GrannyMoon’s Weekly Feast 28 Feb-7 Mar 2021 ~ Thanks for reading!

Blessed Full Moon!

Don’t compromise yourself.
You are all you’ve got. ~Janis Joplin

Blessed be my little witch. To those who came before and those who will come after, know that the Goddess is with you always. Thank you all my dear readers…be blessed. ~GrannyMoon

Dark Moon – Time to Rest
New Moon – Time to Begin New Projects; Birth; Attraction
Waxing Moon – Time to Grow; Increase
Full Moon – Time to be Fulfilled; Abundance
Waning Moon – Time to Banish; Decrease
Last Sliver of Moon – Time to Die; Letting Go
Dark Moon – Time to Rest Again


Light A Candle Today!

In many different traditions lighting a candle is a sacred action. It expresses more than words can express. It has to do with gratefulness. From time immemorial, people have lit candles in sacred places. You may want to begin or end your day by the sacred ritual of lighting a candle on this gratefulness. Or you may want to light a birthday candle for a friend. One single guideline is all you need: Slow down and do it with full attention.

Herb of the Year for 2021: Parsley (Petroselinum crispum, named by the International Herb Association.

Flower of the Month for February: Violet: Faithfulness, Wisdom and Hope

February is Heart-Healthy Month, Black History Month

The Celtic Tree Calendar
Nion (Ash) February 18 to March 17

The Goddess Calendar
The Goddess Month of:
Moura – February 20 – March19


MAR. 4: Celtic Feast of Rhiannon: Moon Goddess, Underworld Goddess

MAR. 5: Navigium Isidis – Egyptian festival honoring Goddess Isis as Lady of the Moon and Ruler of the Sea; celebrated with the launching of a boat of offerings.

GrannyMoon’s Sunday Classes at Sticks and Stones, Fairfax, VA
Mar 7: Face to Face Class: WitchCrafting 1–3PM
Mar 14: Face to Face Class: The Herbal Cauldron 1-3PM
Mar 21: Face to Face Class: Noon–3:00 ~ The Magick of Crystals


Current Moon Phase: FULL MOON

From fourteen to seventeen-and-a-half days after the new moon. Prime time for rituals for prophecFrom seven to fourteen days after the new moon.

Time: From fourteen to seventeen-and-a-half days after the new moon. Prime time for rituals for prophecFrom seven to fourteen days after the new moon. (energy lasts from three days before to three days after actual full moon) Prime time for rituals for prophecy.

Goddess Aspect: Mother

Associated Goddesses: Danu, Cerridwen, Gaia, Aphrodite, Isis

Magickal Attributes: Fruition, Manifesting goals, nurturing, passion, healing, strength, power.

Workings on this day are for protection, divination.”extra power”, job hunting, healing serious conditions Also, love, knowledge, legal undertakings, money and dreams.


High Priestess Training with GrannyMoon

The entire course takes 15 months to complete (four levels). Tuition covers lessons, assignments and instructor feedback. In addition, students may download guided meditation exercises and be eligible for Sabbats, Esbats and retreats with the Sisterhood. The entire fee for each level is $120 (payment plan available), sixteen lessons in each level, except the last.

Ceremonial Cords and frame-able Completion Certificates are awarded as membersvcomplete each level.

Level I – Initiate of the Sisters of the Burning Branch – White cord
Level II – Adept of the the Sisters of the Burning Branch- Red cord
Level III – Priestess of the Sisters of the Burning Branch- Black cord
Level IV – High Priestess of the Sisters of the Burning Branch – Green cord

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Learn About Herbs with GrannyMoon!

Treat headaches with herbs. You’re reading, driving, working, cooking—and whoomf! a headache happens. For ordinary headaches caused by the stresses and strains of daily life, a calming cup of herbal tea may be all you need to restore your equilibrium. Use these dried headache herbs, brewed with 1 cup boiling water and sweetened with honey:

Lavender, lemon balm, meadowsweet, ½ teaspoon each
Sage, rosemary, mint, ½ teaspoon each
Rosemary, marjoram, peppermint, ½ teaspoon each
A cool lavender compress for the temples and a quiet rest in a dark room may also give you the relief you need.

There is so much to learn about herbs! In Herbalism 101, we cover 21 herbs, and you will start your own personal Materia Medica, that we will build throughout the next levels. We will cover the basic aspects of herbs. From culinary to magickal, medicinal to ornamental. As well as the many modalities of herbs!

During this course, in addition to the on-line lessons and hands-on projects that you do at home, I will be sending you articles, and information, as well as questions about your own personal use and research.

I look forward to walking this green journey with you! I love herbs and I hope that you do to or will learn to!

There are 10 lessons in each level and there is no time limit for completion. You may study at your own pace! There are no texts to purchase.

For more info or to join my class, click here!

The cost for Level 1 is $50.00 or the entire Healing Arts Course (1-3)for $150.00, which includes a free Reiki certification course when all three are ordered!


The Goddess School Grimoire
Hardcover: $39.45
Softback: $26.95
eBook (PDF): $6.25

The Goddess School Grimoire is a collection of recipes, artwork, poetry, prose, prayers, rituals, spells, and practical Goddess wisdom put together by the teachers, students, alumni, and friends of The Sisters of the Burning Branch Goddess School. The sisterhood is dedicated to restoring spiritual balance by returning the Divine Feminine to her rightful place and by assisting women in their personal and spiritual development. Since being founded by Head and High Mother Priestess Grandmother Moon in 2000, The Goddess School ( has grown into a large and beautiful global community of women.

Biddy Tarot
Card of the Week: The Sun

Are you basking in the energy of the Sun?

The Sun represents success, radiance and abundance. This beautiful, warm energy is what gets you through the tough times and helps you succeed. You are in a position where you can share your highest qualities and achievements with others.

Radiate who you are and what you stand for; shine your love on those you care about. You may find people drawn to you because you can always see the bright side and bring such warmth to their lives.
If you are going through a difficult time, the Sun brings you the message you have been waiting for: that things will get better, a lot better! Through the challenges along your path, you discover who you are and why you’re here.

Ask the Tarot: What do you feel really good about right now?


Coventry Creations
March 1, 2021 – March 7, 2021

We begin the month of March a lot differently than we began the last fourteen months.
We start the week off with the Moon moving through fair-and-balanced Libra. Minor relationship issues may surface on Tuesday but should be easily resolved.
Midweek, Wednesday, is a favorable day to think outside the box and change your relationship patterns by adding new and exciting elements. It’s also a positive upbeat day for socializing and networking, yet you may find it difficult to stay disciplined and focused. Thursday is superb for business matters; strategize a bigger picture, sign contracts, engage with partners or even begin an advertising campaign.
The weekend is a fine time to relax and enjoy yourself for a change. Do something entertaining and exciting.
Recommended candles and oils: Motor City Hoo Doo Adam & Eve / Blessed Herbal Love’s Enchantment / Blessed Herbal Energy & Will / Wicked Witch Mojo Everything and Then Some

FeatureRetail 200sqCreativity Helps Us Cope with the World Around Us
What if creativity was the end of your process and not the beginning? What if everything that you have been experiencing is to feed your creativity? What a freeing thought! Creating from what you know and have experienced is the hallmark of many epic classics of music, words, and paint. Ask any creative person and ask to see their best work. It is most likely after one of the hardest moments in their life.

It is a blessing to re-evaluate every experience, not as a curse or trauma, but as a blessing to fuel your future creativity. Step into seeing the moments of blessing in your life. If you are having a hard time seeing them, grab a Coventry Blessing Kit and immerse yourself in the magic of the moment.

Blessing Kits

19 combinations of blessings to awaken in your life (Including Muse to spark your creativity)

March is Aquarius season where the impulse to create rides us strong. Each and every one of us has our own brand of creativity; food, numbers, tech, paint, gardens, cars, and even the way you approach life has space for your own clever spin. Let go of your preconceived definition of what it is to be creative and open up to your inner divine child.

Play to create and you will fill your soul with joy.

Visit our website to browse our unique products, read our blogs, and more. Make sure to check out our Witches Union page. It celebrates the powerful witch in you. We’ve got products, contests, and a Spell Caster Club Facebook group. Be part of something special, our witchy community, because you are special. You can do magic!

Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter for more Coventry magic delivered right to your inbox.

RetailAstroMagic 2021It’s Here! Factual Uncomfortable Truths
March 2021, Pisces season is an energy that many are uncomfortable with because this represents everything that has a beginning and must come to an end. Our immortality-obsessed culture has difficulty incorporating into everyday life. If we dive into the depths of Pisces, we can hear the magical song of the mermaid. Listen close enough, she may give you the glimpse of a better life that is only possible when you let what is ending or no longer useful disintegrate.

Grounding the archetypal symbolism of Pisces into everyday life appears as a deep sensitivity to the environment around us. We may begin to care about things a little more and may find ourselves more compassionate, understanding, and forgiving. Magically speaking, the month of March is about letting go of the old and embracing your future potential. Candles or oils such as Blessed Herbal Needed Change, Wicked Witch Mojo Tornado Alley, Motor City Hoo Doo Uncrossing, and Transition blessing kit are recommended. This is also the month where we replace all our cleansing tools – mops, brooms, buckets, sponges, and outdated or expired cleaning products for new ones. This magically helps us release the old and embrace the new. Start the spring cleaning your soul and get to creating a better you.

Lunar Magic:

New Moon in Pisces on March 13, 2021

The New Moon in Pisces is often difficult for many people to work with magically because of the confusing collective urges. The best use of the New Moon in Pisces is to dig deep into the problem areas of your life and ‘seek’ higher meaning. This is a powerful time to do healing or trauma clearing work. This New Moon forms a beneficial sextile to Pluto in Capricorn, giving you an empowering opportunity to release toxic emotional pain from the past. Finally, the New Moon in Pisces is good for divination, mediumship, channeling, and ancestral work.

Recommended candles and oils: Blessed Herbal Healing / Blessed Herbal Heart / Affirmation Meditation / Wicked Witch Mojo Waking the Dead

Full Moon in Libra on March 28, 2021

The Full Moon this month occurs in Libra, the sign associated with relationships and partnerships. This Full Moon opposes Venus and Chiron reflecting the need to release painful relationships that are no longer serving your greater good. Past relationship wounds may resurface and need to be resolved. Letting go of relationships may be painful, and you may need to initiate this process with care, but the ‘end’ result opens the door for future healthier experiences that are beneficial for your overall growth.

Recommended candles or oils: Motor City Hoo Doo Adam and Eve / Wicked Witch Mojo Outta My Way /Blessed Herbal or Affirmation Healing / Transition Blessing Kit

Weekly Breakdown

March 1, 2021 – March 7, 2021

We begin the month of March a lot differently than we began the last fourteen months.

We start the week off with the Moon moving through fair-and-balanced Libra. Minor relationship issues may surface on Tuesday but should be easily resolved.

Midweek, Wednesday, is a favorable day to think outside the box and change your relationship patterns by adding new and exciting elements. It’s also a positive upbeat day for socializing and networking, yet you may find it difficult to stay disciplined and focused. Thursday is superb for business matters; strategize a bigger picture, sign contracts, engage with partners or even begin an advertising campaign.

The weekend is a fine time to relax and enjoy yourself for a change. Do something entertaining and exciting.

Recommended candles and oils: Motor City Hoo Doo Adam & Eve / Blessed Herbal Love’s Enchantment / Blessed Herbal Energy & Will / Wicked Witch Mojo Everything and Then Some

Rubys Astro Readings
Venus Enters Pisces
For All Zodiac Signs

This transit fires up our fantasies and can turn our love lives into a dream.

The Piscesan energy wants us to share our feelings as it has no bounds in love. We have more compassion and are attracted to people who are left out, overlooked, or victimized. We can be self-sacrificing and have difficulty keeping up healthy boundaries in our relationships. As the walls between this physical world and the spiritual dissolve, we can find ourselves struggling to say No, especially if our heart has been touched in some way.

We can be quite sensitive and will avoid anything or anyone that makes us feel uncomfortable. Pisces invented the word Ghosted, so we need to not push for love or a commitment. Don’t not underestimate our ghostiness abilities during this time. Just go with the flow.

Fantasies and wishful thinking can be strong while Venus is in Pisces. But we must be careful not to fool ourselves by only believing what we want, as lines get more easily crossed. Finding some people may be more difficult as this energy is elusive and dream-like, and it can pull us into a strange space, and a twilight zone like state of mind, where everything feels odd. So be careful not to lose touch with reality under its influence.

We can feel detached from our physical reality and feel as if we are almost outside of it, like when remote viewing. Our dream world is highly active, and it’s easier to cross into different realms and dimensions. There can be signs and symbols in our dreams from the Universe, so we need to pay attention to what messages they are trying to convey.

During the Venus in Pisces cycle, we put on rose-colored glasses to view our relationships in the way we want to (we can do the same with money.) Often, love can be hard to define, and our thinking can be illogical.
But our hearts are full of compassion, especially with our partners, or lovers. In our relationships, we might rediscover a kind of compassion that was thought to be lost. We can feel more connected with the world in an emotional way.

Connecting into our emotions can bring some clarity, as our life is all the colors of the rainbow. So we embrace love and forgive more easily. We seem to understand or sympathize with people better during this time. We thoroughly enjoy the art of seduction, as escapism is a rush. Just don’t escape into drugs or alcohol for a whole month!

Venus in Pisces energy can soften our disposition as we feel more tender and affectionate. There’s a stronger longing or desire to hold on to something we can’t describe or put our finger on, so feeling satisfied may not come so easy. Boundaries dissolve in relationships and often with our cash flow when Venus is in Pisces. If there’s already been relationship or money issues in your life since January of this year, you need to buckle down and be more mindful of what you are communicating during this cycle.

Our imagination is very strong and active. This transit’s shadowy side often sparks our fantasies about romance, especially involving our past relationships. There also can be feelings of sadness, and we can feel more down and hurt over what we have lost in love. It’s time to let go of the pain we’ve been holding onto and release a dream or relationship in some cases.

We can be attracted to more complicated and strongly unbalanced people. It’s not the best idea to go back to an ex-lover that hurt you, as you might be focused on only the positive things that happened and can lose sight of what was wrong in the first place. It can backfire if we try to get back with ex-lovers or friends from the past.

Zen it out and get into spiritual activities like meditation, journal-writing, yoga or exercise, or doing anything that helps you connect to your higher-self, and that will help keep you stay grounded.

Take care, enjoy the Venus in Pisces vibes and work on self-care, self-love, and self-nurturing!

by Rubys Readings


Llewellyn’s Spell-A-Day

Muting Spell

Sometimes we have to spend time with difficult people whether we like it or not. Opinions clash. Personalities don’t mix. It’s just part of life. When you find yourself having to be around an abrasive or annoying personality, use this onion spell to mute their energy so you can get on with your day.

You will need an onion, a knife, and a jar with a tight lid. Cut the ends off the onion and peel it. It will stink and make your eyes water; this symbolizes the offensive behavior of the person and your reaction to them. Tolerate it for as long as you can while visualizing their actions. Then put the onion in the jar and seal the lid. Notice that the impact of the onion is now muted, no longer affecting your sinuses or eyes. Imagine that the person’s energy, voice, and presence are muted too, as if they’re behind glass.

Put the jar away out of sight. When the situation has resolved, compost the onion and wash the jar well.
Snow Moon Cleanse

The February full moon is often referred to as the Snow Moon. Take advantage of today’s special energies to cleanse any water-safe crystals and tools you want to recharge. If you live in a snowy climate, fill a bowl with snow from the ground. Place the water-safe objects in it and leave the bowl out under the moonlight overnight. If you live in a climate that does not receive snow, you can place snowflake obsidian stones in the water to carry and honor the energy of snow. After you place the objects in the bowl, you can say a blessing such as this:

Full Snow Moon,
I ask of thee,
Please cleanse and imbue
with your unique energy.
So mote it be!

In the morning, retrieve your objects and dry them.
Awaken the Sun and Earth Spell

At this time of year we begin to grow anxious and are ready for spring. This spell will help keep you in step with the natural world. It will also make you feel that you’re hurrying spring along.

You’ll need an orange candle, a houseplant, and a watering can. Place the candle, the plant, and the watering can filled with water on your altar. Begin by saying:

Sun, awaken and rise into the sky.
Show me your light and power.
Earth, awaken from your frosty grave.
Show me your green grass
and begin to flower.

Next, safely light the candle and water the plant. Visualize the sun growing in strength and the earth turning green again. When you’re ready, snuff out the candle. This ends the spell. Perform this ritual as often as you like until the days are mild again.
Venus in Pisces Relationship Spell

Venus makes its move into Pisces to day, and for the next month or so, people may be more sensitive or more aware of what they need from each other, and we can expect to have some deeper relationshiporiented conversations. Cast this spell to harmonize with this energy and to ensure positive outcomes from potentially upsetting interactions.

On a 4 by 4-inch piece of parchment paper, draw the symbol of Venus in red ink. Rotate the paper clockwise 180 degrees, then draw the symbol of Pisces over the symbol of Venus. Rotate the paper clockwise 90 degrees and fold it toward you, then repeat two more times (three folds). Kiss the folded paper and say:

From up and down and all around,
I harmonize with Venus and Pisces.
Heart to heart, matters won’t part,
We shall live through any crises!

Keep the parchment in your wallet or purse.
Love Renewal

Dragobete is a traditional Romanian holiday celebrated on February 24. Dragobete is the patron saint of love and cheerfulness as well as the patron saint of birds. This holiday is a day for lovers and a celebration of the rebirth of nature. The patron saint Dragobete reminds us to never stop celebrating love.

Place spring flowers, flower petals, and bird feathers that you find in nature in a circle on your altar or sacred space. In the middle of the circle place one white candle. As the candle burns, visualize love renewed, whether the love is old or new. Chant these words:

May my love be renewed, may the
feathers help me fly, may my joy reach
the greatest heights in the sky.
While my white candle burns
and reflects the purity in my
heart, I desire that my love will
have a fresh new start.

Be sure to blow out the candle after the chant.
Magically Enhanced Water

There is so much focus now on different types of water: bottled water, vitamin-enriched water, spring water, mineral water, etc. All of these are great, but magical people can take things even further. Water is so receptive that it can be programmed with an intention and then, when drunk, this magic is internalized to create its effect.

To program the water, pour the desired amount into a cup or pitcher and hold your hands over it while willing your intention into the liquid. You can then drink as much of it as you wish. Additionally, club soda can be added for a power boost, or fresh produce can be added for a variety of intentions, such as fresh cucumbers for healing and moon magic, cherries for love energy, blueberries or huckleberries for cleansing and protection, or lemon and lime for purification. You can experiment to find your favorite combinations.
Elemental Protection

Sybil Leek was an astrologer, a psychic, and a witch, and today was her birthday. With her jackdaw bird and flowing cape, she was an early, visible witch and mystic who, like Gerald Gardener, was one of the first to publish books on witchcraft.

Today, let’s cast a circle of protection around ourselves, our familiars, our circles, and our Pagan path so that all witches and practitioners of the craft are free to practice.

As you face each direction, use your right index finger to draw a pentagram for protection in the air as you say the following words.

In the east:
May air inspire deep breaths,
diversity, and acceptance of all.

In the south:
May fire burn away intolerance,
warming our hands, heads, and hearts.

In the west:
May water balm all old wounds,
bringing spiritual healing.

In the north:
May the earth uphold
and support us all.

To the center:
May all Pagans live in
peace. Blessed be.


Witch Hazel: A Natural Remedy
4 Ways To Use Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a liquid distillation of the leaves, bark and twigs of a common shrub (Hamamelis virginiana), which is native to North America. It can usually be found on drugstore shelves next to rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide, yet many people are unfamiliar with it. That’s unfortunate, because it’s a safe, effective remedy for a variety of skin and muscle conditions:

To treat irritated skin, douse a cotton pad with witch hazel and apply it to the area.

This treatment is good for insect bites as well as sunburn and windburn, and even hemorrhoids. You can also use it in the same manner to disinfect minor cuts and abrasions, and for general skin care such as cleansing, toning and refreshing the face.
In addition, it can be rubbed into arms or legs to alleviate muscle soreness.
Topical witch hazel has no drug or herbal interactions and may be used safely for both children and adults.


Heartwings Love Notes 972 Grousing Rights

Heartwings says, “Being cheerful all the time is unrealistic and could be bad for your health.”

I was brought up not to complain. I can still hear my grandmother saying sternly, “Stop your grumbling or I’ll give you something to really complain about.” I was taught to “bite the bullet,” as the saying goes. This particular metaphor refers to the Civil war in the US when soldiers were often amputated without anesthetic-it hadn’t been invented, and were given a bullet to literally bite down on so as not to cry out in their pain. Stiff upper lips were recommended to me as well. It was the upbringing of my parents, and I accepted it without question.

Weakness of any kind was scorned and denigrated. “Nobody likes a crybaby,” “Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone.” I absorbed this as correct behavior when I was very young. It ultimately led me into several depressions, when I would find myself crying for no reason I could discern. Eventually, with therapeutic help I managed to sort it all out and my life improved, for which I am grateful. However, I still maintained my scornful attitude toward whatever I perceived as weakness.

In time and with experience I have come to see the error in this kind of thinking. It is still common among certain kinds of people, and it results in a lack of sympathy as well as a tendency toward arrogance. Compassion cannot grow in the hard dry soil of scorn. Because I was not raised to be compassionate, I have had to learn it through a deliberate application of kind thought. For instance: How would I feel in a similar situation, faced with what someone else is, and similar questions have helped me see things differently and aided in the opening of my heart.

Needless to say, I am still not finished with this kind of thinking. The other day I criticized my husband Stephen for complaining about something that seemed trivial to me. He looked at me, smiled and said, “Please give me grousing rights.” Light dawned, and I smiled back. “Of course, ” I told him, go right ahead and grouse. While it is unhealthy to dwell on one’s dissatisfaction or complaints, it is good to voice them, let them go and be done with them. It is healthier to let off feelings as they occur rather than have them fester and perhaps erupt into anger or even generate depression as mine once did. Grousing is a good way to be healthy.

May you express your feelings freely and authentically.

Blessings and best regards, Tasha Halpert

How do you do with expressing your feelings? For best results it is important to express them without blame or finger pointing. “I feel…” is a good way to begin. Do write me and let me know your feelings on this subject. I do so love your emails. Write me at, and to read more Love Notes, visit my web pages at


Freeing Our Inner Desires

Our best chance of getting what we need is to communicate by converting our inner voice to our outside voice.

Each of us has developed an internal filtering process that helps us choose which parts of our constant inner monologues get voiced outside of our heads. Sometimes the choice is based on what we consider to be polite or appropriate, using subtlety instead of directness to try to get our point across. Other times the choice is made based on our expectations of the other person and what we feel they should know about us, our feelings, and our needs. But our best chance of getting what we need is to communicate specifically by converting our inner voice to our outside voice.

This may seem unnecessary sometimes, especially when we think the other person has the same information we ourselves are working with, but we have to remember they also have their own inner voice, evaluating what they hear in light of their own issues and needs. With so much to consider and sift through, we are truly better off if we communicate precisely. Not only does doing this minimize the chance for misinterpretation, but voicing our thoughts it is an act of creation. We convert thought and imagination to sound, releasing it from the chamber of our minds into the outside world. This carries energy and intention with it, making our thoughts, wishes, and even dreams come true.

When we have the courage to speak our minds and use our voice to send the desires of our hearts from our inner world to the world outside, we take a bold step in making them happen. By removing fear of what others may think and expectation of what others should understand, we free ourselves and our thoughts from the bondage of the mental chamber and let loose our desires onto the canvas of the world. Next time we become aware that we have a choice about how to communicate, we can choose to use our outside voice and watch its creative power at work.


Book Review: Roots, Branches & Spirits – H. Byron Ballard

I’ve been looking forward to reviewing H. Byron Ballard’s new book. Roots, Branches, and Spirits: The Folkways & Witchery of Appalachia is more than a book of witchcraft. It is a loving history of the peoples and cultures of Appalachia, one such community from which H. Byron Ballard hails. Filled with stories, wisdom, and practical suggestions for adding to your witchcraft knowledge— Roots, Branches, and Spirits has a lot to offer the reader.

Natural Magic From The Blue Ridge Mountains
H. Byron Ballard is a native of western North Carolina. She grew up in the traditions, stories, music, and magickal ways which she shares in her book. A resident of Asheville, NC., she is known as the village witch. She is a speaker, teacher, folklorist, historian, and high priestess. In addition, Ballard has a podcast called Wyrd Mountain Gals. And she brings all of this life experience into her writing.

Divided into two parts, Roots, Branches, & Spirits offers historical information, personal reflections, and plenty of witchery tips. In addition to the everyday customs, there is a discussion of work chants, witchery tools and their uses, herblore, techniques for using various kinds of water, working with the moon, signs and omens, and so much more (including candy spells which I love).

The book is not laid out like a “how-to.” Rather, it’s like learning from a mentor (or an auntie) while working together in the garden, kitchen, or at the table. For this reason, this book may be more for a seasoned witch than a “Witchcraft 101” beginner. Regardless, pay attention to her stories and advice. Mark up this book with a pencil or pen, underlining various sentences or paragraphs. Trust me, you do not want to miss a single nugget of information.

Overall, H. Byron Ballard creates a tapestry of lore and folk magick throughout this book that emphasizes a beautiful heritage. One that a lot of people outside of the Appalachia region (which includes about 205,000 square miles of land, including all of West Virginia and various parts of 12 states) take for granted or dismiss.

Final Thoughts
If you like to read about history and folklore, if you want to glean excellent information on folk magick, then you want Roots, Branches, & Spirits by H. Byron Ballard. This is the kind of book you can go back to and discover something you missed because it is so chock full of good stuff. It’s even available on Audible. In my opinion, this one is a must-have in your magickal library.



Are Orbs Spirits?

Frequently I am asked about orbs. It’s a subject of great debate among people. Many view it as spiritual visitors. Others believe it to be dust particles reflecting light.

Have you ever taken a picture or shot a video and when you go back to look at it, there is a ball of light or several balls of light? Sometimes it may appear as a person. These balls of light can come in many different colors.

So what is an orb? Why are these balls of energy in your pictures?

This is what I believe them to be from doing spiritual communication for many years.

An orb is a transparent ball of light energy that is connected to spirits. Orbs can be spotted in photos or videos. They even show up on security cameras! Of course it’s fascinating and people are always looking for a conclusive explanation of what these balls of light are.

First off it’s nothing that can harm you. These energy balls can be departed loved ones, angels, guides, or even pets. They come in a form that’s easy for them and extremely easy for you to seed. They want you to know that they are with you. That’s why these orbs of light canopy year in your pictures.

The spirit world is always active and with our world in such chaos all spiritual beings are doing their best to let you know that you are not alone in this world. They are basically saying “We’re Here. We have not left you.”

A spirit being cannot be here in physical form, so they appear in the easiest way for you to see them and understand they are not harmful. So many people want proof that their loved one is coming through in these orbs of lights or through the orbs in pictures.

If this is happening to you look closely at the picture and close your eyes and ask the divine beings to show you and some manner that is comfortable for you who is visiting you.

See what connection you can feel, sense, or even smell. You may hear a loved one softly whisper a few words to you. It departed pet may be Purring or softly barking. Learn to trust this and your instincts and know that you are being granted a visit by a spirit that loss you dearly.

People who work professionally in the spirit realm can often tell you who it is that is visiting you. If you are having confusion about whom it is. They can give great comfort to your soul to seek out someone like myself who is a spiritual advisor.

After 30 years of working as a spiritual medium I find that when I look at these pictures with orbs, I always get a feeling of peace. I know that these gentle spirits are trying to let us know they are with us. It takes so much to convince some people that the spirit world is real. Having seen and communicated with those in the spirit world I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is all very real.

Are orbs evidence of ghosts?

Yes, it can be. Some ghost researchers believe the orbs are spirits of the dead. They often show up in areas of high magnetic energy activity, also known as “haunting phenomena”.

The MESA Project describes them this way:

“Floating globes, or orbs of light, also known as “ghost lights,” have been recorded on 35mm, Polaroid, Kodak infrared, and black and white Tri-X film (Radin & Roll, 1994; Roll, Moody, & Radin, 1996; Roll & Nichols, 1999, 2000). Both professional and amateur photographers and investigators, at some sites, have also recorded other anomalous images.”

I have never found any negative energy coming at me from balls of light. Yes, I do believe it can be from a spirit you do not know, but it doesn’t mean that it’s something evil or negative. I see these balls of light as positive visits from loving spirits who want us to know they are with this and we are not alone.

Keep yourself protected in God’s White Light and you never have to worry about ghosts causing you problems.

Remember we are composed of energy and we inhabit a body. When the time comes for us to pass, we will let go of our physical body and return to pure energy. That’s the same thing as the orbs.

If you start seeing orbs more in your pictures just know that you are making a connection to your loved ones.

If you feel you need a professional opinion, make an appointment with a person who deals with the spirit world. Sometimes we need to get advice from a doctor or dentist, a spiritual advisor is a profession as well. It is difficult to understand what many of these things are better occurring and that is the purpose of finding someone you can trust to tell you.

Your loved ones, angels and guides want you to know that they care about you and are sending you lots of love. Simply be open to the signs.


Methods For Keeping Your House Haunt-Free
by Ghost Hunting Theories
26 Feb 2021 01:00 AM PST

Even a perfectly fine suburban tract home and suddenly seem like the Munster’s house of weird when unexplained things begin to happen, like cabinets opening and closing on their own, shadows walking the hallways, or voices whispering in an empty room.

Methods for getting rid of such energy vary greatly and most depend a great deal on what you personally believe would be efficacious because your very confidence manifests results.

Here’s some things to try –

Sage Smudge Kit

Methods vary, but I like to light the stick near the front door, blow on it gently to get embers to burn, hold the shell beneath it to catch ashes. Work your way clockwise around your house, being sure to move over areas where energy can trap like dark corners, cluttered areas, and when you get back to the front door again, I usually let it sit in the house a while and then open doors and windows to air the house out after. This is said to be mirrored after customs of native people and even religions, like Catholicism, that utilize incense to ward off bad energy.

Music is another tool that seems to show some good effect. Positive, upbeat music or even music (like above) that is designed to scare off negative energy. Play it a few hours a day in areas that feel kind of dark.


In general, religious texts opened up (any page) can be a strong symbol for those who believe. As I mentioned, the method needs to be something you feel would have efficacy because your very positive energy toward the tool creates strength, rather like a warrior going into battle with an ax made of the finest steel.

Crystals for Home Protection

The use of religious symbols in the home are often reported as having a protective measure. Whatever symbol sings to your soul, whether it’s an ankh, cross, Star of David, Triskele, or other, maybe what you need. I’d suggest a wall hanging like these, so it has prominence.

Energy Center

This is my concept that has worked amazingly well. I call it an energy center. When a family moves into a home, there is past negative energy from fights, sickness, and mental issues – “baggage” from prior people. There is also the dynamics present of your own family’s mental, physical, and emotional weaknesses that might create a weak passage for bad energy to be attracted.

An energy center is a fun thing to create. I like to do it either near the front door or center of the home. A table or shelf works.

Begin to load it up with things that are positive for you – religious texts, symbols, plants, seashells, crystals, photos of family, figurines of angels, holy water, family heirlooms, whatever it is that calls to you with positive feelings and a sense of gathering all the best elements together. It is a powerful tool and a good one for your own health.

To go by the table occasionally and touch it, look at it, or even pray in this site is a good practice for your mental and physical strength. It also creates a backup of positive energy and strength that wards off energies that seek easiest entry points.

Confessions of a Feng Shui Ghost-Buster

In my own desire to help those with issues in their homes, this has been a great tool. I have come to find that basic changes in the house and placement of objects, sunlight, lack of clutter, upbeat music are often the greatest relief as they incidentally make the homeowner more comfortable in the house too which creates that confidence (manifesting).

In my own home, I was having issues for a while after redecorating. I came to find out the windchime I hung in the bedroom (southwestern corner of home) was in the sector of the house that would attract spirits. I removed it and all bad mojo left.

I believe too that people who hoard and those who just moved into a place and have it cluttered with boxes and items that don’t have a place yet, clog up pathways for energy and create more and more bad energy traps. Are hoarders more depressed once their home is filled up? They very likely are having increase time soaking in bad energy trapped behind heaps of items.

Like wind, energy finds an easy path over open areas.

Ultimately, it is your own mental, spiritual, emotional and physical energy that creates protection or weaknesses that can be utilized to bring good or bad to you. Many call this manifesting.

Focusing on what you want instead of what you don’t want is the ultimate power.


Gilberto’s Dream by Stephen Halpert

Despite Maria’s false alarm and his persistent worry over the thugs who attacked them, Gilberto awoke on Monday morning feeling an unusual sense of calm and relief. Somehow the fear and stress he’d felt had been alleviated leaving him feeling rested, relaxed, his old sense of optimism back and thriving.
“You look happy,” Maria said. “I haven’t seen you smiling like this in quite some time.” She poured his coffee and served him some cinnamon coffee cake. “You were tossing and turning in bed, as though you were fighting demons. You must have had one intense dream. I tried calming you down but to no avail. Remember any of it?”
“Only seeing Karibe. His yelling! Bloodshed. Then I woke up.”
“Wow, but you’re feeling good this morning.”
Gilberto smiled. “I feel relieved now. Don’t know how or why but something is good that wasn’t before. That much I know. Maybe I exorcised a demon.”
She took his hand and smiled. “Maybe you need to talk to God more often”.
But he shook his head. “I wouldn’t want to take advantage of His time. After all He’s really important. Think how many people need to talk to Him every day. The poor guy probably never gets any time off. Don’t you think He’d probably like some free time to go play golf or just relax with the angels?”
She smiled and took another thin wedge of coffee cake. “Don’t think that way. You’d never be bothering Him. God loves each and every one of us regardless.”
He nodded. “Still, I wouldn’t want to be a bother.” He finished his coffee cake. “I guess soon now I can go back to work?” he sounded hopeful.
She shook her head. “No need to rush. You’re still in recovery.”
He smiled and took a second helping. “Did Eva say anything about the baby’s due date after I went to bed?”
“Just to go slow and that delivery could be almost any day.”
“Doesn’t that uncertainty make you nervous. Knowing you could deliver almost any time?”
She smiled and shook her head. “Not really. I feel warm and maternal.”
“Well, if it were me, I’d be very nervous. “
She laughed. “Maybe that’s why women have babies instead of men. It’s easier on their nerves. By the way’ she said. Does He have a name?”
He paused and looked confused. “Who?”
“Your God.”
“I hadn’t thought about it. Jim maybe? When I was a kid my first soccer coach’s name was Jim. He was a good friend and taught me a lot. Maybe Jim’s a good name for Him.”
“Gertrude and Jim. Our deities.” Maria smiled and seemed satisfied.
Joey came back into the condo with Oscar. He unhitched his leash and Oscar scurried down to hall to Joey’s room.
Joey had overheard a snippet of their conversation. “Who’s Jim, Gilberto?”
Maria smiled. “That’s Gilberto’s name for God.”
“Can I tell my friends at school you talk to God, Gilberto?’
“I’d rather you didn’t,” he said. “It’s very personal, just between us. Others might not understand.”
“Oh,” Joey said. He looked momentarily disappointed. “But OK. Does my God have a name too?”
“Ask him,” Gilberto said. “See if a name comes to you.”
Now Joey looked more confused than ever but smiled nonetheless. “Oh OK. I just thought…”
“People don’t usually talk about their relationship with God,” Maria said. “It’s too personal to just blab about.”
“Even in church?”
“That’s different,” Gilberto said. “You’ll understand it all better when you get older.”
“That’s what you always say,” Joey said. “When I talk to mine, I’ll ask Him about my having more than just one wife.”
Gilberto laughed. “I’d be curious to hear what He says.”
The phone rang. It was Ramon calling from Atlas. Gilberto answered.
Ramon’s voice sounded excited. “There’s been an accident, and there’s a lot of mystery about it. No one knows for sure exactly what happened.” He went on in some detail, then said. “Rosa is worried Lola might have been hurt. I’ll get back to you when I hear more.”
Gilberto closed his device. “That was Ramon. Some kind of an accident in the mountains. Karibe’s big Caddy fishtailed on an icy patch and went off the side of a cliff.”
Maria looked concerned. “Oh dear. Was Lola with him?” She refilled their coffee.
“Not sure. Ramon said he’d get back to me when he had more news.”
“I hope she’s all right,” Maria said. “I’ve always liked Lola. I admire her independent spirit of adventure.”
“If that’s what you want to call it.” Gilberto smirked.
“I think she’s a very good woman.”
Gilberto frowned. “She wants to steal me away from you. How good is that?”
Maria smiled. “Take it as a compliment.”
Gilberto looked confused. “It’s a compliment when someone wants to turn your marriage upside down?”
She gave him her most endearing smile. “I know you’d never let that happen.”
His device jingled. Ramon again. Gilberto put on his speaker phone. “So many conflicting stories. But they all seem to indicate he’s dead.”
“What about Lola? Was she with him?” Maria asked.
“No,” Ramon said. “Apparently just him, two of his lieutenants and his driver.”
Joey came back into the kitchen with Oscar’s empty bowl. “What happened mom?”
“That’s Ramon Gilberto’s talking to. Karibe ‘s car was in an accident. No one knows for sure any more than that.”
Joey’s eyes lit up. “Maybe he’s dead.”
Maria ‘s voice rose. “Don’t talk that way. It isn’t polite to wish that on anyone. Besides we don’t know for sure.”
“I’m sorry mom. But didn’t he send those bad people after us.”
“Still,” Maria said. “Two wrongs don’t make a right.”
“I’m sorry.” Joey paused. “I think my God’s name is Big Ears.”
Maria smiled. “Tell me more?”
“If He can hear everyone all the time at once He must have really good hearing.”
Gilberto signed off. He looked at Joey. “What did you say? Big Ears?”
“Is it OK?” Joey asked. “But if it’s like you said God must have awfully good hearing to hear everyone talking all at once.”
Maria smiled at Gilberto. “Your intuition was right on.”
“What do you mean?”
“Your dream. Then waking up and feeling relieved. Now Ramon’s news.”
Gilberto sighed. Feelings of sorrow came over him. “We were boyhood friends, team mates.” Then he sighed again. “But he’s not the same person he was.” Then tears of relief filled his eyes, and he smiled. “Thanks, Jim.”


Being Gentle with Ourselves

So often we are sabotaging ourselves by being in our own way without even knowing we are doing so.

During those times when our lives are filled with what seems to be constant change and growth, it is important to remember that we need to be gentle with ourselves. Since it can be easy to use our energy to keep up with the momentum of our lives, we may not be aware of the fact that we are much more likely to run ourselves down. When things seem to be moving quickly, it is especially essential that we make a point to slow down and be gentle with ourselves.

It might be difficult to notice what is happening to us for we may be so caught up in the whirlwind of our lives that we lose sight of the direction in which things are heading. Being gentle with ourselves doesn’t mean that we don’t accomplish things. Instead it means that we honor ourselves on an ongoing basis and take care of the needs of our bodies.

This means different things to different people. For instance, it could mean having a session with a healer; taking a remedy, herbs, or vitamins; or getting extra sleep. Putting our energy into ourselves in this way helps create space for a more positive, loving, and accepting view of our lives. By setting the intention to do so, we will be more cognizant of our energy levels on a daily basis and more able to replenish them as needed.

The more we are able to treat our bodies with gentleness, the more tenderness and compassion we will call forth into our lives. Learning to understand and pay attention to what our self needs will in turn allow us to fill our lives with unlimited loving and healing energy and to truly take care of the things that mean the most to us.


FEBRUARY 27, 2021.


One month ago, today, due to circumstances neither of us could’ve possibly foreseen, my beautiful, loving, talented, daughter Polly and I were reunited. Some of you may have seen the exchange between me and my middle sister on Facebook, after I wrote a tribute to my mother on January 27, the anniversary of her death. It was that dark moment which propelled Polly and me forward into one another’s lives again after being estranged for nearly eight years.

Those eight long and at times excruciatingly painful years, brought about changes within our lives which have allowed the two of us to view, understand and accept one another in a way like nothing we’ve ever experienced in our lives.

During one of our first conversations with one another, Polly stated, while speaking of how we should discuss the things which ripped us apart, “Once we’ve talked about these things, we can work toward having the sort of mother daughter relationship we both want and deserve”. These words though paraphrased here, brought me literally to my knees. So, moved by her want I dropped my phone to the floor and followed it in a puddle of tears. Sobs were long, loud, and at times near hysteria as the time which had been lost to the darkness, collided with the sun filled possible future which lie ahead.
There are no words with which I can adequately describe the storm of feelings roiling around in my heart at the moment that message popped into my Messenger window.

I’d prayed for this moment. Dreamed of how it might come to be but nothing in my wildest imaginings could’ve prepared me for the multitude of emotions I felt.

Throughout the past month, we’ve been slowly working our way back into each other’s lives and I must say it’s been both terrifying and beautiful all at once.
Just before the new year in 2020, I read an article on the power of prayer, meditation, and manifestation. In that article the author spoke of how if one allowed it, God could and would bring forth the true desires of our hearts.

Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find where I read this. Honestly, I think it was nothing more than a meme on Facebook advertising a class which lead me to the article, but the words I read struck home and I began a journey on the pathway of faith, such as nothing I’d ever taken before.

The instructions were to set aside one hour each day for one year, during which the seeker would focus in an attitude of meditation and prayer on one specific change they wanted to make in their lives. This exercise was not to be taken lightly. It was not designed for someone’s manifesting a brand-new car unless this was something which was a true life-changing event which would assist them with improving their life, such as creating a way for them to go to a job or see their children had safe transportation to and from school, the doctor or other necessary places they needed to go. In other words, you’re not supposed to sit and wish for a Porsche just because you think you’d look like the cat’s meow driving one.
But I digress….

On January 1, 2020, I made the decision to take what I thought of as a faith challenge. Decided on a time each day during which I sat and spoke allowed the things I wanted to say to my daughter. Began each session with Mother Father God with a prayer asking for guidance and that which to say. Asked for the courage to be 100 percent honest and then, I sat and admitted every failing I’d had which brought us to the brink of separation. Explained to her why things had happened as they did, I told her what I’d done to bring about changes in my life and introduced her to the woman I am today. I also asked her forgiveness for being the mixed-up sick woman I’d once been, for not taking responsibility for my mental illness and I begged for another chance at being her mother and grandmother to her children.

At first, these sessions were quite difficult. It was hard to hold a conversation with someone who wasn’t physically in the room. Over time though, I was able to first envision and then feel her presence there. It became easier and soon I was enjoying the liberation my discussions with she and Mother Father God were bringing about in my spiritual life.
All to soon the year was coming to a close. 2021 loomed on the horizon and it was time for me to begin handing this whole tangled mess over to my heavenly parents. They would judge whether or not I’d pled my case adequately enough to deserve a parole from the prison of loss my hideous past behavior had wrought.
Of all I’d done that year, that was the hardest part. On January 1, 2021, I had to give total control to my higher power and other than a normal inclusion in my daily prayers, I could ponder on these things no more. Had to believe that the situation was firmly in the hand of the creator. Had to believe that the projections I’d sent forward from my heart, soul and spirit had not only reached Mother Father God’s Heart but my daughter’s as well.

As the situation unfolded, I was also shown, that someone in my current life was a toxic presence and incredibly I found myself in the very situation my own sweet daughter found herself in eight years before. I had to say, until you can become a healthier person, admit you have a problem and seek help I can no longer have you in my life. I believe this had to happen so I could utterly understand what it had been like for Polly to say to her own mother, the woman who had for good or ill given her life, who had tried the best she could with what she had to raise her from her life and the lives of her beautiful children, my grandchildren, “If you’re going to continue in this way, I can no longer allow you in my life.”

I’ve six beautiful grandchildren, three, barely remember me. The other three, know me not at all. I’m Looking forward to getting to know my daughter and her family again. I’m grateful for the chance to try.
I mustn’t leave out Nathan, my incredible son-in-law. Oh, I knew right from the first moment I met this kind, caring, young man seventeen years ago that he was the man for my Polly. They’ve had their struggles as all young couples do but by standing on the promises of God, they’ve weathered those storms and their love holds firm.

You cannot know how proud I am of the young woman my Polly has become. She manages six children, three cats, a dog, a husband and even carves out time for her daily devotion and scripture readings. And now, she’s finding time to text her mother daily, and when she’s able a phone call as well.

Now, I want to pass the feather as it were. Challenge you, give your higher power, whatever you call it the chance to work a miracle in your life. Give that higher power the ability to give to you that true peace which surpasses all understanding. For if you believe, it can be so.

I invite you to pray this simple prayer with me…
Thank you for the sun.

Thank you, now day’s begun, all my needs, wants, desires, they’re met.
Thank you for what I have and have not yet.
Thank you when this day is through, I will still be me and you will still be you.
Light my path. Guide my way. Give me that which to do and say.
So, Mote It Be.
Bless It Be.

See my latest book, Pathway to Freedom Broken and Healed: How a Seeing Eye Dog Retrieved My Life at:


Kitty Kat Korner!

How to Keep the Peace Between Your Cat and Toddler
Beth Ann Mayer | Feb 12th 2021

New parents are often (and understandably) concerned about how their cat will react to a new baby. But even if things go well and the cat warms up to a newborn, life changes when your baby turns from a stationary bundle of joy into a toddler.

“The toddler is a little different than the baby,” says Dr. Catherine Lenox, DVM and Regulatory Veterinary Manager at Royal Canin. “Toddlers are more mobile…the child starts walking and interacting with the cat in a different way.”

This may lead to interactions between your two babies that stress one or both out, such as if the toddler pulls the cat’s tail. Dr. Lenox says the most important thing a parent can do is supervise every interaction. She shared ways to keep the peace between your cat and your toddler if, while watching, you observe things going in the wrong direction.

Give the cat space
Real talk: As much as you love your kid, you need a break from them sometimes. Assume your cat does, too.

“It’s really important to let the cat decide if the cat wants to interact,” Dr. Lenox says. “Have a safe space for the cat. They can eat there and use their litterbox there. If they need some quiet time, they have an area where they can go where the toddler doesn’t have access.”

This space could be in a gated-off room or large closet. Try to give the kitty a place to jump to get away, too, such as a cat tree.

Observe body language
Cats can’t talk, but they tell us a lot through their body language.

“When you are supervising a cat and toddler, it can be a totally good interaction, but the cat may also have too much at some point,” Dr. Lenox says. “It’s really important to be able to read the cat so you can safely end the interaction if you need to.”

Dr. Lenox advises paying attention to the tail and ears.

“If the ears turn backwards or they are swishing their tail a lot — that can be the first sign of irritation,” she says.

On the other hand, if Kitty is purring, has forward-facing ears and a still tail, they are enjoying playing with their human sibling.

Keep an eye on what goes on the floor
Toddlers tend to go through at least one phase where they throw food on the floor. Some of those foods, like garlic, are toxic.

“Have the cat in a separate room when the toddler is eating,” Dr. Lenox suggests.

Dr. Lenox also recommends picking up toys with small parts that the cat could choke on when you leave the room.

Have the toddler help with the cat
Pets are great for kids — they teach empathy and how to care for someone else. Getting your toddler involved in care for the cat, such as measuring out and giving Kitty their food, can be both a learning and bonding experience.

“Helping gives the toddler a sense of how to treat them,” Dr. Lenox says.

And it lets the cat knows the tiny human is here to help and provide love.

“If they have positive things they can associate with the child…that is going to help keep a better relationship,” Dr. Lenox says.


Georgia’s Weekly Horoscope:
Sunday, February 28, 2021
All Signs

This week fiery Mars enters Gemini to stay until April 23. (That’s seven weeks!) Mars is big-time energy. It activates different parts of our charts to stimulate different areas of our lives. It also affects us personally in terms of our physical and emotional energy. Read your sign (as well as your Rising Sign if you know it) to find out how this blast of energy will affect you. Einstein discovered a formula for the relationship between energy and mass. Apparently, when mass is in pajamas, the level of energy is diminished. It is practically inert in the presence of pizza with pepperoni, mushroom with extra cheese. (No anchovies.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)
Holy cannelloni! You’re entering a super, turbocharged seven weeks! This is because Mars will be in the part of your chart that affects your everyday activities. The pace of your days will accelerate. You face a jampacked schedule full of errands, tasks, short trips and everyday hustle and bustle. Not only will Mars energize the activity of your days, it will affect your style of talking to others, especially relatives, siblings and neighbours. You want to express your ideas! You will say what you mean and mean what you say! In addition, many of you will write, study and read more than usual. Busy you!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You are the financial wizard of the zodiac. (You practically mint money in your backyard.) Mars will now activate your primary Money House for the next seven weeks, which is why you will identify with your wealth and possessions so much. You will feel like you are what you own. Of course, this is silly, (admittedly you are your car.) Hence you might have disputes about the ownership of something. You might also be excited about a special purchase. Your drive to earn money and act on your moneymaking ideas will be strong! You also might find yourself defending your values to someone. (That’s Mars.)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Hello world! For the first time in two years, fiery Mars will be in your sign for seven weeks. On the upside, this will boost your energy. You’ll be like Popeye after a can of spinach. “I yam what I yam!” Not only will Mars increase your energy, it will make you more competitive and aggressive when dealing with others. You’ll be more of a fighter for your own rights than usual. If attacked, you will respond! However, this supercharged physical energy will help you to get lots of work done. Be careful you don’t come on too strong with others. Even though this is your chance to show the world what you can do – don’t be pushy. Make nice with people.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Not since the spring of 2019, have you felt what you’re going to feel for the next seven weeks. This is because the strong energy of Mars will be “hiding” in your chart. This is not what Mars likes to do. Mars wants to lead the charge into battle! This means you might feel frustrates and irritable. When you try to create a good impression on someone, something might backfire, and you find yourself being your own worst enemy. (Eeek!) What’s happening is that Mars is revealing the self-defeating acts that you do (we all do). Suddenly they’re so obvious! If you want to accuse someone of something, the truth is you’re actually in confrontation with yourself. On the upside, this offers a valuable learning curve about your hidden impulses and tendencies.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Mars will be in the part of your chart that affects your friendships and groups. This brings a mixed blessing. On the upside, it will energize you and make you take a leadership role. However, it could make you so bossy, your intentions will backfire. The solution is to coordinate your needs with the needs of others. Look for a win-win solution. You will also be super competitive, which is good if you’re physically active in sports. Not so good in meetings, perhaps. (Zoom or in person.) One positive influence is Mars will stimulate your desire to pursue your goals. Ironically, you will more easily achieve these goals by working with others.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Mars is often a mixed blessing for some signs but for you, it will be a winning thing because for the next seven weeks, Mars will travel across the top of your chart, arousing your ambition more than it’s been pumped for about years. Once you identify a project, you will work extremely hard to achieve your aims. You will want to be independent in whatever you do; and of course, you will want credit. Ideally, you should be your own boss. (Note: conflict with employers, bosses and parents is likely.) The key to your success is to remember your objective. Maybe you will achieve your objective by working better with others? Consider this. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
For the next seven weeks, Mars will stimulate your desire to travel. However, most people cannot travel due to Covid restrictions (even though a glance at any street, highway or airport will show you that people are travelling). You will have to be creative. What is really driving you, is your desire for adventure and a chance to learn something new. You want to see new places, new faces and learn new things! How can you do this without physically travelling? Start by getting excited with creative, intellectual work. Do whatever you can to expand your mind. Many will be more involved with the law or something to do with medicine. Publishing and the media will also be activated. Expect an exciting time ahead!

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
In the next seven weeks, you might find yourself in a dispute with someone about shared property, inheritances or anything to do with joint resources, particularly money. (Perhaps how to spend a certain amount of money?) This conflict might be about the wealth of someone else, especially a partner. Or perhaps you’re attracted to someone who has a powerful effect upon you and causes you to change? This could be due to a disagreement about values? Meanwhile, Mars will boost your sex drive and make you very passionate. This is a fact. One thing is certain: as you assert yourself in the world, you might discover you have to let go of old ways of doing things and try something new.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
For the first time in two years, fiery Mars will be opposite your sign for the next seven weeks. This means you will have to be more patient with partners, spouses and close friends. Mars opposite your sign tends to make you annoyed with others. (That’s because they probably are.) But hey, your reaction or response is within your control, right? To save yourself a lot of grief, resist the urge to just react. Instead, take a beat and process what you’re thinking. What do you want to achieve? Be clear about this and then respond. (Lose the knee-jerk reaction.) For example, if someone annoys you, and you react — this escalates things and you have a rotten evening. Do you want to have a rotten evening? No, you don’t. Your call. Simple.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Lucky you! Although the energy of Mars is creating disputes and problems for many people; for your sign, Mars will be useful to you in the next seven weeks, because it will help you to work hard and get things done. You’ll be willing to put aside today’s pleasure for today’s work. (Admirable!) Admittedly, many of you will work for the benefit of someone else but this is something that has to be done. Look for ways to work independently because you will not feel like a team player. Do be careful of health hazards, infections, fevers and accidents because Mars can trigger impulsive, reckless behaviour. Having said this, you will take pride in what you accomplish in the weeks ahead.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
For the most part, because fiery Mars will be in your fellow Air sign for in the next seven weeks, things will be good for you! Mars will make you feel confident, energized, decisive and willing to work. Nevertheless, it might stir up conflict with your kids. If so, remember who the adult is. The main influence that you will feel is that you want the freedom to be yourself and express yourself. You will want to do your own thing to an almost reckless degree. Romance will be hot and sexy! You’ll be aggressive in sports and keen to seek out fun diversions. And of course, you will want to play!

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
It’s been two years since Mars travelled across the bottom of your chart. In one way, this will stir up a lot of deep, unconscious energy and perhaps trigger behaviour patterns from your past. (If you find yourself behaving compulsively and inappropriately – this is what’s happening.) Meanwhile, you can definitely expect increased activity, and even chaos, on the home front. Residential moves, redecorating projects as well as conflict with family members are some reasons for all this hubbub. Meanwhile, professionally speaking, someone might block your efforts to get ahead. Methinks you might be wise to keep a low profile – and keep your eyes open.


Every Day is Earth Day! Love Your Mother!


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  6. The Priestess Entrepreneurship
  7. Natural Witchcraft
  8. Practical Magick: Spell Casting for Every Day Use
  9. The Magic of Crystals

10.Introduction to Energy Healing

11.Introduction to Paganism

12.Introduction to Meditation

13.Introduction to The Goddess Tradition and The Feminine Divine

14.Kuan Yins Gentle Embrace Reiki Certification

15.A Year and a Day of Contemplation with Kuan Yin

16.Tarot, Numerology, Natal Charts and Dream Readings

17.Reiki Training and Certification

Herbs!!! Herbs!!! Herbs!!!
Interested in herbs and healing? Learn with GrannyMoon!
The Healing Arts Certificate Program Four great courses! Buy three get one free!


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Teach a witch a spell and she can do that spell. Teach a witch the craft and she can do magick!

GrannyMoon, Teaching the Craft for over 20 years!

“We all come from the Goddess
And to Her we shall return
Like a drop of rain, going to the ocean”
“May the circle be open, but unbroken,
May the love of the Goddess be ever in your heart.

Merry Meet and Merry Part
And Merry Meet Again

By GrannyMoon Posted in Pagan