would give you the edge when further steps are taken early next month.

Scorpio & Ophiuchus
Personal theme: I desire!!
Water & fixed signs: October 23 — November 21

Your horoscope for this week:

Few things upset you more than being forced to allow others to deal with matters that really should be your responsibility. While this has been the case recently, suddenly the tide is turning and you`re not only expected to take over plans, many involve changes more far-reaching than you`d conceived possible. For now, explore these. The more you learn, the more intriguing these will become.

You have a busy schedule and a lot of this will involve other people. This is good enough reason to pull yourself out of the solitary mood you seem to be in. Your friends and family will be glad to see you in a more social frame of mind. They`re planning a big festive event and want your involvement. A special skill or creative talent you have will come in useful in a group project. Serving as a mentor to a younger colleague will be a responsibility that will fill you with pride.

With Mercury now moving forward in your sign and recently joined by Mars, you should be a force to be reckoned with. You might also have a very definite plan in mind. Though others may be aware that something is brewing on Monday, you could wait until after Tuesday`s New Moon before declaring your intention. What you put forward should make clear that you have thought through both potential panel penalties and have carried out adequate risk assessment: in particular taking into account someone`s well-being possibly your own. You won`t be the only sign to consider forming an alliance before the weekend. In your case, joining forces with someone you`ve worked with in the past and who`s approach to work and commitment is something you admire, might lead to discussions as to how to make this a firm contractual arrangement early in December.

Personal theme: I see!!
Fire sign: November 22 — December 21

Your horoscope for this week:

Between the Sun`s move into your sign and Tuesday`s Sagittarius New Moon, life`s both exciting and confusing. Longstanding arrangements are coming undone, while sudden changes and unexpected yet inspiring ideas and offers are appearing, from nowhere. Explore everything, delving into what seems promising. Still, for now, sidestep commitments, instead focusing on what could go and, equally, delve into those promising developments. It will be hugely informative.

You`re in the middle of a project that seems to have gone on for ages. Keep at it and you will start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. There may have been moments when you questioned your involvement but now you will look back and know that all the sweat and tears have been worthwhile. A colleague may accidentally reveal a secret. This information could come in useful so pretend you haven`t noticed their minor mistake. Knowledge is power.

You won`t be the only sign to be actively engaged in problem-solving this week – but perhaps yours will be fundamental for daily life (health-related?). The difference between you and others however is you may be a particularly successful. Next week Jupiter leaves sign and won`t return for over a decade. This last gasp of activity – particularly as the Moon travels through your sign between Tuesday and Thursday -could be viewed as a fuel rush. Following Tuesday`s New Moon, you might indeed have a new spring in your step and be ready to negotiate and yes, perhaps agree terms for a year-long project. Venus` entry into neighbouring Capricorn suggests a willingness to commit and yes, to adhere to certain rules and regulations. Though this could feel most uncomfortable initially, it`s these that could provide useful safety rails next week.

Personal theme: I use!!
Earth & cardinal sign: December 22 — January 19

Your horoscope for this week:

Every once in a while, what seems a minor event triggers a cycle of change, growth and ultimately thrilling developments. While there are hints of this now, once the expansive Jupiter moves into Capricorn, on 2 December, things won`t just begin to unfold swiftly, you`ll realise that often you must plunge into whatever comes your way, and learn about the accompanying benefits, day by day.

A legal or property matter is not going well but don`t let this get you down. If you`re tired of trying to deal with this on your own, ask for help. It might be better to leave it to a professional to wade through all the red tape. Start planning a trip to visit friends you haven`t seen for a while. This journey will remind you of a time in your life that was less complicated and serious. Allow this memory to sustain you through the tough times.

Venus` arrival in your sign coincides with Tuesday`s New Moon. This suggests a fresh start for all signs of course, but it may be that you are seen as a particularly useful potential member of a team and that a considerable overture is made to gain your interest. It is perhaps not the case that you will play hard to get, but absolutely, given other factors, that you won`t want to rush into anything; demanding clarity and time to go through the fine detail before you agree. This could be your wisest move. In early December, Jupiter begins its travel through your sign. You are likely right to suspect that others will view you as a superhero but know instinctively that if you are to achieve the level of success they expect, that you need to know where long-term support will come from.

Personal theme: I know!!
Air & fixed sign: January 20 — February 18

Your horoscope for this week:

By no means are you self-sacrificing. On the contrary, you`ve a unique talent for rethinking existing plans and organising new arrangements so they benefit everybody equally. However, in certain situations you must put you, and your arrangements first, even if it means excluding others. While initially you may be unsure what`s fair, you`ll soon figure out how to make things work for everybody.

It doesn`t matter how carefully a job was planned, if you start to rush it now, mistakes will be made. A need to get a move on could prompt you to do something hasty. It would be better to pause, take a deep breath and acknowledge that some things do take time. Arrange to have some quiet moments to yourself. There`s a need to reflect, plan and search for answers. Getting away from familiar places will allow you to reconnect with your spiritual side.

It`s highly likely that you have a pressing desire to break out of what you perceive as a rut. Yet you might not wish others to know what you`re planning – at least yet. Initially you might wish to undertake reconnaissance before making commitment. Yet soon after Tuesday`s New Moon you could identify a goal that looks attractive. Perhaps following a tipoff from someone familiar with a potential working platform, you could go out of your way to make contacts with those working in that field before the end of November. You are perhaps also quite correct in thinking that before moving forward, you need to know more about working practices and structures. In this you could be assisted greatly by a Capricorn or someone who`s been in position for over a decade.

Personal theme: I believe!!
Water sign: February 19 — March 20

Your horoscope for this week:

For the past year or so, you`ve been responsible for certain situations, at work or possibly, some involved family. Whatever the case, and it could have been a range of such matters, you`ve both struggled with, and learnt from these. Now, suddenly, things change, possibly overnight. While initially you won`t be thrilled, you soon realise events are smoothing the way to a timely transition.

A friend or loved one`s attempts to dominate you will cause you frustration and aggravation. You disagree with the decisions they are making and now is the time to tell them so. Let people know how you really feel or the stress will start to affect your health. Your professional life has been hectic and your work shows no signs of settling down to any kind of routine. It isn`t easy to handle your own responsibilities as well as trying to cover for an absent colleague.

Anticipate a sudden thirst for information. This could result in enrolment on a training course. It might also be that having identified a major difficulty, you know precisely how you could give assistance. Yes, this might involve working for charity. It might also be that it`s an older neighbour who requires assistance. Yet this does also appear to be career- related. Whether you are helping someone to fill out a form, make a proposal, or make an application, your own brain cells could be teased in the process. You might wonder if there is a better way for you to display your talents and experience. This is perhaps a most useful exercise for you to accomplish before the end of November and before your ruling planet, Jupiter`s, arrival in Capricorn next week.

by: arif uk <>


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Like a drop of rain, going to the ocean”
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