GrannyMoon’s Weekly Feast 16-23 June 2019


Blessed be my little witch. To those who came before and those who will come after, know that the Goddess is with you always. Thank you all my dear readers…be blessed.

The NEW MOON always rises at sunrise
And the FIRST QUARTER at noon.
The FULL MOON always rises at sunset
And the LAST QUARTER at midnight.
~The New Orleans Mistic


Dark Moon — Time to Rest
New Moon — Time to Begin New Projects; Birth; Attraction
Waxing Moon — Time to Grow; Increase
Full Moon — Time to be Fulfilled; Abundance
Waning Moon — Time to Banish; Decrease
Last Sliver of Moon — Time to Die; Letting Go
Dark Moon — Time to Rest Again

Light A Candle Today!
In many different traditions lighting a candle is a sacred action. It expresses more than words can express. It has to do with gratefulness. From time immemorial, people have lit candles in sacred places. You may want to begin or end your day by the sacred ritual of lighting a candle on this gratefulness. Or you may want to light a birthday candle for a friend. One single guideline is all you need: Slow down and do it with full attention.


Goddess Month of Rosea begins 6/13 – 7/10
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) June 10 to July 7

Full Moon Magick

Goddess Aspect: Mother

Associated Goddesses: Aphrodite, Arianrhod, Asherah, Danu, Cerridwen, Gaia, Isis,, Selene, Sisters of the Wyrrd, and the Norns

Magickal Attributes: Fruition – Manifesting goals, Nurturing, Passion, Healing, Strength, Power.

From fourteen to seventeen-and-a-half days after the new moon. Prime time for rituals for prophecy. From seven to fourteen days after the New Moon.

Full Moon: Symbolic of the height of power, the peak of clarity, fullness and obtainment of desire.

Full Moon energy is used for banishing unwanted influences in your life, protection magick, and divination.

The Moon travels 1/2 way around to the 6oclock position, and the face of the Moon is fully illuminated. We love full Moon magic, an apt time for fruition, completion and wholeness. Some say the magic can be done the day of the Moon as well as three days on either side of it. It is a good time for all Positive Magic, protection, scrying, love, healing and prosperity. Also a good time to grow closer to the Goddess by Drawing Down the Moon

Honoring the Goddess Every Day at
So mote it be!!


Each And Every Day A Feast Day!
Embrace It!!!


The GoddessSchool
High Priestess Certification and Ancient Mystery Teachings
Now Taking Students!
High Priestess Mystery School Training
E-mail me ASAP for an application!


The Goddess School Grimoire
Hardcover: $39.45
Softback: $26.95
eBook (PDF): $6.25

The Goddess School Grimoire is a collection of recipes, artwork, poetry, prose, prayers, rituals, spells, and practical Goddess wisdom put together by the teachers, students, alumni, and friends of The Sisters of the Burning Branch Goddess School. The sisterhood is dedicated to restoring spiritual balance by returning the Divine Feminine to her rightful place and by assisting women in their personal and spiritual development. Since being founded by Head and High Mother Priestess Grandmother Moon in 2000, The Goddess School ( has grown into a large and beautiful global community of women


GrannyMoon is Founder and Mother High Priestess of GoddessSchool, Sisters of the Burning Branch, dedicated to the Feminine Divine. Living in the Washington, DC suburbs, she attended LDS Seminary, Former staff member and student of the Esoteric Theological Seminary, is an ordained Metaphysical Interfaith minister with doctoral degrees in Theology and Divinity, since 1999. She is a current board member of the Northern Virginia Pagan Pride Day, charter member and former counsel and board member of The Order of the White Moon. A scholar of ancient mysteries, Doula, Reiki Master, Herbalist and Lifetime Member of Herbal Healer Academy, Inc. and former VA State Representative A.R.E.N. Alternative Religions Educational Network. She has dedicated her life to the study and teaching of the Esoteric.

Join me! Saturday’s with GrannyMoon!

Face to Face classes at Sticks and Stones – 11037 Lee Highway · Fairfax, VA

On the last Saturday of the month I host the Most Excellent Order of the Black Hat – open to all – a group of solitaires who celebrate the Wheel of the Year. 7:00 – 9:00PM

GrannyMoon’s Herbal Witches Cauldron – Every last Saturday of each month. Explore a new herb or two and work on a hands-on project with us. 4-6PM

Sticks and Stones ~ Westfair Center –
11037 Lee Highway Fairfax, VA 22030 (703)352-2343

Teach a witch a spell and she can do that spell. Teach a witch the craft and she can do magick!

GrannyMoon, Teaching the Craft for over 20 years!


GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Moon Day Hail Luna! Hail Mani! Energy: Female Ruler: The Moon Magicks involving the subconscious, healing, emotions, love, spirituality, healing wounds, children, small animals, women’s mysteries,mothers, sisters, female partners, wives, instincts
Today’s Magickal Influences: Agriculture, Domestic, Long Life, Medicine,
Travels, Visions, Theft
Today’s Goddesses: Luna, Selene, Diana, Re, Gaeleach, Ida, Artemis [Whom The
Greeks Associated With Bast], The Witches, Yemaya, Erzulie, Bast
Incense: Myrtle
Perfumes: White Poppy, White Rose, Wallflower
Monday – Wear pearl, moonstone, or crystal. Use an emerald for amulets.
Color of The Day: Silver, Grey, White
Colors for Tomorrow: Red
Candle: White
Cooking on Monday will improve magics for creativity, insight, maternal
nature, and Goddess-related efforts. ~Quote from Magickal Martha

Hail Tyr! GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Tyr’s or Tiu’s Day! Day of Mars, Ares, Tiwaz, Tiw (from whom it is named), Tuisco,. Magickal influences are: Passion, courage, aggression and protection, vitality, passion, ambition and raw, unabashed power. Mars energy makes the mind acute.It is lucky to meet a left-handed person on any day except Tuesday – then it’s an ill omen. A superstition from areas of England that were ruled by the Danelaw, because the day is named for Norse God Týr who sacrificed his right hand to bind the Fenris Wolf. #FolkloreThursday

Tuesday – Wear a ruby, star sapphire, or emerald. Use topaz for amulets.
Today’s Magickal Influences ~ Destination, War, Courage, Surgery, Physical Strength
Be cautious-especially while traveling.
Today’s Goddesses: Aset [Isis], Soorejnaree, Pingalla, Anna, Aine, Danu,
Yngona, Bellona, Aida Wedo, Sun Woman
Perfumes: Hellebore, Carnation, Patchouli
Incense: Lignum Aloes, Plantain
Color of The Day: Red
Colors for Tomorrow: Yellow
Lucky Sign: Tuesday Is The Lucky Day For Aries
Candle: Red
On Tuesday, cooking up a hearty meal featuring carrots, peppers, and garlic (all Mars foods and spices) to empower yourself for victory and success!
Hail Odin! GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Woden’s or Odin’s Day
Energy: Male Ruler: Mercury – Rules healings, the mind – Use for magick
involving mental issues, learning, higher education, addictions,
communications, travel, young people, messages, perception, self-expression,
artists, poets, and writers
Wednesday – Wear amethyst, star ruby, or lodestone. Use turquoise in amulets.
Today’s Magickal Influences: Conjurations, Predictions, Knowledge, Writing,Eloquence
Incense: Cinnamon, Cinquefoil
Perfumes: Sweetpea, Lavender, Mastic, Frankincense, Cloves
Color of The Day: Yellow, Grey
Colors for Tomorrow: Purple, Indigo, Blue
Candle: Yellow
Lucky Sign: Wednesday Is The Lucky Day For Gemini And Virgo
Today’s Goddesses: Aset [Isis], Demeter, Ceres, Spider Woman, Bona Dea, Oya,
Devi-Kali, Hella, Rhiannon, Coatlique, Maman Brigette, Sekhmet, Hathor
GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Thor’s Day Hail Thor!
Energy: Male
Ruler: Jupiter
Today’s Magickal Influences ~ Luck, Religion, Healing, Trade And Employment,Treasure, Honors, Riches, Legal Matters,
Use Growth, Expansion, Prosperity, Money, Business, Attracting attracting more of what you have.
Thor’s Day – Wear sapphire, cat’s eye, or carnelian. Use sapphire in rituals.
Today’s Goddesses: Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Mlaba Mwana Waresa, Ishtar, Nuit
Color of The Day: Purple, Indigo, Blue
Candle: Purple, Blue
Colors for Tomorrow: Green, Light Blue
Perfumes: Stock, Lilac, Storax, Aloes
Incense: Nutmeg, Henbane
Lucky Sign: Thursday Is The Lucky Day For Sagittarius And Pisces
Hail Freya! GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Freya’s Day
Energy: Female Ruler: Venus – Rules lovers and pleasure, affairs of the
heart – Use for magick involving love, peace, beauty, gentleness, women’s
problems, healing, protection, lovers, ease, pleasure, affairs. Resolve
quarrels today!
Friday – Cast love spells on Fridays. Wear blue robes and use turquoise, ruby, emerald or cat’s eye.
Today’s Magickal Influences: All Love Matters, Friendships, Affection,
Partnerships, Money, Sex
Today’s Goddesses: Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Aida Wedo, Eve, Venus,
Freya, Frigg, Diana, Aset [Isis], The Witch Of Gaeta, Chalchiuhtlique
Incense: Saffron, Verbena
Perfumes: Stephanotis, Apple Blossom, Musk, Ambergris
Color of The Day: Light Blue, Pale Green
Candle: Green
Colors for Tomorrow: Black
Lucky Sign: Friday Is The Lucky Day For Taurus And Libra
Saint Jegudiel represents Friday
Hail Loki! GrannyMoon Says Today Is: Saturn and Loki’s Day
Day of Seatere, Seater, and Saturn and of Loki, the Norse god of tricks and
revelry. Saturday is ruled by Saturn, whose Magickal influences are:
longevity, endings, and homes. Saturday comes under the influence of Saturn.
Saturn’s influence directs our attention toward routine chores, customs, and
conventional traditions. Saturday is a good day for furthering our ambitions
through perseverance, patience, responsible action, and a sense of purpose .
Saturday – Wear turquoise, labradorite, or diamond. Use amethyst.
Saturday is a good day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving
spirit communication, meditation, psychic self-defense, binding, and
locating lost things or missing persons.
Today’s Goddesses: Ops, Rhea, Tellus Mater, Gaia, Eartha, Ge, Tonantzin,
Asherah, Anath, The Shekinah, The Matronit, Mary, Gula, Herodias, Oddudua,
Today’s Magickal Influences: Duties, Responsibilities, Finding Families,
Works Of Magic, Buildings, Meditation, Life, Doctrines
Today’s Energies: Female – Rules obstacles, overcoming blockages – Use for
magick involving overcoming limitations, the elderly, endings, deaths,
blocks, constrictions, and those restricting you.
Incense: Pepperwort, Assodilious, Black Poppy Seeds, Henbane, Lodestone,
Perfumes: Hyacinth, Pansy
Color of The Day: Black
Colors for Tomorrow: Orange, Gold and Yellow
Lucky Sign: Saturday Is The Lucky Day For Capricorn And Aquarius
Candle: Black
Hail Sunna and Sol! GrannyMoon Says Today is: Sun Day
Energy: Male
Ruler: The Sun
Rule health, prosperity, leadership, joy, and protection – Use for magick involving happiness, prosperity, joy, healing, protection, power,
leadership, ego, authority figures, fathers, husbands
Today’s Goddesses: Sunne, Frau Sonne, Aditi, Igaehindvo, Amaterasu, Arinna,
Izanami, Ochumare
Sunday’s Magickal Influences: Health, Healing, Confidence And Hope, Prosperity
Incense: Dragons Blood
Perfumes: Heliotrope, Orange Blossom, Cloves, Frankincense, Ambergris, Musk, Myrrh
Sunday – wear topaz, sunstone, or diamond. Use pearl in crafting talismans.
Color of The Day: Orange, Gold
Colors for Tomorrow: Silver, Gray, White
Lucky Sign: Sunday Is The Lucky Day For Leo
Candle: Yellow


Llewellyn’s Spell A Day

A Grounding Charm
June 11, 2019 by Storm Faerywolf

A foundational component of a traditional witch’s praxis is that of oneiric (dream) travel. One potential danger of this type of work is the gradual inability to remain grounded and focused. For this reason, it can be useful to create a charm whose purpose is to act as a physical anchor that can assist us in coming back from in between the worlds after our astral travels as well as align our altars toward the manifestation of our magical workings.

For this spell you will need:
* Some black thread
* A piece of iron, such as a nail or railroad spike
* Patchouli oil
* Some sea salt

Ground and center. Wind the thread around the iron while you chant:

“Iron in the planet’s heart,
Iron in my blood and bones.”

Continue until a significant portion of the iron is covered in thread. Anoint with the oil and place in a circle of salt for seven days. Keep this charm on your altar or carry it with you. Hold it after engaging in heavy astral or trance work or whenever you are feeling ungrounded or spacey.
Dandelion Happiness Spell
June 12, 2019 by Kate Freuler

Bright yellow dandelions grow in abundance in early summer, and although many people consider them weeds, there’s no denying the cheerful, sunny flower’s association with spring, hope, and fresh starts. When dandelions start to bloom merrily all around us, it’s a signal that warmth, growth, and months of sunshine are soon to come.

On a sunny day, pluck a dandelion from somewhere in your neighborhood, hold it over your heart, and say:

“Dandelion, dandelion,
Sunshine flower,
Bring me happiness,
Joy, and power.
Warm my soul
And brighten my heart.
Lift my spirits,
Let good times start!”

Press the flower against the sidewalk and draw a happy face with it. If you press hard enough it will make a visible yellow mark, but just drawing in the air is fine too. Everyone who walks over the happy face should feel a cheerful vibe in their step.
Safe Travels Spell
June 13, 2019 by Melanie Marquis

Malachite is a lucky and protective stone for travelers. If you’re going on a journey, prepare a piece of malachite beforehand by putting it in the most comfortable or favored place in your home. Let it stay there for a day or two so that it will pick up these energies of home. As you pack for your adventure, place the malachite in your suitcase or backpack and think about the stone returning home safely at the end of your travels. If you’re traveling by car, you can place the malachite in the glove compartment or in the trunk of your vehicle.
Fire Magick
June 14, 2019 by Stephanie Rose Bird

The following rite utilizes the symbolic nature of the colors of our flag. It incorporates Hoodoo as well, with its use of High John the Conqueror root. High John is thought to be named after an African prince brought to the US and enslaved. Quickly he regained his freedom. This root is beloved because of its connection to freedom and strength. It also serves as a protective shield.

For this rite, soak a High John the Conqueror root in holy oil (olive oil) for one cycle of the moon, or purchase a ready-made version of the oil.

Dress a red, a white, and a blue column candle with your High John the Conqueror oil. Start at the center of each candle and stroke upward. Then go back to the middle and stroke the oil downward.

* Red symbolizes courage, blood, and valor.
* White is for peace and purity.
* Blue represents freedom, peace, and perseverance.

Set the three candles on a fireproof plate. Light them, and as they burn, focus on the qualities of each color. Extinguish the candles when done.

Darling Dandelion
June 15, 2019 by Najah Lightfoot

A dandelion is an original potherb, which is an old name for “vegetable.” European immigrants who weren’t sure of what type of food might be here when they arrived brought dandelions to the United States. A dandelion is a complete source of nutrition. Dandelion leaves are high in minerals and vitamins and can be used in salads or eaten raw. A dandelion root cleaned, roasted, and ground is a good coffee substitute. There is also the famous dandelion wine, for which recipes can be found with a simple online search.

So the next time you see a dandelion “weed” sprouting in your yard, take a moment before you pull it and realize how valuable this yellow flower was to immigrants. If you’re lucky enough to see a dandelion puffball intact, bend down, make a wish, and blow your wishes to the sky!
Honoring the Divine Masculine
June 16, 2019 by Elizabeth Barrette

This is Father’s Day, a time to celebrate male parents. It’s also a great opportunity for honoring the divine masculine. Pagan faiths have many different gods that you can explore.

For this spell you will need a brown candle in a candleholder that you can carry safely. Light it and invoke your favorite divine father figure. Meditate on all that a father brings to a home, and what a father god brings to his pantheon. Then walk through all the rooms of your house. Light them up with the glow of his regard. As you go, say:

“Father God, guard my home,
And keep us safe and well.
Make this place full of love
And good stories to tell.”

Return the candle to the altar. Finish with favorite remembrances of your father or another male role model. Then give your thanks and let the candle burn out safely.

The Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice (or Litha), also known as midsummer, occurs when one of the Earth’s poles has its maximum tilt toward the Sun. It happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere (Northern and Southern). For that hemisphere, the summer solstice is when the Sun reaches its highest position in the sky and is the day with the longest period of daylight. At the pole, there is continuous daylight around the summer solstice.

The summer solstice occurs during summer This is the June solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the December solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. Depending on the shift of the calendar, the summer solstice occurs sometime between June 20 and June 22 in the Northern Hemisphere and between December 20 and December 23 in the Southern Hemisphere.[6] The same dates in the opposite hemisphere are referred to as the winter solstice.

Since prehistory, the summer solstice has been seen as a significant time of year in many cultures and has been marked by festivals and rituals. Traditionally, in many temperate regions (especially Europe), the summer solstice is seen as the middle of summer and referred to as “midsummer”. Today, however, in some countries and calendars it is seen as the beginning of summer.


Heartwings Love Notes 865

Heartwings says, “Fathers are special, and we honor them as best we can.”

As it is wisely said, no one is perfect, because God isn’t finished with us yet. Perfection may be something to strive for, and attaining it is most likely impossible. People are people and bound to mess up. Fathers can’t be perfect either. Some are cruel, whether consciously or unconsciously. I knew someone once who told me that her father used to tell her and her brother to jump of the kitchen table and he’d catch them, only he wouldn’t. He told them he wanted to teach them not to trust what a person said.

He meant well. My father would taunt me and my siblings when we made mistakes. He wanted us to toughen up, learn not to care what people thought. Did he succeed? I believe he did, however it took a while to sink in. Meanwhile, I resented his pointing finger and his “ha ha” followed by some negative comment. That was not all. We had a lot of fun together too, and he could be very kind. I once came home to the apartment my young husband and I shared to find him sweeping the rug. I didn’t have a vacuum and hadn’t realized I could sweep it with a broom.

He bought me my first washing machine-it was state of the art for the time, with a rubber tub that squeezed the water out of the clothes. He taught me how to dance, and he was a good dancer. He gave me money for years, an allowance that helped greatly when I was first married. Later on he paid for my health insurance because he wanted to take care of me. No, he wasn’t perfect, and I didn’t care. I loved him faults and all. He lived large and had wonderful charm. He had a lovely smile and he smiled often.

I miss him. Yet I miss most the father of my childhood and youth, when he was strong , energetic and good looking. He was a snappy dresser and loved loud ties and colorful clothing. Bad habits and ill health took their toll. His later years were not happy and he declined mentally. It was difficult to see him so diminished. Yet once in a while the old smile radiated from his face and sometimes he told a joke or said something cute and funny that recalled the man he had been when I was little and we used to build sand castles and jump the waves together.

My you have good memories of your father, or build them while you can.

Blessings and best regards, Tasha Halpert

P.S. If you have tales to tell about your father, I would love to hear them. Your emails or letters always make my day. Thanks for any comments, always.


Solar Meditation and Crystals

You can certainly call me a sun worshiper. Being born on the Summer Solstice, I have always been attracted to the warmth, power, and glow of the sun!

The sun has been prayed to, worshiped and adored for thousands of years. It is the center of our lives on earth and we would not exist without it! What better way to start your day by offering your intention outward to the Universe or with the last rays of the setting sun in the evening to give thanks.

Using a crystal as a meditation tool is a practice I have had for over 30 years. Introduced to me by my yoga teacher, Deva Inglesia Germana and reinforced over the years by several other, dear mentors, including Jean Claude Van Itallie and Zachary Selig, it is a wonderful way to empower your intentions. Consider using one or all of these stones:

This stone is a kiss of sunshine, crystallized. Honors the God, brings good luck and fortune. Energizes and empowers one’s self. Warms the heart and lifts/rejuvenates the spirit. Sunstone is used for protection, life force, and grounding. Sunstone is a great stone to use with “energy vampires”, or those who drain your energy from you. This includes parents, children, lovers, patients, bosses or anyone who is possessive, aggressive or overbearing. Sunstone breaks these bonds and allows light, separation, and clarity from these energies. This stone clears and brightens both the entire Chakra and unbounds the Aura. Sunstone does great justice when placed on our power center or Solar Plexus Chakra. Sunstone is a great stone to relieve stress and overcome fear.

Citrine energizes every level of the aura, cleansing and balancing the subtle bodies as it aligns it with the physical body. Citrine crystals are invigorating and positive. Helps steer us in a positive direction. Used for mental and emotional clarity. Considered the merchant stone, citrine is very versatile and is used for mental and emotional clarity, problem-solving, memory issues, will power, optimism, confidence, and self-discipline. It reduces anxiety, fear, and depression. An energizing crystal, citrine absorbs, transmutes, grounds and dissolves negative energy, which makes it a very protective stone. Citrine crystals are invigorating and positive.

Yellow Calcite
Also called Golden Calcite, is a stone that boosts overall energy levels in a peaceful, gentle manner. Yellow calcite increases strength and health. It stimulates the intellect. It can help organize intellectual thoughts and information and is used by people who meditate because the color is linked to the Solar Plexus Chakra, sun and light. It is also an important stone for astral projection. It has been used for centuries as folk remedies for treating the spine, bones and as a detoxification of the kidneys, pancreas, and spleen. In the bath, Egyptians used it for decalcifying joints. Use this stone to boost life energy and to encourage will power.

Tiger’s Eye
The stone for bringing more luck into your life, Tiger’s Eye is the most recognized for attracting money, psychic protection, courage, confidence, willpower, clear thinking and speaking to show us the personal power in life that we have. Very versatile for the Solar Plexus Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra. The root of our intuition is from our Solar Plexus. The “gut feeling” is what’s considered the root, while our Third Eye receives the vision.

These unique stones are full of sun and a bright spot in anyone’s day. You can lay on the floor with this stone at your solar plexus or two inches below! These power centers embrace your own radiance and light, our encouraging and empowering centers and help bring a sense of awareness through knowing our selves and sparking our intuition.

You can sit in a comfortable position on the floor, ground or in a chair. Face the sun, in order to feel the warmth (and promise) on your face. Hold your stone in your dominant hand with the other hand underneath it. If you are using two stones, hold one in each hand. If you are using 3-4, place them in a circle around you.

Create a meditation circle on the floor, your meditation space or yoga mat. Anoint each crystal with a “sunny essential oil such as orange, lemon, bergamot or sunflower oil. Invoke each direction by creating a circle with the 4 stones. Invoke the 4 elements by placing crystals in a circle in each direction, starting from the east, south, west and moving in a clockwise direction ending with the north.

“Stones in circle round, give peace,
Quiet, calming, great release.
To bring about a welcome change,
To meditate and then exchange,
The flow of love and light and such,
To find what serves me very much.”

Close your eyes and breath in deep, exhaling as if you were breathing life into your stone. This sense of regeneration stimulates yourself and your stone. The exchange is the power you take from the stone engaging your core! It is like a battery volting back and forth between your body’s energy and the living presence of the crystal. Take as much as you need and recharge.

Whether it is the morning sun, full of promise or the setting sun, with grace and thanks… give your attention to it. Feel its power and energy. It is the second most powerful force we can sense in the Universe.

With each deep breath, bring the power of your intention to your Solar Plexus Chakra. This power center is our greatest force of movement and motivation. It is from here that we gain our will power. Breathe into this energy center. Sense your connection between the crystals around you and the center just below your heart.
Expand and contract as you inhale and exhale. Take in the sun’s rays and exhale out the negative thoughts.

Release, as the sun releases. Expand as the sun expands.

Take as much as you need and recharge.

When you are ready to finish your meditation, simply (and slowly) bring your focus back to behind your eyelids. Sense your surroundings as they come back to you and slowly open your eyes.

I always recommend journaling your experience. Include any references that may have come up so you can look them up later.

Andrew Pacholyk MS L..Ac
“living life, consciously”
Therapies for healing
mind, body, spirit

What Is Your Pendulum Telling You?

A crystal pendulum combines a specific crystal’s energy with the unique gift of a pendulum to provide insight into your inner environment. We love to work with pendulums as tools to uncover truths about our energy that we may not otherwise be aware of.

These crystal pendulums are an extension of your own energy, and serve as a visual representation of the information that already exists within you. Upon holding it, take inventory of your own energy by observing the movement of your pendulum.


Feeling Achy? Try Arnica, A Natural Remedy
by Dr. Weil

Seasonal changes can set off arthritic aches and pains, but you can help relieve the discomfort with arnica (Arnica montana), a daisy-like mountain flower. Try rubbing tincture, cream, or gel on sore spots. Don’t use on broken skin, and never take arnica internally unless in the form of a homeopathic remedy, where the dose is very low.

To make an arnica compress, mix one tablespoon of arnica tincture in one pint of purified water. Dip a gauze pad in the mixture, then put it on the troublesome joint or bruised area. Look for pure arnica extract for making topical applications.

This is also the season of bumps and bruises. Know that arnica applied to the injured area following trauma may help alleviate some of the pain and bruising that may come.

Declaring Our Intentions
By Madisyn Taylor

If you’re feeling stuck in life and are ready for change, take time to declare to the Universe that you’re ready.

There comes a point in most of our lives when we feel ready to experience a change we’ve had trouble carrying out. Maybe we’ve been stuck in a home, a relationship, job, or a town that hasn’t felt right for a long time, but we’ve been unable to shift our circumstances in the direction we want to go. At times like this, it can help to declare to the universe that we are ready for a change. Think of it as informing a helpful friend that you need her assistance to move to the next level in your life. If the time is right, the universe will respond with opportunities and offers designed to help you create the change you wish to see.

You can begin the process of making your declaration by getting clear within yourself about what exactly you want to change. Whenever we ask anyone for help, they can assist us that much better if we are specific. The universe also appreciates our clarity and has an easier time answering a direct communication than a vague yearning. When you are clear on what you want, write your declaration on a piece of paper and place it on your altar, if you have one. If you don’t, you can also place it under your pillow or in a box on your nightstand. Set aside a period of time every day to be silent with your wishes for change, repeating your declaration like a mantra. This lets the universe know that you are ready to change and will be receptive to its efforts.

Feel free to continue to refine and redefine your declaration, and remember to be open to the many different ways in which the change you seek might come to be. Remember also to be active in your own efforts, taking opportunities that come your way, watching for signs, and always taking responsibility for your intentions. If things don’t happen quickly, try not to be discouraged; it might take time to free up energy that has been blocked and possibly serving a purpose beyond what we can understand. If you continue your conversation with the universe, declaring yourself clearly and openly, you cannot help but experience the magic of changing and being changed.


Stephen Halpert

When he looked in the mirror Vince Crosetti could see he was just starting to appear middle aged. However, with the right clothes–he bought his jeans in a trendy shop, and a little hair dye to cover the gray, he could still pass for much younger. Admittedly, he was vain.
Sitting in a booth in the bistro across from the Aquarium, Vince took a pull from his bottle and set his beer aside. He smiled at the enchanting young thing across from him. Her brightly colored kerchief was tied under her chin; Vince thought her raincoat had seen better days.
Her smile was absolutely fetching. He had always been drawn to that innocent, helpless look. Like the daughters he might have had. They would have looked at him like that.
She looked so young. Talk, talk, talk, his mind chattered at him. Don’t just sit there saying nothing or she’ll go away.
He cleared his throat and turned on the charm. “Bet you didn’t know when you saw me outside the aquarium that I’m a monster.” Did she flinch? Or was that his imagination. He grinned. “Could you have guessed from looking at me that I play monsters in the movies?”
She raised her eyebrows. “Monster,” he repeated squinting his eyes and lowering his voice. Then he laughed. “But you’d never recognize me through that makeup and plastic” He frowned. “These days it’s all special effects.”
She smiled encouragingly and leaned forward, her eyes fixed on him. He could tell she was interested.
He grinned. I played some of the most terrifying monsters of the Nineteen Eighties. Back then special effects were still in their infancy, and they hadn’t developed the fancy software or whatever they call it. Plus I was younger and I had trained in gymnastics.”
She smiled again. The tip of her tongue peeked out from between her lips just briefly. Then she put her elbows on the table and leaned her chin on her hands.
Vince fished around in his memory for things that might interest her. “I did OK, and I even acted with Boris Karloff. That was a great honor. Plus I was awarded a gold plaque with my name and the films I had acted in inscribed on it.” He finished his beer. “Keep it up over my bed,” he chuckled. “Kind of a conversation piece for the bedroom ” He caught himself just before his grin turned into a leer.
Her eyes widened. Had her cheeks colored with enthusiasm? Finally she spoke, a high, childish voice. “You have done so much. Your life is so rich.” “That is sweet of you!”
He waved his hand to get the waitress’s attention. “Today it’s computer animation; special effects; high tech, give the audience a roller coaster ride they’ll never forget.”
“Yes,” she said. “You’re right.”
He shook his head. “It’s easy to get type cast. Play an ogre and next thing you know if you’re not careful you’re cast as an ogre for your entire career. Fortunately I reinvented myself; got cast as a werewolf and right after that as a zombie.”
“Zombie,” Her little laugh was infectious. He wondered if she could be Asian, her eyes were a bit slanted.
He leaned across the table and touched her hand. “Anyone ever tell you you’re drop dead gorgeous?”
She giggled. the tip of her tongue again protruding briefly.
The waitress appeared, took their dinner order, brought Vince another beer and left.
She touched her kerchief lightly. Her hair was up under it, he thought. He wondered what color it was. Blonde? Like her pale skin? “Maybe you saw me in Lord of the Rings? My crowning achievement; took hours sitting there every morning getting covered with plastic glop. There wasn’t much to rehearse.” He chuckled. “I growled a lot.” The waitress brought their fried fish. Looking at her face Vince felt pulled into her eyes. Talk the talk, talk the talk, his mind told him. “So what brought you to the Aquarium this afternoon?”
She looked at him quizzically. “I like fish.” She paused and smiled, “And other things.”
“Kismet! Absolute twin soul synchronicity.” He grinned. “Whatever it was I owe the Gods a big favor for bringing you into my life.”
She lowered her eyes. “You say very nice things.”
He felt warm inside. She might just go for him. He breathed harder. “How about I try to find you a screen test. I still know some of the suits at the studios.” He patted her hand. It felt cold.
She picked up her fork and began nibbling at her fish. He noticed she took very small bites, He couldn’t really see her teeth.
He babbled on. It was a good line. He’s used it a lot. “Help get you on your way to an Academy Award. What say when we finish up we’ll take a spin over to my place and I’ll show you my showbiz memorabilia.?”
She smiled. “Yes, I’d like that.” She chewed fast and despite her small bites, finished her fish quickly.
Must be hungry, he thought. He pushed his around his plate, waved for the check, and paid. As he guided her toward his car, Vince slid his arm around her.
She leaned against him. He was surprised at the thinness of her body. “I’ve a nice fireplace. We can put a log on. Sit in front of the fire.” He thought about what awaited them at his place, the velvet cuffs on the bedside table, the silk scarves. He smiled as he unlocked the car for her.
She got in. He closed her door, walked to his side of the car and got in. As he closed his door he turned his head and smiled his nicest smile. “How about a little kiss before we get going?” He leaned toward her. Then something caught his eye. It was her kerchief. How odd! It appeared to bulge, and then it seemed to move and bulge again in a different place. He swallowed, and then he blinked. It looked almost as though something under her kerchief was alive. He rubbed his eyes. Was he hallucinating? He’d only had two beers.
“I’d love to see your hair,” he said softly. “Could I?”
She nodded and pulled off her kerchief. “Yes,” she said. “Yes,” and opened her mouth. It was filled with razor sharp teeth.
He drew back. His mouth opened in a soundless scream. A writhing nest of black tentacles twisted and coiled on her head.
“Who are you?” What are you! Anyway,” he cried. He reached back and groped for the handle of the car door.
The snakelike tentacles opened toothed mouths and hissed.
She did not speak. Her arms came out, those thin arms, and clasped him like two iron bands. Her nails extended and then pierced his skin.
He screamed. “What are you?”
Her mouth with those sharp teeth bit down into his arm. He grabbed again at the door handle behind him but his fingers fell away. He passed out.
Later a thin figure slid from his car, made its way past the aquarium and slipped into the water.


Create a Supportive Life Story
By Madisyn Taylor

We all have a story to tell, but sometimes we get stuck in that story and become our story.

We all have our own life story. It is filled with relationships and events that help shape who we are and what we believe to be true about the world. Depending on our perspective and willingness to grow, our experiences can become fodder for negativity and patterns of playing the victim, or they can fuel a life of empowerment and continued self-development. It is the story we tell ourselves about what happens that makes all the difference.

Take a moment to look at the life story you create for yourself on an ongoing basis. If you generally feel peaceful about the past and trust in your ability to handle whatever comes your way, then you are framing circumstances in a manner that serves you well. On the other hand, if you retain a lot of guilt or resentment and often feel weighed down by life, you may want to start telling yourself a new version of past and present events. No matter who the characters are in your story or what they have done, you are the only one who can give their actions the meaning they will have for you. You are the only one who can define what role you will play in your own life. By taking responsibility for your story, you are able to learn and grow, forgive and find compassion, and most importantly, move on into a brighter future.

From now on, you can choose a life story that supports you. Let it be proof of your own resilience and creativity. Be kind with the roles you give yourself and generous with how many chances you get to learn what you need to know. When you remember that you are the author of your own story, you are free to create a masterpiece.


Weekly Horoscopes Beginning Sunday, 16 June 2019

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If you`re born within cusp period (16 to 26 of any month); you`re advised to read horoscopes of both signs covered by that period. You`re in the border; you may have influences from houses within those signs.

Outlines are longer versions; consists of every possible detail of everyday and based on three parts of each sign: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Decan; that is, any of three divisions of 10° within a sign of the zodiac. Even if you know or don`t know your Decan; I recommend, please read all three Decan.

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Personal theme: I am!!
Fire & cardinal sign: March 21 — April 19

Your horoscope for this week:

Ordinarily, you confront and deal with obstacles swiftly. However, during the next two weeks you`re urged to invest time in understanding what`s behind those issues, then deal with them slowly. Out of character as this may be, what you learn could broaden horizons or lead to worthwhile encounters. In every case, this will be helpful now but equally useful over the months and even years to come.

An open-minded attitude will attract a special educational opportunity. If it`s a while since you were at school, swallow your fears and dive right in. You`re never too old to learn. Anything that stretches your mind and challenges your views will bring you a lot of pleasure. A young friend or workmate is trying to prove themselves in some way. You`ve seen how hard they have been working and you will be the first to encourage them in any way you can.

A working week that begins with a Full Moon (Monday) and concludes with a solstice (Friday) could be life changing. Those are only two facts marking this week as super special. At the solstice Mars (your ruling planet), opposes Pluto – still travelling slowly through your career zone. So yes, there is the possibility of major career development. There is also the possibility of either making a property move or effecting major renovation. Anticipate your decisions being much talked about and that for there to be times when you feel emotionally volatile (yes even more than usual). Take care then that you don`t self- sabotage and think back to times when you`ve let your heart rule your head and haven`t applied enough logic or long-term thinking.

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Personal theme: I have!!
Earth & fixed sign: April 20 — May 20

Your horoscope for this week:

Appealing as the ideas or offers currently in the air may be, they`d require changes far more extensive than you`re happy with. Still, consider these. Once you`ve learnt more, you`ll realise you`ve already undertaken some of these changes, although in a slightly different form. This kick-start a process of exploration that will benefit you hugely now, and even more, as the future unfolds.

Your home life isn`t as good as it could be due to misunderstandings or arguments in the family. You wish some people would make the effort to get on better together. Although you have a strong suspicion about who is to blame, it`s important to be objective. A new cash deal is worth thinking about if the aim is to get you out of a temporary financial quandary. Talk this over with a friend whose discretion and wisdom you admire and respect.

This working week begins with a Full Moon and concludes with a solstice that it`s self-coincides with Mars` opposition to Pluto; and yes, there is likely drama in the air. A strong possibility is reaching a commercial turning point -perhaps selling an item or service. Another is picking up an item at near bargain basement price. Either way the focus is on valuation. Those of your sign have known financial acumen. Though others might attempt to brow-beat you, they`re likely on a hide into nothing given that Uranus is now in your sign boosting your ability to stand firm. On that note, you might do well to join forces with a Cancer or Capricorn (or both) who may be your best allies presently.

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Personal theme: I think!!
Air sign: May 21 — June 20

Your horoscope for this week:

This week`s frequent and often irritating obstacles will be an opportunity to deal with, and put to rest, persistent issues. Once you understand that, you`ll rather enjoy the process. Some will take only minutes; but others will seem as if you`re solving a complex puzzle, one that develops new twists as you proceed. Still, what you learn will justify the frustration, and patience, required.

You need to get closer to a goal that seems slightly out of reach. You can`t see yourself succeeding but it is possible. All you have to do is make a determined effort. Negative thinking will make the situation look worse. Trust in your ability to achieve the success you desire. Focus on uplifting subjects when you`re feeling low. Find a way to fight lethargic feelings and you will find the willpower to make some fine accomplishments.

This is likely to prove a week of high drama for all sign but, especially, so for Gemini. It all starts (kicks off?) with Monday`s Full Moon in your opposite sign and a commercial challenge. The working week then concludes with Friday`s solstice which itself coincides with the opposition of Mars to Pluto. Boundaries will no doubt be challenged. You could feel this at the financial level. Certainly, you might agree that a power struggle is taking place. Midst all this, the fact that a Capricorn or an administrator doesn`t appear to be listening to your concerns has the potential to leave you unsettled over the weekend. You might need the services of a referee or someone versed in taking notes (a Virgo?) who then has evidence to show at an important meeting next week.

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Personal theme: I feel!!
Water & cardinal sign: June 21 — July 22

Your horoscope for this week:

Arrangements you`ve struggled to organise are coming undone. Actually, while changes are necessary, their timing or and results will remain unclear. Be patient.. This is part of the cycle of growth and expansion that climaxes with the Cancer eclipsed New Moon on 2 July and, equally, the Cancer lunar eclipse on 10 January 2020. For now, focus on everyday plans. Long term arrangements can and should wait.

If you`re aiming for a special target, set a deadline. Break your goal down into small steps. The first one will be the hardest but once you`ve made a start, it will get easier. Do at least one thing every day that will take you closer to your goal. Plans you`re making for the future could be expensive. A down payment shouldn`t be too hard to find but check out whether you can afford all repayments before making a heavy financial commitment.

The week begins with a Full Moon (and yes, there is the potential for you to over-react to events and need extra time out to process). It concludes with the solstice when the Sun enters your sign. This event coincides with an opposition of Mars (in Cancer) to Pluto suggesting that this birthday period will be marked by dramatic events. True, these could be property related. It`s perhaps as likely that family matters will demand extra attention with you called in to referee a situation that looks to be self-sabotaging those involved. All this has the potential to damage career development. Indeed, you might even wonder if you need to turn down a potential advancement. The art may be to defer any major decisions until after the coming eclipses (July 2 and 16). Support for this plan of action could come from a Capricorn who understands exactly your position and how much you are juggling.

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Personal theme: I will!!
Fire & fixed sign: July 23 — August 22

Your horoscope for this week:

Being a fire sign, patience isn`t your strength. What`s more, with others taking the lead in several situations, you`re able to reflect on what works, what doesn`t and what you`re ready to say farewell to. This is perfect timing. You`re not only decluttering your thinking and life, when edgy, impatient Mars moves into Leo on 1 July, you`ll be free and ready to make pivotal decisions.

Emotionally, you`re being pulled in different directions. You long to make some changes but you know your partner will be upset by your plans. Instead of keeping your feelings bottled up inside, talk things over and you might be able to find a compromise. A workmate`s behaviour is starting to annoy you. They`re sulking about something that occurred a while ago. If you said things you now regret, swallow your pride and make an effort to repair a misunderstanding.

It`s the solstice at the end of this week and that usually marks a change of gear. This time it could be a dramatic one as on the same day, Mars opposes Pluto. This is often seen as an intense, passion and even violent encounter. The stage for this dramatic turn of events will likely be set on Monday when you could be alerted to the very real possibility that someone is changing their mind about a plan that you thought was sealed some days ago. Understandably, this would lead to intense discussion. The strong possibility is that a colleague feels that more is being demanded of them than they are able to give. Of course, it`s possible that they are dealing with intense family or property issues and simply can`t put your concerns about a working matter at the top of their agenda. Things will change as they always do.. The art presently may be to ensure that your assets (mental health as much as financial) are not compromised.

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Personal theme: I analyse!!
Earth sign: August 23 — September 22

Your horoscope for this week:

While often your perspective is highly intuitive, you`re still hesitant about making plans without solid facts to back things up; but, as is already clear, with far-reaching changes reshaping the foundation on which plans would be based, it`s about trusting your instincts or waiting, and for a very long time. Plunge in. Once you begin, you`ll rather enjoy relying on feelings over facts, more than ever.

Keep up to date with what`s going on in your community. You don`t want to miss out on some fun social opportunities. As it is, mixing with friends and neighbours will lift your spirits. It would do you good to take a break from familiar routines to build a supportive social network. An older relative will accuse you of being selfish but this isn`t so. You`ve done a lot for your family recently and now you`re simply turning the focus back onto your own needs.

This should prove a week of major activity for all signs. It`s not simply that there is a solstice on Friday but that the event coincides with the opposition of Mars and Pluto. True, there`s an aspect like this every couple of years. This one though, coming on top of various other aspects could bring high drama to all signs. Protectionism may well be the order of the day. For Virgos, it could all start at the beginning of the week when an item or service might appear compromised. Protecting your interests will no doubt require considerable flexibility as well as discussion with insurance agents or other experienced asset management professionals. The super good news, is that for the bulk of the week, the Moon passes through one of the more creative zones of your solar chart. Given that your sign is known from multitasking and versatility, harnessing these talents will likely not be difficult and could lead to achievement early next week.

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Personal theme: I balance!!
Air & cardinal sign: September 23 — October 22

Your horoscope for this week:

As much as you dislike committing to plans while you`re short of facts or are debating your options, the current planetary emphasis on broadening your horizons indicates you`ve little choice. What`s more, the experiences you have and new places you go will equip you, as nothing else could, for changes more far-reaching than anything you`d imagined, only months ago; and final arrangements? Not just yet.

You can`t settle for second best any more. A relationship isn`t working. There is someone who has already caught your attention and you feel drawn to. Although you would never deliberately make waves, the time has come to follow your heart. If your job is growing monotonous, do yourself a favour and start looking for a more challenging position. You can do better and you can improve your life but you have to take the initiative.

Career dramas are probable during this week of intense activity. It all begins with Monday`s Full Moon that accents education and written material. You could have profound a major effect and perhaps yes, reach some commercial reward through something you`ve written or spoken about. Then, in the days leading into the solstice on Friday (which this year coincides with the opposition of Mars and Pluto across the very backbone of your solar chart, you could be supercharged as you move your career to new platform. This is not the week to allow your lazy Libra side to take hold. With the Moon making passage over the base of your solar chart, thinking and behaving professionally is crucial. It`s probable that your opinion is already well respected and that you are already taking new place on the career ladder. Yes of course you will need time to take a break but that comes at the weekend after you`ve made all that effort.

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Scorpio & Ophiuchus
Personal theme: I desire!!
Water & fixed signs: October 23 — November 21

Your horoscope for this week:

This isn`t a straightforward week. While that may seem worrying, mostly you`ll be facing misunderstandings or, alternatively, unexpected twists and turns. Although, obviously, they`ll result in delays, what you`re able to rethink or learn as a result will be handy and, in some cases, leads to breakthroughs. The key? Be flexible. Tempting as it is to minimise changes, go with the flow. You`ll soon discover why.

All you want to do is to clear up an issue and get a few jobs out of the way. Yet problem after problem seems to face you. Others will give up but you`re made of sterner stuff. People in power will be impressed by your professionalism. Take note of the needs and feelings of your family. You could get so carried away with new plans and arrangements that you won`t notice this is making someone very nervous. Eventually they will adapt to changing circumstances.

This should prove one of the more important weeks of the year. It`s not simply that there is a solstice on Friday and at that event coincides with the opposition of Mars and Pluto (your two ruling planets), but that this event comes soon after a key Full Moon on Monday. It`s at this lunation that you could be alerted to decisions taken – most likely by people who work some distance away from you, but which will have major impact on your plans. Mars is passing through another of the Water signs; and yes, think of this as being hot water. It`s not the case that you`ll drop yourself `right in it`, but that you could feel as though you are swimming in tides that are tumultuous. By Friday it may be important to make a career decision. Whether or not this involves taking a stand, or alternatively considering a major investment, one way or another, you could be moving to new career platform. The process will no doubt be exhausting and require at least the weekend to recover from before, just possibly, having something to celebrate early next week.

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Personal theme: I see!!
Fire sign: November 22 — December 21

Your horoscope for this week:

Jupiter is in Sagittarius. It`s your ruling planet, so you may be aware of the powerful and positive influence of its presence, all year. However, its current clash with Neptune triggers a review of both existing arrangements and appealing yet, possibly, unworkable new ideas or offers. Explore absolutely everything; but, also, check out the practical side of the people and arrangements involved, ideally this week.

You`re taking your time to make your mind up about an offer someone made you. They`re waiting for an answer but you won`t be pressured into making a fast decision. Anyone who tries to rush you will regret it as they won`t get the feedback they are hoping for. Set up a meeting with your boss to discuss a work-related issue that has been bugging you since the month began. Their response will be positive and helpful.

The week begins with a Full Moon in your sign; and yes, others may well be looking to you to either take the lead or explain your motivation. It could be that this is a financial crunch moment. At a different level, it may be that a close colleague is changing career path and that this is unsettling. Not for the first time you might also be asked to assist with an archiving project. It may be that someone has their facts completely wrong; and then there is the possibility – before the solstice on Friday, – of determining a major investment. Whether this is at the domestic or career level, it will presumably require careful consideration and some sharp negotiation. Yet you`re probably right, it may be that there are bargain basement prices to be had and the potential to attract a really good deal. In all this, you may have reason to be grateful to someone born under either Gemini or Virgo whose perspective gives you an edge in discussion.

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Personal theme: I use!!
Earth & cardinal sign: December 22 — January 19

Your horoscope for this week:

You`re a control freak. Usually you deny this. However, with even simple matters in others` hands, you`ll struggle. In truth, these aren`t crucial and, where vital, you can make changes later. Besides, often these introduce you to ideas, places or people you wouldn`t otherwise encounter. Keep this in mind and, as you face the unknown, instead of struggling to regain control, you`ll actually enjoy what arises.

It doesn`t come naturally to you to discuss your feelings. So, when you do express your thoughts it can be in a self-critical way. You`ve always had high standards and it might seem to others, that you are rarely satisfied with your efforts. If someone tells you that you should be proud of your talents, resist the temptation to brush off their praise. Your inability to relax is taking its toll on your health. Treat yourself to a trip or night out on the town.

The Sun reaches the solstice on Friday. That this coincides with Mars and Pluto reaching the equivalent of their Full Moon phase suggests that this particular change of season (the solstice), will have a proud profound effect on all signs. The lead-in to this is interesting: on Monday there is an important Full Moon. Though not exactly aligned with the Galactic Centre, it`s sufficiently close to suggest that major events will have ripple effect that lead into intense activity before Friday. That the Moon passes through your sign between the two events suggests you will be caught in the eye of the storm. It may be that others look to you to carry extra responsibility or lead the way. In one sense, this could prove your finest hour. Yet it`s also true that you may be dealing with someone (possibly born under the sign of Cancer), whose hold on a project and reluctance to allow others any control whatsoever, is hard to negotiate. Nothing though is impossible and it may be that by listening to their concerns and applying a charm offensive, that you could turn them round to your way of thinking before the weekend.

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Personal theme: I know!!
Air & fixed sign: January 20 — February 18

Your horoscope for this week:

Your world`s changing. While that`s exciting, dealing with the details of life this is triggering is another matter. Yet judging by the current planetary setup, these are your priority. Bizarrely, once you`ve actually tackled them, what you learn about those more far-reaching plans will be made clearer. That, in turn, helps you clarify the long-term ideas and ventures currently so on your mind.

If money is tight. If you`re borrowing cash to pay off debts, it`s time to face the facts of your situation. Talk to a charitable organisation and with the help of a money expert, you`ll be able to consolidate debts into one monthly payment. Time is running short and someone wants to know whether or not you are going to join them on an adventure they are planning. If this conflicts with family obligations it would be better to stay where you are.

This could prove one super-crazy, crazy week. It all starts with the Full Moon on Monday and concludes with the solstice on Friday, – which itself coincides with Mars and Pluto reaching their Full Moon phase. This is likely a turning point for all signs. The solstice of course is one of the foremost powerful days of the year. It used to mark the change of the seasons. This year, it may be less about weather patterns, and more about changing attitudes. What might concern you between the Full Moon and the solstice, is that others are stripping assets. You might even wonder whether or not you too are pruning things back too far. Yet you`re probably right in thinking that decluttering and making space for opportunity would be a wise move. By the time that the Moon reaches your sign on Thursday it`s possible that others will ask for your assistance with regard to managing on less and travelling more.

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Personal theme: I believe!!
Water sign: February 19 — March 20

Your horoscope for this week:

Either you made overly optimistic promises or commitments or others are causing serious problems. Or both. Worrying as this seems, each of these dilemmas is forcing issues you thought had been fully dealt with or were unaware of out in the open, to be discussed, defined and tended to, ideally by a team of experts. Once you have this back up, the rest will be easy.

Your loving nature helps you make inroads with someone special. You`re forging stronger bonds with your friends. You and your partner or best friend can talk for hours without realising how much time has passed. If you are buying off the internet, you may not be happy with your purchase. The item may not be the one you chose or you will be disappointed with the quality once you`ve had a look at it. If you`re offered a warranty for a new car, computer or appliance, take it.

This is likely to prove one heck of a week. It begins with a Full Moon accenting the backbone of your solar chart and concludes on Friday with the solstice – which itself coincides with Mars and Pluto reaching the equivalent of their Full Moon phase. Obviously, all signs will be affected. You though could feel as though your roots have been shaken. It might help to see this as being a transplanting operation. It`s possible that one chapter of your life is coming to a close whilst another is opening. Whilst you might be preoccupied with the past understandably, the future beckons. Changes both within the neighbourhood and with personnel would understandably be disconcerting. However, you could, by the time the Moon reaches your sign at the weekend, feel comforted that a storm has passed and that even if unwilling to accept, there are opportunities ahead.

Posted by: arif uk <>


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GrannyMoon, Teaching the Craft for over 20 years!

“We all come from the Goddess
And to Her we shall return
Like a drop of rain, going to the ocean”
“May the circle be open, but unbroken,
May the love of the Goddess be ever in your heart.

Merry Meet and Merry Part
And Merry Meet Again!”
Goddess Bless!

By GrannyMoon Posted in Pagan

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